South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 20 November 1988
Day ride: Heltor Rock
8 Participants: Richard Burge, Luke Hatherly, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Ian Luke, Mark Moxham, Andrew Simmons
The icy air had a detrimental effect on Luke Hatherly today, who had been off school for more than a week. At Chudleigh Knighton it was obvious that he would not be able to complete the planned ride, so a unanimous decision was made to change the destination to Haytor tramway.

On the way to Bovey Tracey we came across a rather unhappy scene. Several people had congregated ahead of us at the end of a long trench which ran the length of the road. As we approached we suddenly saw what all the commotion was about - a large horse was lying on its side, covered with a coat and being attended to by its young owner who was obviously rather upset. It had made the error of walking too close to the trench, but fortunately escaped with cuts and bruises.

After welcome refreshments in the Brookside Tearooms we were ready for the long ascent to Haytor. The climb seemed to go on for ever. Once we had reached the top, the tramway led us safely across the moor to the Haytor Quarry and the promise of some shelter from the bitter easterly wind. I say safely, but in fact Ian managed to fall off on two occasions, landing squarely in the dirt each time.

Lunch was a particularly hasty affair - the quarry seemed to do little to keep us warm. We were brave (or foolish) enough to climb onto Haytor Rock before we made tracks for home, Mark Moxham even managing a little dance on top in the stiff wind.

The ride was obviously going to finish early, so there was time for a short excursion to the Ten Commandments Stone before the groups went their separate ways from Cold East Cross. Spectacular views are available from Buckland Beacon where the stones are situated, but today you needed arctic clothing to enjoy them.
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Events Index Gallery Participants