South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Tuesday 14 May 1985
Social: Inaugural Meeting
20 Participants: Simon Birtles (Adult, Devon), Steph Crutchley-Iles (Adult, Buckfastleigh), Grace Dovell (Adult, South Brent), Ian Emmerson (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Jennifer Grieveson (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Mark Hunt (Junior, Buckfastleigh), John Iles (Adult, Buckfastleigh), Michael Jones (Adult, Buckfastleigh), Dreena May (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Paul Palmer (13, Buckfastleigh), Colin Raggett (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Luke Rake (12, Buckfastleigh), Andrew Simmons (14, Buckfastleigh), Suzie Simmons (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Marc Thorp (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Paul Thorp (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Tina Unknown (Junior, Devon), Guy Watkin (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Tim Whiteoak (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Peter Willard (Junior, Buckfastleigh)
Twenty people attended this inaugural meeting of the Dart Valley cycling group at Buckfastleigh, and apologies were received from three others. Approximately 75% of those present were of school age. The meeting discussed a wide range of topics and agreed to organise a variety of regular activities for a trial period during the summer.

Firstly, day rides will be organised every week on a Sunday, alternating between half-day and full-day rides until further notice. Rides will start at 14:14 and 10:00 respectively, commencing with a half-day ride on 19 May.

Secondly, evening activities will also be organised on a weekly basis, starting at 19:00 and alternating between Tuesdays and Fridays. Every fourth week will be a social evening. The inaugural meeting will be regarded as the first of these activities, with other events following on in sequence.

All rides will start at the entrance to the Dart Valley Railway at Buckfastleigh, but pick-up points will be advertised for most rides. Social activities will be held at Redmount, Old Totnes Road, Buckfastleigh until a more suitable venue can be found. Runs lists are available from Michael Jones at the above address (tel 43428).

It is hoped that there will be maximum interaction with Torbay Section at all times. Joint rides will be arranged as often as possible, giving due regard to the riding abilities of the two groups.
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Events Index Gallery Participants