South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 13 October 1985
Day ride: Dartmeet
Sunny and warm
7 Participants: Karen Harris (Adult, Devon), John Iles, Brett Jamieson, Michael Jones, Luke Rake, Paul Willard, Peter Willard
After struggling up to the moor via Holne and a track we made our first stop at Hangman’s Pit to collect the (very soggy) letterbox there. Combestone Tor yielded a second box, put there by Peter only a few days earlier. During the search Peter dropped £1.50 in coins and a mad scramble ensued to find the missing ‘treasures’.

A vague search along O Brook came up with another box, and then continuing to Hexworthy we collected the box on the Forest Inn. (For those who haven’t guessed yet, this was a letterbox ride).

Lunch by the river at Huccaby Bridge was followed by a swoop down into Dartmeet where ice-creams were consumed under the hot sun. The ascent of Dartmeet Hill saw the group divide, some taking the road and the rest of us taking one of Michael’s scenic short-cuts up to Bel Tor Corner, passing the Coffin Stone on the way.

After collecting boxes at Simons Lake (bog, marsh, mire or some other suitably wet description) and Sharp Tor, and finding that Lucky Tor was inaccessible, we headed for home via Leusdon, Spitchwick and Hembury Woods.
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Events Index Gallery Participants