South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 3 November 1985
Afternoon ride: Scoriton Down
Cloudy / showery
12 Participants: Steve Hughes, Michael Jones, Paul Palmer, Kevin Presland, Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons, Jane Simmons, Roger Simmons, Suzie Simmons, Mark Stott, Mary Willard (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Peter Willard
Mark Stott and Kevin cycled from Torbay and Plymouth respectively to join our ride across the moor. After climbing Wallaford hill (which was pretty aweful) we cycled along the stony track to Lud Gate. Peter Willard chickened out halfway through the ride but the rest of us carried on.

The boys will insist on having their little joke: this time a couple of us got wet after being assured that a ford was shallower than it really was. Andrew and Luke looked for their 101st letterbox but did not find it before the rain set in. All in all this was a very enjoyable afternoon.
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Events Index Gallery Participants