South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 22 July 2012
10:15 - 14:00
Morning ride: Torbryan
Superb weather
16 miles
8 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, John Rogers, Will Rogers
We headed out past Caddaford and Staverton towards Torbryan on a perfect sunny morning. A steam train was departing Staverton Station as we passed. Callum and Lawrence were keen to press on to Fermoy’s Garden Centre at Ipplepen but Jerry and Jack wanted the shorter route via Torbryan. In the end Torbryan was selected.

There is a very interesting and scenic footpath that runs from Torbryan to Tornewton. We have used it on several previous occasions and quickly learned that the occupants of The Old Rectory, near the end of the path, have a severe dislike of cyclists: every time we approached they somehow spotted us and came down to complain, even if we were literally as quiet as mice.

It has been several years since we last used the path but Michael was taking no chances on the house having changed hands. Everyone was told to stop talking as we neared the house and to push the bikes as quietly as possible, just in case the same people were in residence. If he had hoped that this time we could get through without incident he was to be disappointed.

A woman was up in the garden that overlooks the path and of course just happened to be looking our way as we crept past. She marched down to the gate, intercepting us before we could get past, and started to tell us off for cycling along a public footpath. She must spend a large part of her life watching for cyclists just so she can complain at them.

Michael pointed out that we were fully aware of her attitude from our last visit a few years ago and so we were taking great care to push the bikes and be as quiet as possible. She then disputed that we even had the right to push bikes along a footpath, but Michael assured her that this is perfectly within the law. She didn’t think we were right and said she would “take advice” on the matter, but nevertheless thanked us in the end for being considerate.

We arrived at Broadhempston community shop and café at 12.30 only to discover that it closed at 12.00, as Michael had feared. Everyone was thirsty so we got some cheap 25p per pint soft drinks form the Monks Retreat and drank them in the park and on the table outside. There was time for everyone to climb onto a container located in the park for a group photo before we set off again.

We took the short route home via Green Lane, arriving later than planned at around 2pm. There was a games social after the ride until 3.50.
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Events Index Gallery Participants