South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 27 June 2004
08:00 - 17:45
Weekend ride: Beer YH
Day 2
Sunny with showers
27 miles (▲ 770m ▼ 665m)
4 Participants: Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Ashley Myhill, Joe Venables
Sunday dawned bright and clear, giving us the opportunity to explore new territories. After some Aerobie fun in the superb hostel gardens we rode over the hill to Seaton where we enjoyed refreshments on the pebbly beach. A lane and bridleway took us steeply up through the golf course at the top of Haven Cliff, offering extensive views along the East Devon coastline. Lyme Regis was our lunch stop, and we all felt pleased to have extended the ride into neighbouring Dorset. There were plenty of visitors to the town, but we found a quiet spot on the eastern beach and spent a little time being educated by Oliver regarding the best rocks to check for fossils.

The return route took us through Colyford where one of the electric trams crossed the road just when we were wondering if we would see one. A short detour took us past Whitwell farm, of special significance to Michael's father, but as we were almost back at Sidmouth we were treated to a thorough drenching by a particularly nasty shower. Plans for swims and ice-creams on Sidmouth beach were hastily rearranged to include another cafe stop before we took the final climb back up to the cars in the presence of another unfriendly shower.

(Previous recorded mileage for today's ride was 28 miles)
Saturday 11 September 2004
14:15 - 23:00
Weekend ride: Bellever YH
Day 1
Sunny periods with occasional showers
13 miles (▲ 530m ▼ 245m)
5 Participants: Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Harry Laity, Gavin Pearson, Joe Venables
Our weekend to Bellever began with slightly improved weather conditions than had been displayed during the morning. Harry and Gage were on their first weekend trip, and whilst Gage had bought a rack for his bike and affixed some borrowed panniers, Harry was content to let Michael carry his small bags of spare clothes and food.

A nasty shower at Holne forced us to take cover under the slide, but it soon cleared up and we were off again to Venford reservoir and Combestone Tor. Sunshine followed us all the way through Hexworthy to Huccaby Bridge, where we took time out to enjoy the deserted beauty spot to the full. A short ride along the Two Bridges road brought is the Dunnabridge and the long track across the moor to Bellever Woods. More brilliant sunshine accompanied us, although the breeze was a little stiff at times. A final descent through the woods brought us to Bellever youth hostel by 6.15pm, where Gavin (who had been working all afternoon) was waiting for us.

The hostel was further upgraded in February: there is now a proper games room, the staircase has been moved and the toilets and showers have been completely replaced. Gage's noodles didn't look too appetising, but at least he prepared them himself. Harry only had a pot noodle, but he still needed help to make it: his contribution was to boil the kettle and get the fork! We can forgive him though as he's only 10. The warden, previously a chef at Buckfastleigh's Furzeleigh Mill guest house, offered an excellent menu of home-cooked food, so Gavin and Michael were pleased to order treacle puddings to conclude their meals. The remainder of the evening was spent walking to the river in the semi-darkness and playing games of pool in the games room.

(Previous recorded mileage was 18 miles)
Sunday 12 September 2004
08:00 - 15:30
Weekend ride: Bellever YH
Day 2
Sunny periods with occasional showers
22 miles (▲ 510m ▼ 795m)
5 Participants: Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Harry Laity, Gavin Pearson, Joe Venables
Sunday morning dawned as sunny and dry as predicted. When Gage had returned from the top of the first hill to retrieve his gloves we pressed on to Postbridge where everyone walked around the clapper bridges and Gage bought a souvenir from the village store (made in China!). Riding on again the youngsters were interested in the Powder Mills site, used in the 19th century for the water-powered manufacture of gunpowder for local farmers. We diverted again to look around the derelict buildings, having a good look at the chimneys and the proving canon.

The stiff headwind made the journey into Princetown a little more arduous than planned, so we were glad to see the Foxtor cafe looming large in front of us. Service was exceptionally slow today, but we were kept amused by the Torbay CTC members taking part in an Audax ride; they had been reading of our antics in the Highwayman magazine, but their first question was "which one is Gage?". Gage had no idea he was so famous!

The only really unpleasant shower of the day forced us to abandon plans to investigate the railway cycle path and head directly for home. Harry, who had earlier said he didn't mind getting wet at all, now had different ideas. The shower came to an end fairly quickly so we detoured home via Dartmeet Hill and Dr Blackall's drive, Joe discovering along the way that Gage's idea of a shortcut via Sharp Tor was not such a good idea after all. The track descent was as exhilarating as usual, and we even had time for ice creams in the afternoon sunshine at New Bridge. All the youngsters thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and looked forward to our next exciting adventure.

(Previous recorded mileage for this ride was 18 miles)
Sunday 14 November 2004
10:15 - 16:00
Day ride: Dartmeet
Cold but sunny
18 miles (▲ 605m ▼ 605m)
10 Participants: Charlie Barrow (12, Buckfastleigh), Louis Burgess, Tao Burgess, Chris Comber, Gage Conway, Dennis Jackson, Michael Jones, Ashley Myhill, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
New rider Charlie brought attendance into double figures for the first time since January on this crisp and sunny autumnal morning. Coats were being stowed in bags by the time we reached Hawson Court. We were keeping options open regarding destination and ride length all the way to Holne, but then we had to make a decision. Charlie was doing well and was still enthusiastic, so we decided to go for the big loop via Dartmeet. After climbing to Venford reservoir we took the bridle path down over the moor to Combestone and the stepping stones at Dartmeet, a new experience for many of our youngsters. When everyone had picked their way across the river we headed for the Dartmeet cafe for lunch.

Charlie had been dreading Dartmeet hill ever since he saw it from the track, but as it turned out he wasn't anywhere near the last person up the hill - some youngsters just can't stop talking! Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the magnificent Dr Blackall's track along the Dart valley and the subsequent high speed descent to New Bridge. A final climb to Holne Chase allowed us to finish on the Slalom track through Hembury Woods, a favourite with many of our riders.
Sunday 21 November 2004
10:15 - 17:30
Day ride: Mamhead Obelisk
Some sunny spells
37 miles (▲ 650m ▼ 650m)
8 Participants: Louis Burgess, Tao Burgess, Chris Comber, Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Ashley Myhill, Gavin Pearson, Keir Purdie
The weather looked promising and everyone seemed capable so today we set out for the longest ride of the year so far. After riding through Ashburton and Bickington we met Tao and Louis at Chudleigh Bridge somewhat later than arranged. Chudleigh provided our last opportunity to buy lunch, but just as we were leaving, Chris' derailleur tangled itself with the rear spokes and required considerable effort to return it to usability. Chris had come out on his old bike as, apparently, he couldn't be bothered to get his new bike out of the shed!

The sun came out as we took the quiet lanes up to Beggars' Bush, making everyone feel bright and enthusiastic. Two more delays caused by Chris' derailleur just made us all the more determined to reach our intended destination. Crossing the very busy A380 took longer than expected, but soon we had ridden along the tracks to Mamhead Obelisk and were enjoying lunch overlooking the Exe estuary, with spectacular views to Exmouth and beyond.

It was nearly 3pm when we set off for the return journey, which took us along the Haldon ridge to Telegraph Hill and the racecourse and then down towards Chudleigh from Buller's Hill. When Keir got a puncture we really wondered what we had done to deserve so many problems. Tao did the honours this time, leaving us with precious little time before dusk. Louis and Tao left us as Chudleigh Knighton, Keir returned home at Heathfield, and the rest of us made it as far as Bickington before Chris' derailleur finally gave up the ghost. So in the end, Michael's hopes that he could avoid removing it and shortening the chain were dashed. There was tiredness all around as we took the back lanes through Ashburton, arriving home by around 5.30. Lights will now be a requirement for everyone on Sunday rides!

(Previous recorded mileage for today's ride was 39 miles)
Sunday 28 November 2004
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Staverton
Dry and sunny
11 miles
3 Participants: Tao Burgess, Michael Jones, Jamie Smith (8, Buckfastleigh)
With Jamie being new to cycling and relatively slow we contented ourselves with a ride along Colston Road to Staverton for some frisbee playing in the park, then returned to Buckfastleigh via Abham.
Sunday 5 December 2004
10:15 - 15:00
Day ride: Bickham Bridge
Dry and sunny
18 miles (▲ 450m ▼ 450m)
7 Participants: Louis Burgess, Tao Burgess, Michael Jones, Sol Kelly, Gavin Pearson, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
Another well-attended ride - the first when school friends Louis and Sol actually made it to the same event - started with a brisk ride through Dean to South Brent, where Plymco provided lunch for those who had neglected to pack any food. Riding on to Avonwick we took the back lanes up to the tiny village of North Huish, then took the long and fast descent to Bickham Bridge, a tranquil wooded spot on the river Avon that provided everything needed for an action-packed lunch stop. The youngsters finished their food quickly so they had plenty of time to play pooh sticks off the bridge with sticks that were so large that two of them were required to carry them! Louis and Sol also recorded a dramatic chase scene with Michael's video camera.

We continued along the picturesque lanes to the village of Diptford, and then on to Rattery for the final descent to Buckfastleigh via Pennywell farm. Louis and Sol spent the afternoon editing their earlier video and recording a new one, just to show how good they are at drama!
Monday 27 December 2004
10:15 - 14:15
Morning ride: Christmas Special, Avon Dam
Cold & sunny
12 miles
4 Participants: Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Keir Purdie, John Stuart
Our Christmas Special turned out to be one of the most enjoyable and memorable rides of the season. The mist was rising sleepily from the frosty fields and streams behind Dean Prior as the sun shone brightly from low in the eastern sky. Our first surprise of the day was to discover a Boxing Day hunt on the top of the hill near Gidleigh Bridge. The normally quiet lane was packed with horse boxes and onlookers, all watching the pack of horses that had just set off across the adjacent moorland. We had never seen a hunt before on any of our rides, so this was probably just a determined effort by the hunting fraternity to enjoy one final day of fun before the ban comes into effect.

Shipley Bridge was, not unexpectedly, packed with visitors today. We couldn't resist stopping for some photographs by the river Avon partway up the path: Keir thought about going in for a dip, but decided against it when he tested the water temperature. At the half-way point John, much to everyone's amusement, discovered a particularly slippery section of ice on the path that the rest of us had managed to negotiate successfully. There was now enough snow on the ground for a brief snowball fling, but by the time we reached the dam there was considerably more, enabling us to enjoy a full-blown snowball fight! The whole scene of the snow-covered moorland hills behind the dam, all lit by bright sunshine, made this the perfect destination for our Christmas ride.

Continuing along the track behind the dam we soon encountered the hunt on the horizon, apparently unable to find a fox. Well, we're all in favour of the ban so I can't say we shared their disappointment. The snow was now quite deep in places, and by the time we reached the top of the Abbots Way the backdrop of ice and snow made us feel as though we were in the Arctic! To complete a perfect ride we then discovered a group of Dartmoor ponies grazing in the snow near Water Oak Corner. They weren't a bit frightened of us, and allowed themselves to be fed, stroked and photographed!

The final descent to Cross Furzes was negotiated with a little more caution than usual. Keir successfully rode the ford for the first time, then we headed homewards for a well-earned Christmas social that didn't finish until late in the evening.

Michael now his first high resolution digital camera, so future reports should have a good selection of high quality photographs.
Sunday 9 January 2005
10:15 - 13:45
Morning ride: Totnes
Dry start, wet finish
16 miles
5 Participants: Michael Jones, Sol Kelly, Gavin Pearson, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
Sol was proud to show off his expensive new bike as everyone met at the start on a rather breezy Sunday morning. The forecast was not too promising but we were keen to include a cafe stop and so pressed on to Totnes nevertheless, via Colston Road. We paused at Totnes weir to admire the view before continuing along the riverside cycle path to the Plains. The Terrace Coffee Shop was not quite as welcoming as usual when the proprietor noticed some muddy footprints leading to our table, but she soon forgave the youngsters and served us with delicious hot chocolates, toasted teacakes and Danish pastries.

Keir and Joe just had to go shopping as we were about to leave, and by the time everyone was ready the rain started in earnest. At least the temperature was fairly warm, so we all made the most of a wet return via Staverton by splashing through all the large puddles that filled the roads.
Sunday 16 January 2005
10:15 - 14:30
Morning ride: Cold East Cross
Mainly dry, sunny periods developing
15 miles
4 Participants: Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
Keir and Joe were not especially fast on the climb from Ashburton to Halshanger cross, so we decided against our original plan of visiting Haytor. Diverting to Cold East Cross we paused at the picturesque stone bridge over the river Ashburn so that the youngsters could amuse themselves with sticks in the water. The journey from Cold East Cross to Pudsham Down proved just as wintry as the name suggests, with bitter winds and a sudden shower that left us relieved to reach the shelter of the track to Buckland.

The remainder of the ride was just perfect, however, with bright sunshine lighting our way past Spitchwick to New Bridge, where refreshments were definitely the order of the day. Michael and Oliver even got a discount on their soup! Another excellent winter ride concluded with the descent of Hembury Woods' Slalom track and an afternoon social at Crofters.
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Events Index Gallery Participants