South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 25 of 109 (1087 items)
Thursday 15 April 1993
Tour: Cornish Coast
Day 4 Tintagel to Liskeard
Hot & sunny
29 miles
4 Participants: Neil Ault, Clyde Fare, Michael Jones, Jordan Walfall
The climb to Davidstow Moor was arduous in the sweltering heat. We felt we had earned lunch when we reached the top, and were entertained by Micro Lites as we tucked into our sandwiches. The route to Altarnun was relatively easy and took us through some attractive lanes lined with spring flowers. The A30 across Bodmin Moor was not particularly enjoyable, so we were pleased to reach the Jamaica Inn where welcome refreshments were available.

The final leg of the journey, following the River Fowey downstream to St Cleer and Liskeard, was easy going and particularly enjoyable. We cleaned out the reduced Easter eggs from Liskeard and finished the interviews for the video on the station platform before boarding our train for home. Highlights of the video will be shown in one of our winter socials.

The tour had been blessed with good weather for the most part, and two well behaved, responsible youngsters. The tour was the first to have fewer than eight participants, and was also the first on which Michael was able to relax!
Sunday 18 April 1993
Day ride: Graetor Village
Windy with sunny spells
10 Participants: James Allason, Tao Burgess, Harry Hall, Lee Higman, Michael Jones, Sebastian Lessware, Bob Taylor, Eliot Thomas-Wright, John Unknown (Adult, Devon), Charlie Walker
Seb left home very late this morning but he still managed to get to Bickington, totally out of breath, as we were climbing the hill to Haytor. The explanation for this unusual state of affairs was that he was looking after the house during his parents' absence, evidently leaving him somewhat disorganised.

The tramway led us behind Haytor, from where we took tracks to Hole rock and down to the footbridge by the Becka Brook. Some of the adult members of the group didn't seem too impressed with the rocky terrain, but everyone enjoyed lunch by the stream.

After a steep climb to the site of the medieval village of Graetor, Seb introduced us to an easier route around Hound Tor that avoided the final climb. The Paignton group wanted to get home early so they set off for home while the rest of us queued for refreshments from the ice cream van.
Sunday 25 April 1993
Day ride: Curtisknowle
10 Participants: Neil Ault, Michael Jones, Chris Platt, Bob Taylor, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Robert Walker, Ben Widger, Tom Widger
From the Avonwick pick-up we rode along the river Avon to Diptford, descended the track from Curtisknowle and enjoyed lunch in the woods by the riverside. Tom was most envious of Michael and Neil who proceeded to heat and then eat a large can of Sainsbury soup.

The track back to Gara Bridge turned out to be rather muddy in places. Charlie took Andy home early while the rest of us pressed on to the goat farm for refreshments, bumping into Rob Spence from Torbay Section along the way. We got back to Buckfastleigh by 1520 which left Ben just enough time to watch another exciting episode of Star Trek from Michael's comprehensive video library before returning to Totnes.
Sunday 2 May 1993
Afternoon ride (Buckfastleigh): Old Forge, Holne
5 Participants: Neil Ault, Michael Jones, Sebastian Lessware, Ben Widger, Tom Widger
Seb, Ben and Tom joined Michael and Neil for this afternoon jaunt to the famous cafe on the moor. We returned via Hembury Woods where Michael recorded some moving pictures of Seb and Ben descending the twisty track which our members have named the Slalom.
Sunday 9 May 1993
Day ride: Lustleigh Cleave
Cloudy, some drizzle
9 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Gavin Taylor, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Charlie Walker, Tom Widger
We couldn't work out why Dave Robinson wasn't out today, given the opportunity to visit the Primrose cafe and see how the new owners were looking after it's reputation. We quickly established an acceptable discount structure for our group. The cakes weren't quite as good as they used to be, but overall the establishment seemed acceptable.

Having descended the steep, rough track to the river Bovey, Tom produced his own tin of soup and waited patiently until Michael and Neil had finished with the gas stove. Unfortunately he had forgotten to bring a spoon, so he improvised a stirring rod by rolling up some tin foil.

The very steep climb through Houndtor Wood is never popular, although the woodland tracks to Becky Falls provide suitable compensation. We returned via Hound Tor and Cold East Cross.
Sunday 23 May 1993
Day ride: Rough Stuff Event
Sunny & warm
13 Participants: Peter Bonnet (9, Buckfastleigh), Tao Burgess, Philip Harler, Thain Hatherly, Michael Jones, Sebastian Lessware, Paul Oakley, Chris Platt, Gavin Taylor, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Robert Walker, Ben Widger
The Rough Stuff event is a rough riding competition organised for the benefit of all CTC groups in Devon. The start this year was near Landscove, and the weather seemed set for a perfect day despite the forecast of rain.

The only problem (for some of us, anyway) was that many weeks of rain had left most of the tracks in the area extremely muddy. The route was acceptable until we reached the track from Baddaford Farm to Lower Combe. Half way along we discovered a huge sea of mud that stretched from one side of the lane to the other and was more than twenty paces long. We carefully picked our way through, but Peter quickly became stuck. Michael had to struggle past him with his own bike, then come back and take Peter's bike. By this time he was a little muddier than usual, but still Peter was stuck. He had to return again to lift Peter out of the mud, but even that was not the end of the matter - his shoes steadfastly refused to come with him! A further journey had to be made to recover the shoes, by which time Peter, Michael and the shoes were plastered in thick, gooey mud.

Congratulations to Gavin Taylor, who was judged first junior rider. Thanks to Arthur Browne of Exeter for organising the event, and his wife for bringing along drinks and home-made buns.
Sunday 6 June 1993
Afternoon ride: Invitation Ride
Warm & sunny
22 Participants: James Allason, Peter Bonnet, Tao Burgess, Ben Hobday, Karina Hobday, Roxanne Hobday, Dave Humphreys, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Edward Millard (Junior, Ashburton), Paul Oakley, Philip Stone (11, Ashburton), Bob Taylor, Debbie Twydell, James Twydell, Ken Twydell, Paul Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Tom Widger
Our two new members joined us today after a chance meeting at the end of Friday's evening ride. We met up with our Paignton and Totnes contingents at Broadhempston, spent some time playing in the park and then took up Julie's suggestion of trying a new cafe at Landscove. The staff were very busy today, but allowed us to serve ourselves on the magnificent lawns with cans of drink and cups of tea. Two dogs seemed eager to fetch balls and sticks for our youngsters despite the excessive heat.

During the return to Buckfastleigh, Paul took a detour around Lower Combe and then decided to try a track that took his fancy. He forgot that the rest of us were waiting for him. Tao kindly cycled around the hilly detour in his attempts to locate him, but eventually we gave up and went home. In fact Paul had tried the Baddaford track (mentioned under the Rough Stuff report), discovered the mud and then beaten a hasty retreat.
Sunday 13 June 1993
Day ride: Pixie's Cave
Warm & sunny
13 Participants: James Allason, Tao Burgess, Dave Humphreys, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, David Robinson, Dominic Robinson, Bob Taylor, Gary Taylor, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Tom Widger
We were pleased to welcome Dave Humphreys back to the fold after a short spell in France, and Dave Robinson and his son Dominic after an absence that's difficult to explain.

The ride to Dartmeet was made somewhat arduous by the excessive heat, so we paused for lunch in a shady glade near Poundsgate before moving on to the Badgers Holt cafe for further refreshments.

There was little enthusiasm from the Paignton contingent for exploring the cave, so Michael led Tao, Alex and Tom on the half-hour detour while the others set off for home. Tom's puncture put an end to our hopes of catching them: it's hard to believe, but he didn't have a spare tube or a puncture repair kit!
Friday 18 June 1993
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Avon Dam
10 Participants: Peter Bonnet, Peter Furneaux, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Philip Harler, Matthew Jeffery, Michael Jones, Paul Oakley, Chris Platt, Nick Radmore, Philip Stone
A return to our favourite haunt took longer than usual because Peter was somewhat slow: we finally returned to Buckfastleigh at about 10pm.
Saturday 19 June 1993
Weekend ride: Bellever Youth Hostel
Day 1
Sunny, getting warmer
9 Participants: Neil Ault, Peter Bonnet, Tao Burgess, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Chris Platt, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Tom Widger
Peter was joining us this weekend, so Michael took him and Neil to Holne by car before the start of the ride. He did very well, and they had been waiting for more than half an hour when we finally met up with them near Huccaby Bridge.

The weather wasn't quite as warm as last year, but we were still able to enjoy throwing a Frisbee across the river. Inevitably some youngsters managed to get themselves soaked, but I suppose that's all part of the fun.

Once the dubious hostel meal had been consumed the rest of the evening was spent making a silly, three-minute horror movie about a boy being chased through the forest by an unseen monster. It was fun to make; you can judge for yourself whether it is fun to watch if you come to the Christmas Special social.
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Events Index Gallery Participants