South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 42 of 109 (1087 items)
Monday 28 March 2005
08:00 - 18:15
Tour: Somerset & North Devon Coast
Day 4 Lynton to Home
Dry and sunny
25 miles
6 Participants: Tao Burgess, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Gavin Pearson, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
On our final morning of the tour the promised rain had still not arrived. We proceeded at a good speed back to Blackmore Gate (which still didn't look godforsaken), but a motorist with car trouble was too much for Tao, Gavin and Oliver to ignore: they helped with repairs while the rest of the group enjoyed drinks and teacakes in the nearby cafe. The road to Barnstaple was fast and easy in the morning sunshine, and we arrived at the station just in time to see the 1355 departing without us. Well, we hadn't really planned to catch it anyway.

Pizza Hut provided us with a celebratory final meal of the tour which hit the spot to perfection. We then set about preparing to negotiate with the guard on the 15:57 train, who had to be convinced to take all our 6 bikes and 2 bikes from other travellers on a service that is supposed to be limited to two bikes! Fortunately he was a friendly guard and happily let us pack our bikes into the train. We arrived back at Newton Abbot just after 6pm with no complaints at all about the weather on our 2005 Easter Tour.
Sunday 10 April 2005
10:15 - 12:55
Morning ride: Carey Kennels
Sunny and warm
14 miles
5 Participants: Gage Conway, Peter Heathman, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Joe Venables
Gage received a warm welcome back to club activities after a break of several months, but we weren't going to give him an easy ride just because he'd been away! From Ashburton we climbed the renowned Chuley Hill, then followed quiet lanes to Woodland and Carey Kennels, where the dogs were receiving some useful exercise in the morning sunshine.

Branching back to Broadhempston we spent a little time playing Frisbee in the park before returning via Green Lane.
Sunday 24 April 2005
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride: Avon Dam
Mainly dry
14 miles
4 Participants: Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
Our ride today took us through Dean to Nurston and on to Shipley Bridge. Gage found a Dartmoor letterbox behind a tree and spent some time completing the details while the rest of us enjoyed the pleasant surroundings of the river Avon.

Keir was not feeling very energetic today, so we split into two groups. Gage and Joe continued on to the Dam and over the Abbots Way to Buckfastleigh, stopping so that Gage could attach a sheep skull to the front of his bike. Keir and Michael returned via the long track from Didworthy, observing a number of ducks, wildfowl and peacocks in the surrounding well-concealed farmland.
Sunday 1 May 2005
10:15 - 16:00
Day ride: Stover Country Park
Dry with sunny periods
29 miles
6 Participants: Gage Conway, Peter Heathman, Michael Jones, Sol Kelly, Steven Major (15, Buckfastleigh), Keir Purdie
This was Steven's first ride for many years - he's only had his new bike for 24 hours! Our ride started cautiously with the climb to Green Lane and the back of Landscove, but it quickly became apparent that Steven would have no problems with any ride we might choose. It wasn't long before we were at Broadhempston, and since the weather was very pleasant the majority were in favour of continuing to Fermoys for lunch /refreshments. Election fever was in full swing in Ipplepen with posters on several houses - and we even saw the Lib Dem candidate doing his tour of the local houses, wearing his very large rosette.

When the youngsters had finished playing in the park behind the cafe we decided to take a longer route back via Newton Abbot so that we could explore the tracks at Stover for the first time in many years. Fortunately Keir, who lives at Heathfield, knew the route very well, so he led us on his own special tour of Stover, taking us past the famous lake and numerous walkers out for a quiet Sunday afternoon stroll. Peter's new racing bike, kitted out with very narrow tyres, seemed to manage the tracks without too much difficulty.

After a short stop at Bovey Straights garage Keir led us through the plantation to Blackpool, and from there Michael took the easiest route home through Bickington and Ashburton. This has been a demanding ride for everyone, but nobody let the side down.
Wednesday 4 May 2005
18:00 - 20:10
Evening ride (Junior): Staverton
Mainly sunny and warm
10 miles
9 Participants: Jordan Barker, Jack Binmore, Lydia Burke (10, Buckfastleigh), Sophie Carter (9, Buckfastleigh), Michael Jones, Harry Laity, Scott Mason (11, Buckfastleigh), Gavin Pearson, Megan Venables (9, Buckfastleigh)
The first of six special junior rides got off to an excellent start with seven enthusiastic youngsters, nearly all of whom are taking part in the cycle training scheme at the primary school. With the sun shining brightly we set off along the relatively flat Colston road, jumpers being removed after just a few moments. Everyone was in good form so it wasn't long before we had arrived at the island near Staverton where stone-skimming across the river Dart was the order of the day.

They wanted Frisbee as well so we had to divert to the park for a few moments, but there was plenty of time because they were all so fast on their bikes! When chocolate refreshments had been purchased by the chocoholics we returned home via Riverford Organic and Caddaford farm, with everyone feeling pleased with themselves and looking forward to next week's ride.
Friday 6 May 2005
19:00 - 21:15
Evening ride: Chalk Ford
Sunny start
10 miles
9 Participants: Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Harry Laity, Oliver Lindley, Steven Major, Scott Mason, Gavin Pearson, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
Dartmoor seemed an appealing destination in view of the warm sunshine that bathed us at the start. Clouds increased as we climbed Bowerdon Hill from Buckfast, and by the time we reached the moor at Lud Gate there was thick mist, a chilly wind and the distinct prospect of rain. The moorland descent made all the climbing worthwhile, and Gage's attempt to ride across Chalk Ford resulted in top quality entertainment for everyone.

Before descending the long stony track to Scoriton Michael warned everyone not to go too fast if they wanted to avoid a puncture. Gavin probably wasn't going too fast, but he still got a pinch puncture, right next to the valve. He didn't have a spare tube and darkness was falling so the rest of us pressed on homewards and sent out a car to collect Gavin from Scoriton.
Sunday 8 May 2005
10:15 - 16:15
Day ride: Stoke Gabriel
Mainly sunny & warm
26 miles
8 Participants: Gage Conway, Henry Gunter, Jill Hockmuth, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Steven Major, Gavin Pearson, Joe Venables
Jill suggested Stoke Gabriel as a destination today, and since nobody had any objections we proceeded along Colston Road to the Totnes cycle path and bought lunch and refreshments at Morrisons. The short section of main road to Longcombe was quite busy today so we were relieved to turn off even though Parliament Hill awaited us!

The approach to Stoke Gabriel was very inviting, with quaint old houses adorned with wisteria flowers. We made straight for the lake by the weir and spent an enjoyable hour feeding the ducks and swans and soaking up the lazy atmosphere.

This was going to be Henry's longest ever ride without doing any detours, so we headed back through Collaton St Mary and Red Post, reaching Buckfastleigh in plenty of time for a short social at Crofters.
Wednesday 11 May 2005
18:00 - 20:10
Evening ride (Junior): Hembury Woods
Mainly sunny and warm
8 miles
8 Participants: Lydia Burke, Sophie Carter, Michael Jones, Harry Laity, Scott Mason, Gavin Pearson, Derry Todd (10, Buckfastleigh), Megan Venables
For our second junior ride of the season we took the youngsters along the lower Hembury track to Shuttaford and then back to the top of Hembury where the wide clearings in the wood offered excellent Frisbee opportunities. Of course, Harry had to throw the ring a little too hard so it landed in a tree, but fortunately Gavin was an excellent shot with some sticks that we found lying nearby.

We spent the remainder of the ride exploring the many tracks that criss-cross the wood. The girls seemed to make a lot of noise as they bounced over the rough stones, but everyone did well and thoroughly enjoyed the ride.
Sunday 15 May 2005
10:15 - 16:30
Day ride: Ten Commandments Stone
Mainly sunny & warm
20 miles
4 Participants: Dennis Ham, Michael Jones, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
We selected a flexible ride today in case ten-year-old Dennis found the riding a bit tough, but as it turned out we needn't have worried. We climbed Ausewell hill in double quick time and then took the moorland path to Buckland Beacon.

It was here in 1928 that a stonemason from Exeter was engaged to engrave the Ten Commandments into granite slabs by the Lord of Buckland Manor. The work took six months, during which time the stonemason lived in a cow shed on the site and was supplied with a loaf of bread each day for his efforts! Our exploration of the site also included the discovery of four Dartmoor letterboxes hidden under the rocks.

When Joe had finished falling off his bike for no reason whatsoever we followed the track past the cattle and Dartmoor foals to Cold East Cross, then continued down Widecombe hill for lunch at the Green restaurant. We all had hugely expensive ice cream sundaes and felt ready for anything when we finally set off again. Local Ian Boyes gave us his good wishes in the general stores - he seemed to know as much about our group as we did!

Ponsworthy ford provided entertainment for the youngsters, then Keir provided more on the descent to Spitchwick by riding into a ditch! There was no real harm done however, and we were soon enjoying a Frisbee contest on Spitchwick Common and then hot food at New Bridge. We concluded the ride with the descent of the Slalom track in Hembury Woods - the best part of the ride according to Dennis who performed remarkably well on his first day ride.
Friday 20 May 2005
19:00 - 21:00
Evening ride: Ashburton
10 miles
4 Participants: Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
We quickly reached Belford Mill after a short ride through Ashburton, but the woodland track back towards the town turned out to be a little muddy after the recent rains. We returned through the picturesque Druid lane, then on through River Dart Adventures and up the steep path from Holne Woods, pausing in the tranquil rabbit-festooned field to enjoy the sunset before emerging at Gallant Le Bower. Keir and Joe enjoyed the muddy descent through Hembury as darkness began to fall.
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Events Index Gallery Participants