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Sunday 12 November 2006
10:15 - 16:00
Day ride: Tuckenhay
Dry with sunny spells
25 miles
4 Participants: Alex Harrigan (10, Buckfastleigh), Michael Jones, Ben Parker, David Robinson
New rider Alex kept up an excellent pace along Colston Road and thoroughly enjoyed the Totnes cycle path. As we paused briefly by the weir, a canoe drifted towards us manned by a father and daughter team. They laughed at our suggestion of continuing up the weir but the daughter insisted on getting a taste of the rapids by moving over to the lower edge of the weir. The strong current caught the front of the canoe first, and within a few seconds they were both in the water. The embarrassed father shouted back to us that this was not the way to do it as the unimpressed daughter struggled to the bank and the magnificent heron observed it all from its vantage point on the nearby fence!

We met Dave Robinson at Totnes, out on his first ride for many years, who had arrived early and had been waiting for us for more than an hour. He had to wait a little longer while Ben, Alex and Michael raided Morrisons for lunch, then we set off for the start of the Ashprington track.

This track was recently converted to a cycle path, so the long muddy stretches and steep inclines are now a thing of the past. Autumn leaves were everywhere and we all enjoyed the fabulous views of the Dart and the long descents through the fields. Emerging at Ashprington we detoured through the play park and then headed down the hill to our usual lunch spot by the stepping stones at Tuckenhay creek. We were impressed by the numerous ducks before three noisy but magnificent geese dropped in to join in the fun.

We'd come to see Tuckenhay, so we did a quick ride along the creek to the village and then retraced our steps for the Harbertonford road, a flat valley route that seemed much more inviting than the climb up Corkscrew hill! The village store at Harbertonford was much larger on the inside than it appeared from the outside, with several layers of hidden depths around every corner. Once refreshments had been enjoyed by the river we said goodbye to David and headed off for Diptford, passing Kevin and some of his Torbay Section cohorts along the way.

It was about now that Michael expected Alex to be showing signs of tiredness, but the ten-year-old impressed us all by finding new reserves of energy and powering up the long climb from Rolster Bridge. He continued at that speed all the way home via Rattery, determined not to walk any of the hills. So it was that we got back to Buckfastleigh by 4pm, with plenty of time for computer games to round off an excellent day.
Sunday 19 November 2006
10:15 - 14:45
Morning ride: Dr Blackall's Drive
Sunny with occasional showers
14 miles
9 Participants: Ash Freeman, Glen Fulford, Alex Harrigan, Ryan Havinga, Charlie Hornsby (14, Ipplepen), Dave Hornsby (Adult, Ipplepen), Michael Jones, Scott Mount, Ben Parker
Bright sunshine greeted our largest turnout for several months, which included no fewer than four new members. After picking up Ben at Buckfast an almost unanimous vote took us along the lower Hembury track, which turned out to be quite muddy in places after the recent heavy rain. A huge group of walkers cramped our style somewhat near the end, but were surprisingly friendly as we regrouped at the end.

New and experienced members alike enjoyed the downhill to New Bridge, where the anticipated ice cream van prompted a stop for refreshments - which in Scott's case included a Hot Dog!

Everyone agreed to extend the ride by an hour so that everyone could complete the planned ride, which led us to the next step of climbing Poundsgate hill. The first of the predicted "isolated showers" made the climb even more challenging for our younger riders, so by the time we reached the top of the main climb three were ready for a shortcut. Michael led Ryan, Scott and Glen a short distance along the track to a meeting place on the moorland and then returned to catch up with the others on the final stages of the road climb. Charlie had no difficulty with any of the hills, although he admitted he was impressed by young Alex, on only his second ride, who just kept on powering past him! Ashley got top marks for achievement, however: he opted out of the short-cut and pushed himself on to the top, spurred on just a little perhaps by the offer of a free Hot Dog!

The youngsters posed at the top for photos with some ponies, and Ben, being Ben, left his helmet on the verge when we all set off for the track. We had been riding for a full seven minutes before he realised he was helmetless, so the rest of us braved the strong winds and the third isolated shower to view the impressive Dart Valley from a high overhanging rock.

The sun returned again and Doctor Blackall didn't disappoint with his magnificent drive. Just a few minutes later and we were reunited with the three younger riders, who had passed the time by rolling down the moorland slopes and, apparently, giving directions to passers-by! They had missed the upper reaches of the tracks, but the best was still to come. The final downhill across the moorland tracks provided a rollercoaster ride that left everyone elated - and muddy!

Hot soups and other refreshments from the ice cream van prepared everyone for the climb back to Hembury, although Scott, Ashley and Ryan needed a little encouragement. Once they were in sight of Hembury Woods, however, they all found new energies, and finished the ride feeling justifiably proud of their achievements. They made the most of the reward, by staying for computer games until after 6pm.
Sunday 26 November 2006
10:15 - 17:15
Day ride (Car-assisted): Exeter Ship Canal
Sunny and clear
23 miles
7 Participants: Ash Freeman, Alex Harrigan, Charlie Hornsby, Dave Hornsby, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Ben Parker
Having decided to use the fifth Sunday of November for a very special car-assisted ride to the Exeter Ship Canal, we were very grateful to Alex's Dad for helping with the transport of the bikes from Buckfastleigh to Starcross. Charlie and Dave met us at Black Forest Lodge on the dot of 11.15, and as bikes were unpacked Michael's promises of a totally flat ride were viewed sceptically by some.

The deer at Powderham seemed to appreciate the fantastic weather almost as much as we did, with the entire group showing themselves off by the lake just metres from the road. This all made Michael's offer of a chocolate voucher for the first person to spot a deer rather unnecessary, but Ashley claimed it anyway!

We managed to negotiate the mainline rail crossing without major loss of life, and when Alex and Ashley had finished teasing the Canada geese we headed along the narrow muddy track that runs along the side of the Exe estuary. Everyone splashed through the puddles, but no-one enjoyed them more than Alex - he even went back occasionally to ride the deepest ones again! After a while his lower half was so muddy that we felt Pizza Hut may exclude us all at lunchtime!

Turf Locks provided an opportunity for Michael to explain a little about the workings of canals to the younger riders, then we set off along the narrow towpath that was once used by horses pulling barges along the canal. Now it offered an easy and picturesque cycle ride that everyone thoroughly enjoyed.

The second part of the path was recently "upgraded" to a full cycle path, with the associated loss of a whole row of trees in order to make it wide enough for cyclists to pass in both directions. It was more interesting and secluded before the upgrade, but at least the new path encourages more cyclists to enjoy the sport.

We were soon at Exeter quay with all its bustling shops and cafes, but we had an appointment at Pizza Hut and continued along the cycle route right into the centre of Exeter.

Everyone was hungry by now, so we were eager to place our orders. Unfortunately two of our choices were "off", because they had run out of red onion, mushroom and - wait for it - ham! With so few ingredients on the menu one would think they could manage to keep them all in stock. And as Dave pointed out, even if they did run out of ham you might think someone would pop across the road to Tesco to buy some more!

When the three enormous pizzas were finally delivered everyone loved them, and there wasn't a single piece left at the end. Alex entertained us all with his story of a recent trip he made to the Avon Dam with his friend Edgar. Apparently he had ridden into an elderly woman from behind who had fallen to the ground, dropped her belongings and then picked herself up saying she was fine. Her elderly friend, however, had "legged it", tripped over a rock, fallen into the river and been swept downstream. Alex, of course, rode on!

The youngsters felt the meal, with its unlimited drink refills, had made the day totally perfect. Zac, Ashley and Alex, however, decided it wouldn't be complete without a visit to the ice cream factory. Zac got there first and got a reasonable dessert from the machine, but the other two managed to extract only bowlfuls of liquid white goo! They carried on adding sweets as though nothing was wrong, but when they returned to their seats neither of them could stomach more than a spoonful. As Alex said, with his face covered in liquid cream, it was just wrong! The waitress fixed the machine but we didn't really want the extra delay.

We eventually left Pizza Hut and continued along the path beside the river as it wound its way through the centre of the city. At the start the river was up to the edge of the path because of all the recent rains, but as we headed upstream the water lapped onto the path itself and was soon several centimetres deep! We could see the next exit and decided to press on, but some eager youngsters just couldn't avoid getting their feet soaked.

We crossed the bridge and continued up to the weir on the other side where there was no flooding. When we reached the far end and started to head back across the parklands, Zac noticed that he didn't have his rucksack! Fortunately we were heading back past Pizza Hut on the way home, and it was still there waiting for him outside - much to Zac's relief!

With the afternoon shadows beginning to lengthen we rode back through the quay, this time stopping to observe the huge flock of swans and pigeons that had congregated for the adoring visitors. Zac was getting understandably tired and Michael had forgotten his magic chocolate box, but Dave saved the day by producing some KitKats for those in most need. Zac also got an easier ride by taking the parallel cycle path while the rest of us rode the towpath.

Soon we were by the Exe again, where Alex proved that he could never get enough mud in a day, and Ben discovered the importance of looking ahead when riding along the edge of a steep grassy bank - he was observed picking his way gingerly back up the bank, hoping nobody had noticed!

Darkness was almost upon us when we finally returned to the cars at Black Forest Lodge. Most youngsters had been smart enough to bring lights, but everyone was reminded to bring them on every ride for the next couple of months. Amazingly, all the youngsters still had energy to spare at the end despite having ridden 23 miles, so congratulations to all for doing so well on this very memorable ride.
Sunday 3 December 2006
14:15 - 17:00
Afternoon ride: North Huish
Windy but dry
9 miles
8 Participants: Ash Freeman, Glen Fulford, Alex Harrigan, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Scott Mount, Ben Parker
The heavy overnight rain had obligingly moved away by the time our December afternoon ride began, but the strong gales that had brought down many trees still lingered to make the ride up Dean hill a little harder than usual.

During the detour around Harbourneford Ashley, who was riding the new Club mountain bike for the first time, was most distressed when he punctured the rear tyre with a large thorn. Michael, however, was even more distressed to discover that his puncture repair kit was missing a vital component - the glue! Ben and Scott saved the day by generously offering to push the bike back to Crofters while the rest continued with the ride.

It was clear that North Huish was going to be way too far after all the delays, so we contented ourselves with riding the very muddy branch-strewn track from Marley Head towards South Brent, which the youngsters thoroughly enjoyed, and then returning on the main road to Marley Head. We then retraced our tracks to Buckfastleigh, pausing briefly at the top of the hill to splash through the deep puddles and test the strength of the wind.

Ben and Scott were waiting patiently for us when we arrived at Crofters. Some of the muddier individuals went home to change before returning for the end of ride social, where warm fires and good refreshments made a perfect end to a very blustery day.
Sunday 17 December 2006
10:15 - 17:00
Day ride: Christmas Lunch, Ilsington
Sunny but cold
19 miles
4 Participants: Glen Fulford, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
We were disappointed with the turnout for our very special Christmas Lunch ride to the Ilsington Country Hotel. Ben would have been with us if his rear derailleur hadn't tormented him just before the ride, and a few others just couldn't afford the £16 ticket price for the day. Nevertheless three of us set off from Buckfastleigh on a perfect sunny morning, and Zac, who had been off school for much of the previous week, joined us with his bike near Ilsington just after Ryan and Glen had completed the long climb from Bickington!

We made good progress, arriving exactly on time at 12.30 which gave us nearly an hour to enjoy the private pool, Jacuzzi, sauna and steam room. Thoroughly refreshed, we were treated to an excellent three-course meal, the soup, turkey and Christmas pudding being particularly delicious. Coffee had risen from £1 per person to £2.90 per person, so we decided to head straight home to avoid the worst of the after-dark chill. Zac's brakes caused him a few problems along the way, limiting his enjoyment of the downhill sections between Birchanger and Ashburton, but he didn't need collecting and we got back to Buckfastleigh by 4.45, just seconds before our fingers froze solid!
Sunday 24 December 2006
10:15 - 12:45
Morning ride: Hembury Woods
Cold but dry
7 miles
4 Participants: Dennis Ham, Michael Jones, Scott Mount, John Stuart
This extra Christmas Eve ride was scheduled after a request from John, who was back in Buckfastleigh for just a few days over Christmas.

The intended destination of Venford Reservoir proved too challenging for some of our members, so we contented ourselves with a fun ride through Hembury Woods that took in several of the tracks that span its length. Michael dished out free Chocolate Orange bars by the river, and an after-ride social completed a very enjoyable ride.
Sunday 31 December 2006
10:15 - 12:15
Morning ride: Totnes Longmarsh
Dry start, rain later
9 miles
4 Participants: Matt Grute, Dennis Ham, Charlie Hornsby, Michael Jones
The weather forecast this morning was very clear: heavy rain would move in at around 12.00. We set off along Colston road, determined to make the best possible use of the 90 minutes of dry weather available to us. Sadly, however, Charlie had different ideas: he managed to ride over some dead wood and drove the biggest thorn we had ever seen right into his tyre, through the tube and out of the sidewall!

Michael rushed to get his spare mountain bike inner tube, only to discover that Charlie's rim wouldn't accept Schrader valves! Having fixed the two punctures caused by the thorn we then discovered a third from an unrelated thorn, so it was half an hour later when we finally got moving again.

At Huxham's Cross we made the decision to get home by the time the rain started rather than risk going on to Totnes and getting drenched, so we detoured along the riverside path at Staverton and then headed home via Hole Farm and Abham. Matt put up an impressive performance on his first ride with us, so we got back to Buckfastleigh in double quick time.

The rain began as we entered Buckfastleigh at 12.01 so our confidence in the Met office was thoroughly vindicated! Computer games at Crofters provided some compensation for the shortened ride.
Sunday 7 January 2007
14:15 - 15:40
Afternoon ride: Broadhempston
4 miles
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Matt Grute, Alex Harrigan, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Scott Mount
Alex and Zac were showing off their new bikes today, but the early forecasts of dismal weather did not bode well for our afternoon ride to Broadhempston. Several were put off by the weather, but 6 were determined to do at least a short ride as the 2.15 start time drew nearer.

A downpour on the way to the start prompted us to head for home via Buckfast, but the rain proved patchy, so there was some enthusiasm for a spin through the Hembury tracks by the time we reached the end of Grange Road.

We took the riverside track as far as the swing, and then headed back to the car park via the higher track, finishing with a brisk descent of the final section of woodland track to the bridge. A few short spells of heavier rain left Scott and Zac a little less than enthusiastic, but Alex and Matt more than made up for it, and everyone felt pleased to have braved the elements as they posed for the group photo.
Sunday 14 January 2007
10:15 - 16:25
Day ride: Stover Country Park
25 miles
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Matt Grute, Alex Harrigan, Michael Jones, Scott Mount
Four of us set off from the start on this beautiful sunny morning, but we had only reached Furzeleigh Mill when we got a call from Alex's Mum saying he had gone to the clubroom for 10.15 instead of the ride start!

He caught us up in just a few minutes, and soon we were speeding along the A38 which offered the easiest and fastest route to our destination. A piece of barbed wire on the side of the road was hit by a few of the group but miraculously caused no punctures!

Stover Country Park appeared busy as we rode along the woodland paths. We didn't get to see the recently-added air walk, but stopped at the picnic tables beside the lake for some food and Frisbee fun.

Scott was suffering with a back pain, and a shower further dampened his spirits as we headed out along the track to Teigngrace. The younger riders felt proud to find themselves riding as far from home as Newton Abbot, but the climb towards Ipplepen proved too much for Scott on this occasion. We stopped at Fermoys for some excellent food and a well-earned rest, and then Scott's father collected him from the car park at 2.30.

The rest of the group pressed on through Ipplepen in bright sunshine, delayed only by some puddle splashing, led of course by Alex. We paused at Staverton Park for some serious Frisbee practice and then headed home via Caddaford. Congratulations to Ashley on successfully completing his longest and hardest ride to date.
Sunday 21 January 2007
10:15 - 12:15
Morning ride: Spitchwick
Sunny, then wintry showers
10 miles
14 Participants: Galarina Beriot (10, Devon), Louise Beriot (10, Devon), Yoland Beriot (Adult, Devon), Tao Burgess, Ash Freeman, Matt Grute, Henry Gunter, Josh Ham, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Jill Hockmuth, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Ben Parker, David Robinson
We were pleased to welcome three new members today - and the return of some familiar faces who have been away for far too long! Zac was back too, having replaced his new bike for another with a smaller frame.

After riding out through Buckfast in brilliant sunshine we set out along the lower Hembury track. It was wet and muddy in places after the recent heavy rains and storms, but nearly everyone enjoyed the challenge and we were soon back on the tarmac, tackling the final hill to the high road.

The three-stage downhill to New Bridge offered plenty of fun for everyone, but Dave Robinson was slightly disappointed on arrival that nobody else wanted to stop for a cup of tea at the refreshment van! Instead we took the track down to Spitchwick, a surprisingly new destination for several of our members who could just imagine how perfect it would be in midsummer.

Frisbees, football and refreshments joined with the magnificent scenery to keep everyone happy for at least half an hour. The Frisbee kept getting stuck in the branches of a tree, but Josh the Monkey retrieved it for us every time - with just a little help from his friends. And when the football ended up in the icy waters of the river Dart and several youngsters were debating who should be given the task of retrieving it, a passing canoeist, pleased to be useful at last, rushed to the rescue!

We had planned to return home via Buckland to make a circular route, but several had to be home by 1.30 so we headed back up Holne Chase, which Ashley helpfully reminded everyone would now be a three-stage uphill! The single wintry shower that had been forecast for the day chose now to make its presence known, but it held back the worst of its unpleasantness until we had completed the famous "slalom" downhill track through Hembury Woods, a new and unforgettable experience for several members.

Matt was charged with leading the group through Jordan Street and up through Barn Park, so quite why he watched from the bottom of Barn Park while three non-Buckfastleigh members disappeared around the corner towards Hapstead we will never know! Michael quickly retrieved them as the freezing rain did its best to give everyone frostbite, and the warm clubroom then proved extremely welcome with its hot drinks and refreshments.

The huge attendance of 14 for this mid-winter morning ride was the largest we have had for several years, reminding us of the times when we regularly attracted 18-30 riders on half-day rides. We hope that members will spread the word so that we can once again get good such attendances for all our rides.
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