South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 21 October 2007
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Fermoy's Garden Centre, Ipplepen
2 Participants: Michael Jones, Freddie Tyler
Freddie met Michael at Staverton making a total of two for our morning ride to Fermoy’s - everyone else had a good excuse of course, but missed out on some perfect cycling weather.

Freddie was keen to keep up a good pace so we got to Ipplepen in double quick time and spent an enjoyable half hour eating tasty refreshments and looking around the pet store. Freddie was keen to have the Fermoy’s sign in the photo, but the sun just wasn't in the right place for that!

Our return route, through Denbury and Broadhempston, was completed at a similar speed, bringing us back to Buckfastleigh by 1pm for an afternoon of computer games.
Sunday 28 October 2007
10:15 - 17:00
Day ride: Stoke Gabriel Weir
Very wet
5 Participants: Olly Acland, Sam Acland, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Freddie Tyler
The day started with torrential rain which continued right through lunch. We played computer games at Crofters while we waited for conditions to improve, but it was 4pm before the rain finally stopped.

We did a short ride to Ashburton where Freddie split off for Woodland and home, then took the track from River Dart Adventures back to Hembury Woods. This was a new experience for several in the group: the path is littered with fallen trees that make the whole route more like an obstacle course than a cycle route. Having manoeuvred around some large trunks and scrambled up a steep bank we managed to return to the path and enjoyed the very autumnal colours on the woodland leaves right back through Hembury.
Sunday 4 November 2007
14:15 - 17:00
Afternoon ride: Broadhempston
Sunny and calm
4 Participants: Michael "Wolfie" Bulmer, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Freddie Tyler
The first of our new afternoon invitation rides didn't get quite the anticipated response, with one or two supposed new riders cancelling at the last minute. However, Freddie brought Wolfie out again for his second ride with us and we enjoyed an excellent afternoon romp through the lanes. The autumnal leaves were delightful on the Staverton track, but we weren't quite so impressed with the new steps and gate that had been added to the railway crossing.

At Broadhempston we spent an enjoyable half an hour in the park, eating refreshments and playing "rugby" with a local youngster who happens to go to the same school as Freddie and Wolfie. We then accompanied Freddie and Wolfie back towards Woodland before continuing homewards via Baddaford. Ashley was particularly interested in the steep and rough track descent from Five Lanes to Dart Bridge which offered new views of Buckfast and the surrounding area.
Sunday 11 November 2007
10:15 - 17:00
Day ride: Haldon Forest Tracks
Dry morning
4 Participants: Charles Acland, Olly Acland, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones
Weather was somewhat overcast for our car-assisted ride to Haldon, but we were still a bit surprised at the relatively low turnout for a ride that is always great fun.

Having parked in the gateway car park near Buller’s Hill we first rode the Play Trail as a warm-up, offering interesting and mainly level paths around the nearby forest. There were interesting play activities around almost every corner of the route, which of course Ashley and Olly just had to try out. Next was the Family cycle trail, which was a little longer and slightly hillier. We then rode the few miles across Haldon's autumnal lanes to Mamhead Obelisk, which offered magnificent views to the Exe Estuary and beyond while we ate lunch on the comfortable seats. This was a new location for all except Michael, and they were so impressed that they will undoubtedly return again.

A few spots of drizzle began to fall as Olly and Michael chased each other around the nearby undergrowth, so we headed back along the tracks near the Obelisk and arrived back at the Forest Park just as the rain seemed to become more settled. We had seen a van selling hot pancakes earlier, so now was the time to sample them whilst giving the weather a chance to decide what it was going to do.

Freddie, who was also cycling around the park with his family, met us briefly, but the rain was definitely in for the afternoon and neither Charles nor the youngsters could be persuaded to do any more riding today. We headed back to Buckfastleigh for some computer games, looking forward to returning to the park at a future date.
Sunday 18 November 2007
10:15 - 14:30
Morning ride: Avon Dam
Dry with sunny spells
5 Participants: Michael "Wolfie" Bulmer, Dennis Ham, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Freddie Tyler
According to the forecast there was a high probability of rain continuing throughout the morning, and since Zac needed a puncture fixing we arranged to start later at around 11am. The rain actually stopped before 10am and conditions looked promising when we were ready to leave, so we set off through Dean Prior hoping that the promised rain would stay away.

When Zac eventually plucked up courage to ride past Nurston bungalow (scene of some unfortunate dog incidents on previous rides) we made good speed to the top of the hill and on through Gidley Bridge, which looked spectacular in its autumn decor. Zac and Dennis were slightly annoying however: asked to continue on up the hill while Michael took some unhurried photos, they actually hid behind a hedge and sprang out on him when he set off! Then everyone else had to wait while they climbed the hill at their slightly slower pace!

There were only a few people around Shipley Bridge. The driveway to the dam was made more interesting than usual by the huge volume of water surging down the Avon. South West Water contractors had left the path in rather a mess, however, during recent replacement of the water pipe: a very impressive trench digger (Wolfie wanted one of his own) had been used to dig up the tarmac, but it hadn't cut clean edges and the hole and been filled with loose rubble! We hope they don't intend to leave it like this.

The dam itself was overflowing more than we could remember seeing for some time. When we had taken a good look at all there was to see we headed back across our usual moorland route to the Abbots Way bridleway, which whilst wet, wasn't as muddy as we had perhaps expected. This was the first time on the Abbots Way for both Freddie and Wolfie, and needless to say they thoroughly enjoyed the fast descent to Cross Furzes and home.
Sunday 2 December 2007
14:15 - 16:30
Afternoon ride: Broadhempston
Breezy with sunner intervals & showers
8 Participants: Charles Acland, Heidi Acland, Olly Acland, Sam Acland, Andrew Banks (II) (12, Saltash), Harry Blackman, Donald Comer-Calder, Michael Jones
We took the short route to Broadhempston in breezy but pleasant conditions, splashing through numerous large puddles and streams along the way. We then spent a little time in the park playing Frisbee and eating chocolate.

For the return route we diverted via Landscove, but we had just crossed a flooded section of road when a particularly heavy shower drenched everyone before the final climb to Green Lane.

Congratulations to Harry Blackman, out today for his first proper club ride.
Sunday 16 December 2007
10:15 - 17:00
Day ride: Christmas Lunch, Ilsington
8 Participants: Charles Acland, Heidi Acland, Olly Acland, Sam Acland, Andrew Banks (II), Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
There was a reasonable attendance for our Christmas Lunch ride to the Ilsington hotel, although there were many other current and older members who would have been very welcome to attend. Michael, Ashley, Andrew and Zac rode from Buckfastleigh, but the Aclands had to leave later and drove to meet us at Bickington. Sam joined us for the final climb to the hotel, and by 12.25 we were all enjoying the pool and sauna facilities.

The meal was excellent as usual, and whilst Michael had not managed to work out the junior attendance winner he was able to award the Devon DA trophy to the section for attending the most youth hostels during the year.

All except Charles and Heidi rode back to Buckfastleigh along the lane from Birchanger to Halshanger and on to Ashburton. Making a good speed were able to reach Buckfastleigh before dark.
Sunday 23 December 2007
10:15 - 12:30
Morning ride: Totnes
Sunny but cold
5 Participants: Olly Acland, Michael "Wolfie" Bulmer, Michael Jones, Jordan Knight, Freddie Tyler
Our pre-Christmas ride to Totnes didn't turn out exactly as planned despite some very pleasant weather. First, Wolfie started to feel ill along Colston Road and needed a few rests to settle his stomach. Then Jordan got a puncture in the club bike near Riverford Bridge, causing a further delay. Since Wolfie was still feeling unwell we reluctantly decided to give Totnes a miss and headed back via Charlie's Cross - only to be hit by another puncture, this time in Michael's rear tyre.

The youngsters helped themselves to their Christmas chocolate treats from Michael's pannier (Toblerones) while he fixed the puncture, then we headed by along the track past Hole Farm and on through Caddaford to Buckfastleigh. Suddenly Wolfie was feeling much better, but it was too late for the cafes on this occasion.
Sunday 30 December 2007
10:15 - 15:30
Day ride (Car-assisted): Plym Valley Cycleway
Cloudy but dry
4 Participants: Andrew Banks (II), Michael "Wolfie" Bulmer, Michael Jones, Freddie Tyler
With many of our members away for Christmas it seemed that only Andrew from Plymouth was up for today's ride. Michael met him at the start of the Plym Valley cycleway at Plympton and they rode with good speed all the way to the end of the path at Clearbrook.

During the past year or so most of the path has been given the tarmac treatment so that it now resembles a country lane. This "improvement" seems to have removed much of the character of the route, but it was nevertheless and enjoyable ride. The newly opened section of the path near Bickleigh was definitely welcome, however, obviating the need to use roads at any point on the route.

From Clearbrook we rode the short distance to Meavy in the hope of refreshments outside the village inn, but unfortunately it has changed hands since Michael last visited, offering only a very expensive luncheon menu on Sundays.

Andrew was keen to have a meal out, so we headed back to Clearbrook with all speed. Whilst retracing our route back to Plympton along the cycle path we met Freddie and his family heading the other way. Freddie quickly jumped ships and joined our gang back to Plympton, from where we took the car to Pizza Hut at Plymouth for a very tasty pizza meal with Andrew's Mum.

The conclusion of the day's activities was a games social at Crofters, where Wolfie joined Freddie and Michael for some entertaining computer games.
Sunday 20 January 2008
10:15 - 12:30
Morning ride: Totnes Cyclepath & Café
Sunny but cold
8 Participants: Heidi Acland, Olly Acland, Sam Acland, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Freddie Tyler, Mrs Tyler (Adult, Ashburton), Ms Tyler (Junior, Ashburton)
We were pleased to welcome Freddie's mother and sister on this morning's ride which took us along Colston Road and the cycle path into Totnes. We did check out one of the lower cafes in the town, but the Barrelhouse definitely attracted the most votes. And so it was that we spent an enjoyable half hour eating teacakes and wholesome meals.

We headed back through Littlehempston, pausing on the railway bridge to chat with another cyclist. A profusion of snowdrops adorned the lanes as we rode through Staverton to Buckfastleigh.
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