South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 26 September 2010
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride (Car-assisted): Hennock Reservoirs
Sunny with an autumnal chill
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones
After some deliberation we settled on Hennock Reservoirs as the destination for this car-assisted morning ride. On arrival we rode the tracks around the Trenchford reservoir, noting that its water level was significantly below maximum. Going around the Tottiford however the reservoir seemed to be only half full. The rear portion of the reservoir, which is at a higher level, was completely drained and there was evidence of several stone artefacts exposed by the absence of water. We found out later that South West water had drained the reservoir last autumn for maintenance and that the foundations of ancient buildings had been uncovered as a result. Time Team even came to investigate in August, and programme being broadcast at some point in 2011. We just enjoyed the sunshine and the unusual opportunity to walk on the now grassy bottom of the reservoir.

The ride had been delightful but had also been rather short, so we finished with a spin down the hill to the village of Lustleigh where we were able to confirm that the cafe is still doing business.
Sunday 3 October 2010
10:15 - 12:40
Morning ride: River Dart Adventures
Dry & breezy with sunny spells
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell
Last night's forecast of heavy rain all night and continuing until late afternoon proved somewhat inaccurate: it certainly rained all night, but everything had cleared through by the time our ride started. New rider Jack (he came on a social earlier in the year), who had already ridden out from Staverton, had no difficulty with our ride this morning which started by riding along the lower Hembury track. The Holy Brook was in full flow today but there seemed to be nearly as much water running down the track as well!

From Gallant Le Bower we rode down the track through Holne Woods past the newly-felled timber and on through River Dart Adventures where all the campers had finally gone home.
Sunday 10 October 2010
10:15 - 12:55
Morning ride: Staverton
Grey start, sunny later
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell
We were a little late starting today as Jack forgot to ring to let us know he was coming on the ride. We set off as soon as we could for a leisurely jaunt along Colston Road to Staverton Bridge and the riverside track. In the park Jack was telling us how he loves pushing his younger brothers as high as possible on the bucket swing as they really don't like it, but we soon discovered that Jack doesn't like it either!

We returned to Buckfastleigh via Abham.
Sunday 17 October 2010
10:15 - 16:15
Day ride: Widecombe-in-the-Moor
Perfect sunny weather
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell
Today's perfect weather was just too good to waste on a morning ride, and as we were long overdue for a Dartmoor ride we headed up to Cold East Cross via Ashburton and Ausewell hill.

First stop was Bonehill rocks, one of the many Devon locations used by Steven Spielberg in his recent shooting of the film War Horse. The youngsters spent 25 minutes climbing the rocks and looking for letterboxes before we descended the hill to Widecombe for a welcome refreshment stop in the Cafe on the Green.

Jack and Callum bought extra drinks from the shop near the village green and after soaking up the tranquil village scene we took the road to Ponsworthy with its steep descent to Ponsworthy bridge.

Now came decision time: we could take the easier route home via Leusdon and Spitchwick, or tackle an extra climb for the reward of Dr Blackall's drive. Michael was very impressed when the youngsters chose the more adventurous option, and we were soon chatting with a pair of interesting cyclists from London on the climb through Lock's Gate Cross.

We pumped our tyres at the car park at Bel Tor Corner: Callum refused to accept that the reason for Michael's new pump falling apart was anything to do with the way he had been using it! After the initial rough section of the track we quickly found ourselves looking over some of the most spectacular views in Devon and thoroughly enjoyed the track as it wound its way along the upper edge of the Dart valley. As usual we took the track descent to New Bridge: it was a little overgrown today but we still managed to have a lot of fun negotiating the twists and turns.

At New Bridge car park we chatted briefly with South Hams CTC while enjoying ice creams from the van, then returned home via Hembury Woods which concluded one of the best rides so far this season.
Sunday 24 October 2010
10:15 - 13:15
Morning ride: Chalk Ford
Sunny with blue skies but chilly
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones
After some debate we settled on Chalk Ford as our destination today, tackling the climb to Cross Furzes fairly rapidly. The moorland grass on the downhill to the destination was damp but not too slippery. We searched in vain for any sign of the family of piglets that we had seen during the summer, but sadly they were all gone - we didn't really want to think too much about where!

With time to spare we detoured through Michelcombe to Holne where we paid a final visit to the local shop and cafe that will be closing next weekend - the coffee cake and hot chocolates were most welcome, but Michael didn't get on to well with the multitude of enormous dogs that came in with two other customers during our stay. We returned home via Hembury hill, once again missing our favourite Slalom track in order to get home close to 1pm.
Sunday 31 October 2010
10:15 - 12:15
Morning ride: South Brent
Cloudy start, rain later
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Jack Parnell
With a rather unsettled outlook we set off up Dean hill and followed through to Harbourneford, planning to turn back at the first sign of rain. Unfortunately the leading riders neglected to wait before descending the hill to South Brent, so Michael was unable to warn them that the small drops of rain that had begun to fall were a sure sign of worse to come.

Since we were in the village we bought some refreshments from the coop and ate them under the shelter of the shop front, but by now the rain was settling in for the morning so there was nothing for it but to head for home as quickly as we could. Zac and Jack had no coats and Zac and Ryan were wearing jeans, so by the time we had taken the main road back to Marley Head and then cut back to Dean hill for the final descent they were thoroughly drenched. They didn't seem to mind, although they were very grateful for the warm fire and computer games on offer at the clubroom after the ride.
Friday 5 November 2010
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Fireworks
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones
With our social falling on Bonfire Night this year it seemed clear what we would be doing, but it took a little while to decide which event to attend. In the end we headed for Mountbatten in Plymouth which offered us an excellent view of the firework display coming out of the Citadel on the Hoe. Ash took his camera and managed to get some spectacular long-exposure shots of the display, and we all bought some ice-cream boats coated with chocolate and fudge from the ice cream van.

We called in to Tesco on the way home and still had time for a game of Call of Duty when we got back to the Clubroom.
Sunday 7 November 2010
10:15 - 13:35
Morning ride: Totnes
Fine and sunny
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell
Fabulous autumn leaves adorned our route along Colston Road and along the cycle path to Dartington. Today we were able to continue along the riverside path to Totnes where even more spectacular colours awaited us. This really did turn out to be a fabulous cycle ride.

We haven't visited the Barrel House cafe for a long time, and today it proved just as welcoming as ever with an open fire burning just inside the door and comfortable sofas arranged conveniently nearby. The hot chocolates and teacakes were excellent and we really didn't feel like leaving.

Our return route along Barracks Hill took us down memory lane for Jack who had lived in Dartington when he was younger and had frequently visited his gran at Week. The farm lanes took us quickly to the hill leading to the timber yard and we returned to Buckfastleigh via the Pennywell downhill.
Sunday 21 November 2010
10:15 - 12:50
Morning ride: Belford Mill
Dry but cold
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell
A cold breeze meant we had to dress up warmly for this morning ride to Ashburton. There were plenty of autumn leaves lining the woodland track near Belford Mill but the glorious colours of two weeks ago were beginning to fade now. Our return route took us past South Dartmoor School, around one of Michael's "educational" detours in the centre of Ashburton and home via Peartree.
Friday 3 December 2010
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Risk
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Zac suggested a game of Risk this evening and for once Callum went along with the idea. We had a great game, although Callum's frequent attacks on his teammate's territories didn't improve their chance of success. We finished the game by 9.20 and concluded the evening with some computer games.
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Events Index Gallery Participants