South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 25 November 2012
10:15 - 13:20
Morning ride: Broadhempston
11 miles (▲ 288m)
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
When Michael had dealt with an unexpected business customer we got away rather late at 10.43 with a forecast that had changed overnight to predict more in the way of showers.

Continuous rain yesterday and overnight had caused flooding in the lower part of Buckfastleigh, so severe that the Prime Minister David Cameron came to see for himself later this week. When we rode through Strode Road however the only sign of flooding was a chap spraying stuff onto his car engine to disperse the moisture. The river Mardle was still quite high though.

We rode up Green Lane, then had to change Will’s tube as he got a puncture. Nobody seemed to be in much of a hurry today. There was a lot of water running down the lane from High Beara to Wash, and when we got near Broadhempston we found that the River Hems had burst its banks, spilling out all over the road.

We arrived at Broadhempston community shop and café ridiculously late at 11.55. It doesn’t close until 12.00 so we expected to be in time for a coffee, but we were quickly informed that at this café everyone has to be out by 12! The woman got into a real flap about it, saying we couldn’t have proper coffee because they had turned off the machine and it takes ages to warm up. She offered instant, but only if we could decide how many we wanted within sixty seconds. And it would have to be take-away as they wanted to clean the café area! We had wanted shelter from the shower that had just started but we took up their reluctant offer and bought take-away hot chocolates for £1 each. We were then shown the door as quickly as possible, and the woman left four minutes later to go home to make her Sunday roast! Maybe they should visit the Holne community café to see how it should be run.

We took shelter from the rain in the play fort in the park. Ash, being Ash, went out to play with the football in the rain, so then Will decided to go and join him, ignoring advice from several of us that he should put his coat on first. After he had got properly wet he went to put on his coat, but by then the rain was easing. There were more showers on the way back and of course Will was now cold as well as wet. He and John eventually caught us on the climb to Green Lane while we were redirecting the “river” of water into one of the unblocked drains. We finally got home at 1.20. George and Jack played Minecraft, joined by Ash after lunch, until the club closed at 3.40.
Sunday 16 December 2012
10:15 - 12:35
Morning ride: Ashburton
Chilly but bright with showers
7 miles (▲ 143m)
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
We had only reached Pridhamsleigh via the old Ashburton road when the first shower came. A small lake of water on the lane provided a bit of fun despite it not being especially deep. George wanted to go to the park as a minimum today, but soon after we arrived we got another shower that necessitated huddling under the shelter.

Clearly this was not going to be a day for a long ride so we headed home – George said, with great pride, he had been going so fast down the hill that he had been nearly as fast as a car!

We got back for soon after 12.30 and the youngsters entertained themselves on the computer network until 4.10 while Michael entertained his cousin who was visiting.
Sunday 23 December 2012
10:15 - 17:10
Day ride: Christmas Lunch, Ilsington
19 miles (▲ 412m)
7 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
There was a dry interlude today from the recent spell of wet weather so we were actually able to cycle to the Christmas Lunch. Jack arrived with a puncture so we left rather late at 10.45 and rode to Bickington and up the lane to Ilsington. Michael wondered how easy George would find the ride but he needn’t have worried as we got to the Ilsington hotel by 12.20.

This gave us a clear hour to enjoy the private pool, Jacuzzi, Sauna and steam room, which of course everyone thoroughly enjoyed. The meal was excellent as usual, keeping us happy until 3.15 when we set off for home via Halshanger Cross and Ashburton. We got home by 5.10, feeling properly in the Christmas spirit.
Sunday 30 December 2012
10:15 - 13:35
Morning ride: Holne
9 miles
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
A shower at 10.25 prompted us to delay the start, giving Ash chance to fit the new off-road tyres that he had obtained from Gavin. It was dry by 11.05 and George wanted to go to Holne café, so we rode up via Scoriton and settled into the café to enjoy parsnip and curry soups and other tasty refreshments.

When another shower had been and gone we set off again for Hembury Woods where Ash tried the slalom track and came out at the bottom plastered in mud, much to John’s amusement. The photo says it all really. We got home for 1.35 where Ash took a much-needed shower and the others played games until 3pm.
Sunday 6 January 2013
10:15 - 13:07
Morning ride: Dartington Hall
14 miles (▲ 265m)
6 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, Adam Wyeth
With everyone feeling on top form today we rode out along Colston Road, then followed the cycle path through the Cider Press Centre towards Totnes. When we got to the Dartington Hall road at 11.48 Adam suggested that we could maybe return via the Dartington Hall estate. This seemed like an excellent idea so we set off up the hill at a good pace.

Michael had inadvertently neglected to pack his chocolate box today and thought this would be enough to persuade everyone to stop at the upmarket café in Dartington Hall. Unfortunately the majority favoured minimal spending so he ended up accompanying Lawrence into the café so he could buy a 75p KitKat to take away!

When Callum had been reminded again of the dangers of cycling with earphones we returned home via Staverton Bridge and Abham, reaching Buckfastleigh by just after 1pm. There was a games social after the ride until 2.50.
Sunday 27 January 2013
10:15 - 12:45
Morning ride: Belford Mill
11 miles (▲ 200m)
5 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, George Rogers
Michael was recovering from a virus this morning so he led the ride by car on a superb sunny morning. We rode to Ashburton, then down the railway track to the centre of town, although George apparently came off while attempting a jump which caused a small delay.

After taking the back lanes to Belford Mill we rode the track down through the woods. Last time the first section of the path was in a total mess as a result of extensive tree felling, but now we were pleased to find that the path had been properly tidied up – it was still a bit muddy, but everyone enjoyed it.

We returned home via South Dartmoor School and the old Ashburton road, getting back for around 12.45. There was a Minecraft social after the ride until 3.30.
Sunday 3 February 2013
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: South Brent
Chilly with spells of light drizzle
10 miles (▲ 338m)
4 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell
Today’s ride took us up Dean Hill and on to South Brent where we called into the Co-op so that Lawrence could buy himself a frozen pizza for his lunch. He must have been keen to eat it as power up the hills on our return route via Lutton and Bloody Pool. We had seen a Horizon programme recently that suggested a few ten-second stints of maximum effort was as effective for fitness as a very long spell of half-hearted exercise, so he diligently followed the guide today.

Lawrence managed to come off his bike on the way down Nurston hill, but he only landed in mud so there was no real damage done. He went home to change while the rest of us got back for 1pm. There was the usual games social after the ride until 3.45 that included a few games of Halo. And of course Lawrence wasted no time getting back up so he could cook his pizza.
Sunday 10 February 2013
10:15 - 12:55
Morning ride: Combe
Windy and chilly with light drizzle
7 miles (▲ 245m)
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
We were delayed at the start by Callum who arrived with two punctures to fix, so the youngsters had an hour on the computers before we finally set off at 11.10. We rode up to Cross Furzes, but the second half of the climb left us all feeling really cold in the strong wind. Some people needed hoods up to help thaw their ears, although young George remained cheerful through it all.

The descent to Lower Combe brought us down to some shelter at last, but nobody was in the mood to stay out too long so we returned home via Hawson Court for 12.55. There was the usual games social after the ride until 3.30, consisting of Modern Warfare 3 and Halo.
Sunday 17 February 2013
10:15 - 13:50
Morning ride: River Dart Country Park
Sunny but slightly chilly
11 miles (▲ 278m)
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Those who turned out on this bright sunny morning enjoyed a great ride to Holne via Holne Road, Scoriton and Michelcombe. We stopped for soups and teacakes at the Holne café, then took the track down to River Dart Country Park which was a little harder than usual to access because of the careful positioning of a large log in the path around the gate.

The track through the woods was great fun as usual. We stopped to enjoy the Spiders’ Web attraction for a few moments, then returned home via the old Ashburton Road for 1.50. There were the usual games after the ride until 3.40.
Sunday 24 February 2013
10:15 - 13:05
Morning ride: Hembury Woods
Sunny spells but cold (2°)
8 miles
6 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, George Rogers, Alastair Shapland (10, Buckfastleigh)
New member Alastair arrived promptly at 10am on a very cold morning and seemed happy enough to play a game of Modern Warfare 3 with the others while we waited for Lawrence, who as usual was running late.

Alastair likes off-road so we rode through Buckfast to the lower Hembury Woods track which offered us a little shelter from the bitter breeze. Half-way along we stopped at our favourite tree for a photo, then we stopped again to climb the tree at Humphrey’s Cross. The slalom track through Hembury provided a great finish on our way home, bringing us back to Buckfastleigh for just after 1pm. Alastair is quite an experienced cyclist and had no problem with the ride, so we hope to see him again soon.

There was a games and trampoline social after the ride until 3.30 or so.
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Events Index Gallery Participants