South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 5 July 2015
10:15 - 12:20
Morning ride: Rattery
Dry with sunny spells
8 miles
2 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones
A forecast of showers at lunchtime seemed to frighten Dillan so much that it was hard to get him cycling at all today, despite Michael's assurances that weather forecasts for showers don't necessarily mean you will get wet. He had pulled himself together by the time we reached the top of Rattery hill so we were able to enjoy a brisk ride over the new Dry Bridge and then past a fly-infested Moors Head to the Nurston road.

The forecast rain never came, but in some ways it was fortunate that we had not strayed far from home since Michael's freewheel chose this moment to seize up - he had to pedal all the way down the hill and then home without freewheeling once.

We didn't waste the afternoon sunshine, choosing to fix two punctures, replace Dillan's rear derailleur and purchase a new freewheel for Michael's bike from Big Peaks at Ashburton.
Friday 10 July 2015
19:00 - 21:40
Evening ride: The Abbots Way
Sunny and warm
3 Participants: Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
George made the choices at each stage of this evening's ride. The result of this was that we rode up the long hill to Cross Furzes and then took to the Abbot's Way bridleway onto the moor. We found a quiet, open spot on the hill adorned with a wide variety of grasses and spend an enjoyable half hour throwing Frisbees through the warm, still air.

It was with some reluctance that we eventually dragged ourselves away from this moorland sanctuary and headed home the way we had come.
Sunday 12 July 2015
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride: Converted to Social
6 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers, Ewan Suttie
Inclement weather today encouraged us to arrange a session of badminton at Ashmoor instead of the planned cycle ride. Ewan made good progress with his badminton skills from a low starting point and everyone had some energetic and enjoyable games. The afternoon social involved a game of Lord of the Rings and some PC repairs!
Friday 17 July 2015
19:00 - 22:15
Evening ride: Cancelled
Mainly dry
0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
Today's ride was cancelled as nobody arrived at the start.
Sunday 19 July 2015
10:15 - 14:15
Morning ride: South Brent
Dry with sunny spells
10 miles
3 Participants: Michael Jones, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Will liked the idea of a fairly short ride for some reason so we rode up Dean Hill and through Harbourneford to South Brent where we bought snacks and lunch from the coop. South Brent Island made a great place to eat lunch in the afternoon sunshine: the profusion of butterflies and dragonflies confirmed its status as a real haven for wildlife. After photos on the bridge we returned via Bloody Pool and Gidley Bridge - a leisurely but enjoyable ride.
Friday 24 July 2015
19:00 - 22:15
Evening ride: Cancelled
Occasional drizzle
0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
Heavy rain all day turned to drizzle for the evening, and with nobody in attendance the ride was cancelled.
Sunday 26 July 2015
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride: Cancelled
0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
With bad weather from the start today the ride was cancelled.
Friday 31 July 2015
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride: Landscove
Sunny and warm
8 miles
4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
Our ride this evening took us up Green Lane and then on to Higher Penn from where we took the bridleway that descends through four fields to Landscove. George had found a miniature tennis ball on the way out of Buckfastleigh, so we called in to Landscove school playing field for some ball and Frisbee games.

With darkness falling we had to abandon plans for an extended ride, heading home to Buckfastleigh by the shortest route.
Sunday 2 August 2015
10:15 - 16:05
Day ride: Goodrington Sands
Sunny and warm with a breeze
30 miles
4 Participants: Tom Batten, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers
Today was our most adventurous ride since the Easter Tour. Everyone had agreed on a longer ride today, preferably to a beach, partly as practice for our upcoming Lake District tour and partly to start increasing distances of Sunday rides. To Michael's surprise everyone was raring to go at the start, so we set off along the main Totnes road to Charlie's Cross. Tom, who is a relative newcomer, only came as far as Austin's Bridge, but by doing that he earned his ticket to the cinema trip on Wednesday.

The youngsters impressed with a relentless speed through Staverton and Red Post, reaching Marldon by 11.55 and Paignton sea front shortly after mid-day. The whole area was swarming with tourists today, but what was more surprising was that every single parking space along the sea wall was occupied by a VW camper van!

Food was expensive here so we pressed on via Belle Vue Road and the delightful Roundham Gardens cycle path to Goodrington Sands, resisting the temptation to spend £5 on a bumper boat ride but failing to avoid the need to spend £2.75 on a barely adequate burger lunch from the takeaway by the beach. After a few hot doughnuts we wandered around the rock pools before setting off once again in a homeward direction.

We took a route that Michael had only researched last night - a track around Torbay Caravan Park and then the surprisingly quiet Grange Road up to South Devon College. We stopped to refill water bottles at the Long Road garden centre, then continued at speed for the descent of Parliament Hill. The Parliament Stone in the cottages near the bottom says that William Prince of Orange held his first parliament here in November 1688.

Totnes offered the chance of buying milkshakes at Morrisons, then as we were in plenty of time we took the cycle path through to Dartington and Colston Road back to Buckfastleigh. I think the youngsters were as surprised as Michael how fast they completed this ride - and how energetic they felt when they reached home. They asked for longer rides every Sunday from now on, so we will write that into the runs list for when we return from the Lakes.
Saturday 8 August 2015
07:00 - 23:00
Tour: Lake District
Day 1 Home to Hawkshead YH
Sunny and hot
7 miles (▲ 115m ▼ 170m)
6 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Report to be written from the following notes made by Michael.

I was up at 5.30. Dillan got here 10 mins late at 6.00 but was bright eyed and bushy tailed. We got away at around 6.20 as planned, leaving Ash asleep. We got to Neil’s around 6.35, got to station at 6.45 as planned. Lawrence was late of course! We took our bikes in bags to Platform 3, then Lawrence came. He had only packed his bike that morning despite my requests that he did it the night before … all he did was take off the wheels, so it didn’t fit and most of it was hanging out! Useless. Train was on time at 7.03, Crosscountry train, only 2 bikes spaces, but we got all the bikes and bags in the area.

Our seats were not totally together, but we arranged things with another passenger so we had a table. No coffee on the train until Bristol, which was very poor as we were all looking forward to it. At Bristol I hopped off and got one from the Pumpkin café, rest got them from the end of the Voyager train. Had to move seats at Cheltenham, not as much together.

Arrived a few minutes late at Birmingham so we had a lot of work to do, around 15 minutes to change train. We used the lift three times to take everything up, then took it all down on the nearby platform where our train was leaving. Got to the platform with around 4-5 minutes to spare. Got the bikes up to the far end where the bike space was, found the door was locked! I asked the nearby official to unlock it, he asked for my reservations, I showed him my res number, he refused to accept it saying I needed a ticket! Apparently you get them from upstairs! But after I complained it would make the train late he said I could ask the train manager. He was down the OTHER end! I ran down there while kids loaded luggage, very hot today. He said of course we could load the bikes and radioed through to the other chap to open it up. When I got there they had started loading the bikes. It was all a rush, the train was 2 mins late leaving, the stupid bloke looked at me as he walked past and said he wasn’t trying to be difficult, he was just following procedures or something. I said nothing.

Train was packed and this journey was difficult, with two changes of seats because of our late booking. So we weren’t really sitting together much. It took me a while to cool down.

Got to Oxenholme several minutes late, almost after the Windermere train should have left, but it always waits. We had to rush our stuff down to that train, but the staff helped load bikes and bags which was really helpful of them. Northern chap chatted with us on the train to Windermere. Short journey.

So we got there around 12.45 as planned. We had to reassemble 4 bikes. Then I had to take the bags to the taxi place at the bottom of town where they accepted them in one pack for £8 for 4 days. Then while still reassembling bikes I rang the boat hire places. I don’t think I could have booked them earlier, as we could have missed any of those trains, and you have to pay in advance. Well the best place was fully booked until 5pm, so I checked with everyone and rang them back, then it was 5.30! I had hoped for a 3.30 boat trip, so it was all messed up a bit, but I paid the £28 and allowed time to pass slowly. We bought lunch and supper in Booths supermarket on the station, really big and nice. Northern only I guess. Around 30 stores in the North West. High end, like Waitrose.

We had the option of riding to the visitor centre and then back to the boat hire, but it was hot so we just rolled down the hill quite late and sat on tables outside Bowness marina. Some wandered off to look at the fair but spent nothing. Some used the nearby toilets.

So in the end we got on our boat for around 5.30 and had an hour on the water, taking it in turns to drive. I just did the first few minutes, then let everyone else have 2 goes. It wasn’t that fast, so Lawrence and Will did loops to try to get some fun out of it, and several enjoyed rocking the boat from side to side. Lovely weather and a nice trip though. Boat was called Tarryn I think.

Got back around 6.30, then rode the path to the ferry and then the road route to the hostel. This was way later than I would have wanted to arrive. To make things worse, Lawrence, Dillan and George rode a long way past the left turn that we needed. It was at the corner just before. John had stopped at the back somewhere to look at Will’s gear problem, as Will was getting frustrated, I came up to the others at the corner, they asked how much further, I said 2.6 miles or whatever it was, but as I was finishing the sentence “..but don’t go on until John gets here” they were setting off around the corner. I waited, then went around the corner and found there was a left turn we needed but they had gone on. So I waited. And waited. Eventually John and Will got there, but the others did not come back. John kindly offered to go and get them back. I had a look at Will’s gears and established the problem was the new chain on old cassette. It was still taking ages, so in the end I thought if they had gone all the way to Hawkshead it would be quicker to go on than to go back, to go around the other way, so we went off too but soon met them coming back up. Lawrence denied responsibility, saying he had been chasing them to stop them, and finally caught them near the lake, so they had stopped to skim stones! That of course turned out to be all a lie later when it was discussed! We had wasted half an hour.

So we got to the hostel way later than I had planned, around 8.10 I would say. Nice hostel. Self-catering kitchen was outside, so we all showered and ate at different times.

It was quite late of course, so we dind’nt have time to get Bomberman out. We did get wi-fi in the reception area. Some tried to play Table Tennis in the games room but ended up just going upstairs. We were in room 8, upstairs and through some twisty corridors and doors. Lights out around 11.
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Events Index Gallery Participants