South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Thursday 24 September 2015
19:45 - 21:45
Social: Cinema Night: Agents of Shield
2 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones
The reward for those who rode with us last weekend was two episodes of the superb Agents of Shield TV series. Tonight we watched episodes 17 and 18 from season 2.
Friday 25 September 2015
18:30 - 22:00
Evening ride: Pizza Hut, Plymouth
Dry but chilly
9 miles
2 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones
This was our last evening ride of the season, so to mark the occasion we organised a brand new and rather special ride. We took the bikes to Coypool car park in Plympton and then rode the first part of the Plym Valley Cycleway. This was new to Dillan who had somehow missed our last visit in 2014.

On the way up the dark wooded lane from Plym Bridge Michael was just explaining that the Wrigley’s chewing gum factory would soon come into view when suddenly there was an overpowering smell of - chewing gum! We could see why it was located well away from residential areas.

We followed the main road up to Tavistock road (because Michael hadn't properly checked out the cycle short-cut in advance) and then rode down to the Crownhill Pizza Hut. We had a 2 for 1 voucher so were able to get more pizza than we could eat for just £5 each.

Returning along the same route we were surprised to spot a small herd of deer galloping around the grassy verges of the industrial estate. As soon as they saw us they headed back towards the woods. We enjoyed the long descent back to the car and then called in to Tesco on the way home to finish a memorable evening.
Sunday 27 September 2015
10:15 - 15:15
Day ride: Berry Pomeroy Castle
Sunny and warm
22 miles (▲ 475m ▼ 475m)
4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
High pressure was settled over the UK this weekend so we had glorious weather all day. Unsure of our destination at first we rode along Colston Road, then through Staverton and along the higher road to Littlehempston for the first time. Michael wanted everyone to see the view of Totnes from Grattans, but this turned out to involve a detour towards the water treatment works so we contented ourselves with what we could see over the hedge before descending past some rather expensive-looking gated properties into the village.

Berry Pomeroy castle had always been an option, and now everyone felt up for the climb so we took the road through the woods to Berry Pomeroy and then up the B-road to the castle track itself. When we arrived the little café was bursting with cyclists - Plymouth CTC in fact, who had ridden up from Plympton this morning. Our youngsters had their heart set on Morrisons café so weren't interested in this one even though there was a strong smell of bacon everywhere. Castle entry would have been £3.20 each, and again that did not appeal. We contented ourselves with taking a few photos and chatting with the Plymouth CTC members - one of them had a battery upgrade that seemed to be of particular interest to John for some reason!

The road to Totnes was nearly all downhill so we were soon in Morrisons enjoying hot snacks and drinks at bargain prices. The cycle path along the river Dart was bustling with walkers today and full of colour in the brilliant sunshine. Dartington's Cider Press Centre was even more interesting than usual with their Apple and Cider weekend in full swing - there were magic shows, pottery classes, stalls and a live Irish band that created an uplifting atmosphere.

When we were finally able to drag the youngsters away we took the cycle path to Huxham's Cross and then followed the main road for a high-speed return to Buckfastleigh.
Wednesday 30 September 2015
18:00 - 22:00
Social: Cinema Night: Martian

3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers
We went to Exeter Vue this evening because film times were better there. The screen was packed for this first night showing of the movie Martian, and the film itself was fully deserving of its many excellent reviews.
Friday 2 October 2015
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Shopping Expedition

3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers
The youngsters had already planned their evening when they arrived at 7pm, although things did not work exactly as planned when we got caught up in a 20-minute traffic queue on the way to Lee Mill.

Once they had bought all they wanted to eat we returned to Crofters for computer games.
Sunday 4 October 2015
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Holne
Dull but dry
9 miles
2 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones
With only two of us out and the weather not being particularly exciting we contented ourselves with a morning ride via Buckfast Abbey to the café at Holne, where today the chef was on holiday and the café was being managed by two friendly youngsters. The full range of food was not available today, but they had everything we needed.

We returned to Buckfastleigh via the lower Hembury Woods track, which whilst a little wet and muddy in places was downhill all the way.
Thursday 8 October 2015
19:30 - 21:45
Social: Cinema Night

2 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones
Three episodes of Agents of Shield Season 2 brought us to the penultimate episode of the season.
Friday 9 October 2015
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Supermarket, Games and Videos

3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers
The youngsters wanted a social rather similar to last week, so they enjoyed a mixture of computer games, supermarket shopping and videos.
Sunday 11 October 2015
10:15 - 16:00
Day ride: Loddiswell
Cloudy but dry
29 miles (▲ 675m ▼ 675m)
2 Participants: Michael Jones, John Rogers
The weather was rather gloomy today so we decided on a reasonably fast ride to a destination that we haven't visited since 2003. We rode through Harbourneford to South Brent and Wrangaton, then took the road to California Cross. John always prefers to avoid off-road whenever possible, so we bypassed the Avon Railway track and headed straight for the café at Loddiswell. Along the way we couldn't help stopping at the picturesque Newmill Bridge where the geese, river, cottages and woodland made a delightful sight.

The café at the Avon Mill garden centre has been hugely expanded since our last visit, but so had the prices. Quality was excellent, however, and we managed to find some children's meals that were just the right size for cyclists with plenty of miles left to ride. It was Apple Day today at the garden centre: there were apples spiked onto every post along the entrance drive, and an apple press was in operation in the courtyard.

We knew we had some climbing to do, so we rode the hill past the old Loddiswell station and onwards through Woodleigh, Preston and Moreleigh, stopping only at Rattery for a short chocolate break. We felt very pleased with ourselves for making such an enjoyable ride out of rather drab weather.
Friday 16 October 2015
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Asda Plymouth

2 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones
Dillan wanted a variation on our usual Supermarket theme, so today we visited the large Asda store in Plymouth where there was plenty of Halloween merchandise on offer. There was time for the final episode of Blackadder 4 when we eventually returned to Buckfastleigh.
Page 369 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants