South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 76 of 408 (4072 items)
Friday 8 February 1991
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Map Reading
20 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Dayle Guy, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Paul Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Catherine Hopper, Richard Hopper, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, Ken Oakley, Paul Oakley, Chris Platt, David Platt, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Robert Walker
Richard Hopper had prepared an enjoyable pair of map quizzes for our members.
Saturday 9 February 1991
Weekend ride: Crowcombe Youth Hostel
Day 1
Cold, sunny
3 miles (▲ 35m ▼ 45m)
16 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Jamie Davey, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Paul Hamlyn-White, Ben Hobday, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, David Platt, Ken Twydell, Paul Twydell, David Waldron, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Lorraine Walker, Robert Walker
Recent snowfall over the south-west had meant that the final decision about whether or not the weekend should proceed as planned could not be made until the Saturday morning. The forecast was good and the wardens assured us that all main roads were clear, so we decided to go ahead.

The weekend began early for the Walker family: we were using a Luton van to transport the bikes, and the lot fell to the Walkers to collect it from the hire firm. Ken was bringing his personal mini-bus for the passengers, so when the Paignton contingent had loaded up, the strange convoy set off for Buckfastleigh and Heathfield to collect the other participants. The loading was not straightforward because Charlie took great care to secure the bikes with blankets and ropes, but the whole operation still proceeded right on schedule - much to the surprise of David and Jamie, who are used to waiting for an hour or more for the South Dartmoor brigade, especially on cold mornings!

The van's engine had only just warmed up when the crew in the mini-bus decided it was time for a pit-stop and promptly rolled into the Happy Eater on Haldon Hill. The youngsters definitely wanted a café stop, and this seemed like the only place we could be certain of getting it, but Charlie was not a happy eater today!

The closer we got to Crowcombe Heathfield the whiter the fields became, but the main roads remained clear and safe as the wardens had predicted. The half-mile lane from the main road to the hostel, having recently been salted, was covered with various textures of snow and slush, but Ken decided it was too white for the vans. We parked opposite a nearby garage and coasted precariously down to the youth hostel, only to find that the warden's 'opening after lunch' was actually going to be 4.30pm! We shivered on the doorstep as the warden walked off and left us - his heart must have been made of stone.

A short ride was attempted in order to keep warm, covering a roughly circular route around the hostel. The lanes we used were thick with snow, which offered plenty of scope for amusement. One of the amusements was the sight of Matthew riding over a snowy mound and discovering a steep drop on the other side which ended in a gully. He somehow managed to avoid serious injury, but ruined his front forks. Meanwhile, Ken decided to risk bringing the vans into the hostel grounds: they offered welcome comfort when we returned, keeping us warm until we were eventually allowed into the hostel.

The warden gave us a belated 'warm' welcome. We all clamoured round a glowing Parkray fire in the common room - except for one illustrious member, initials KT, who was doing his 'Scott of the Antarctic' routine as the snow fell. Apparently, where there's no sense there's no feeling! He finally returned as darkness fell to find everyone enjoying board games, magazines and quiet conversation in the cosy common room.

The dormitories were very cold, but that didn't stop the inevitable blanket fights from taking place. Perhaps the most memorable sight of the evening was that of David Waldron consuming vast quantities of food after supper!
Sunday 10 February 1991
Weekend ride: Crowcombe Youth Hostel
Day 2
Cold, sunny
30 miles (▲ 470m ▼ 470m)
16 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Jamie Davey, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Paul Hamlyn-White, Ben Hobday, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, David Platt, Ken Twydell, Paul Twydell, David Waldron, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Lorraine Walker, Robert Walker
After a comfy night's sleep we arose to a little confusion in the dining room: apparently Michael had ordered a 'veggie' breakfast even though he was self-catering. He returned to the members' kitchen to finish off the remainder of Ken's porridge - not one of his better concoctions.

We were greeted by a fine but cold day and decided to make the most of it by cycling to the sleepy fishing village of Watchet for refreshments, exhausting all the 'watch-it' jokes along the way. On arrival we descended upon the unsuspecting proprietor of a local tearoom who, when he had pulled himself together, provided us with excellent fare. As we were preparing to leave for Dunster, David Platt, clearly disappointed at the lack of tracks on the ride so far, decided to wallow in the mud of Watchet harbour! There was considerable delay while he changed his attire.

After a steep pull out of Blue Anchor there was much high jinks in the deep, drifted snow by the roadside: several people received snowy missiles from their 'friends'. When we finally reached Dunster we had to agree that it was picturesque, but all the tearooms were closed so we gathered under the famous yarn market and dug deeper into our remaining provisions.

We made a swift return back to Crowcombe via the main roads, quickly learning (after two close encounters with four-wheeled vehicles) that high jinks and main road cycling don't mix. We packed the bikes into the van and returned to Devon, all agreeing that we couldn't have had a better mid-winter weekend.
Sunday 17 February 1991
Day ride (Hardriders): Down the Avon
Sunny & warm, windy
51 miles
1 Participants: Richard Hopper
This was a non-event, as only Richard H attended. Well actually, Luke Hatherly and his friends would have been there too, but they were a few minutes late (as usual) and missed the ride! Fortunately they only had to wait an hour for the Whiddon Farm Tracks ride.
Sunday 17 February 1991
Morning ride (Buckfastleigh): Whiddon Farm Track
Sunny and cool
14 miles
13 Participants: Neil Ault, Stuart Benns (16, Devon), Tao Burgess, Alan Dawson, Luke Hatherly, Mark Hedges, Mark Hiscutt (14, Kingsteignton), Roger Johnson, Michael Jones, Sebastian Lessware, Keir Manning, Peter Rushworth, Michael Young (14, Kingsteignton)
The road through Rew towards South Dartmoor School was delightful today. We had just begun the steep climb towards Whiddon Farm when a loud explosion signalled the end of the ride for Keir. Closer inspection revealed that a particularly bald patch on an otherwise good tyre had finally given way. Keir is not the only young member who enjoys skidding on his bike. Be warned, all you skidsters, that skidding costs a lot of money in new tyres, ruins your enjoyment of a ride, puts someone to considerable inconvenience to collect you, and holds up the entire club. Don't do it!

Keir walked the ridge road and the track, and then Peter, Roger and Mark Hedges escorted him back to the telephone box at Ashburton while the rest of us climbed to Cold East Cross. Luke and his friends took the short cut up the track, and then regretted it when Michael turned out to be right about it being 'all uphill and unridable'. We returned to Ashburton and Buckfastleigh across the moor, arriving just in time to see Keir passing in a van. Congratulations to the new riders, who all performed admirably.
Sunday 17 February 1991
Morning ride (Paignton): Torbryan Caves
Cool but dry
17 Participants: Ben Hobday, Karina Hobday, Roxanne Hobday, Martin Luke, Unknown Rider 1, David Robinson, Dominic Robinson, Philip Robinson, Debbie Twydell, James Twydell, Ken Twydell, Paul Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Lorraine Walker, Robert Walker
We chose a route through the back lanes to Ipplepen where we were stopped by an intrigued resident who said he may come out with his family in the future. As he had six children (and a white minibus) the Twyfam may yet be outdone.

At Torbryan Dave Robinson led the tracksters past the caves (?) whilst the others went round by road to meet at the next junction. Here we said goodbye to the Robinsons who had to be back early. As the weather was not too bad we voted to continue through the lanes with no particular purpose, going through Denbury before doubling back to Broadhempston and home via Red Post.
Friday 22 February 1991
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Give us a Clue
13 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Paul Hamlyn-White, Catherine Hopper, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, David Platt, David Robinson, Dominic Robinson, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth
This is always an enjoyable evening: using the Southpark Centre gave us even more space in which to perform our strange mimes. We were so engrossed in the game that we lost all track of time, and were quite surprised when parents started to arrive at 9.30.
Sunday 24 February 1991
Day ride: Bantham Sands
Very wet after 10.30
8 Participants: Neil Ault, Dayle Guy, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Sebastian Lessware, David Robinson, Charlie Walker, Robert Walker
Nobody felt like riding to Bantham once they had been drenched by the unfriendly downpour, so the Copper Kettle café at South Brent seemed to be the obvious alternative. They had been expecting us after seeing the Buckfastleigh starters half an hour earlier, and some old carpets had been laid out in strategic positions to protect the café furnishings! We felt a bit miserable with such wet feet, but the proprietors did their best to make us feel better.

The weather cleared up for the afternoon, but we didn't venture out again.
Sunday 3 March 1991
Day ride (Hardriders): Elender Cove
Sunny & warm, windy
51 miles
2 Participants: Martin Hills, Richard Hopper
Unseasonably fine weather, quiet roads, lunch by the swirling seas at Elender Cover: a cyclists' delight.
Sunday 3 March 1991
Afternoon ride (Paignton): Staverton Bridge
16 Participants: Christian Bryant, Jenny Bryant, Mike Bryant, Sarah Bryant (15, Torquay), Ben Hobday, Karina Hobday, Roxanne Hobday, Dave Humphreys, David Robinson, Gary Taylor, James Twydell, Ken Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Robert Walker
A change for the better in the weather saw the magnificent total of 16 members at Five (now only Four) Lanes, Marldon. Drama began almost immediately with Mike and Christian Bryant having to return home by car to fix a loosened crank. They were able to rush back and catch us up within a mile or so, we having delayed our start as long as possible - Dave used the time to mend his first puncture of the day.

By the time we reached Red Post Dave had had another puncture in the same tyre. Luckily these were the only mechanical mishaps in an otherwise lovely day.

Staverton Bridge, our published destination, was soon reached and we took the path down by the river to rest and eat. Jenny told us of an earlier career as a raft racer on the River Dart. Also it turned out that both she and Dave H had worked together some 20 years ago. It was about then that Rob pointed out that he had last seen his father outside the Sea Trout Inn at Staverton some 20 minutes earlier. Gary was sent back to find him but by then it was too late. Apparently Charlie and his son Andy had been delayed by a detached chain, and by the time they got to the bridge we were all down by the river out of sight. He waited a bit but assumed that we must have gone to Dartington as there are cafés there. He got back home safely but it was a shame that we 'lost' him.

Lessons learnt: 1. When left or detached from the group stay put: the leader will always send someone back eventually. 2. Leaders should check that everyone is present when deviating from the route.

After further search parties had returned without success we set off back to Staverton village and on to Ipplepen via Fishacre Barton, from where we observed some abseilers on a distant cliff. From Park Hill we took the non-Compton route that is more pleasant, safer and just happens to pass the Robinson abode.

All in all this was a very peasant ride and a triumph of organisation by Ken - after all we did reach the published destination, and we were back at around 6.30. Alright, so we lost a couple of riders, but nobody is perfect!!
Page 76 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants