South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 80 of 408 (4072 items)
Sunday 21 April 1991
Day ride (Hardriders): Woodbury Common
Sunny, cold, showers
67 miles
2 Participants: Martin Hills, Peter Rushworth
Peter and Martin arrived at the start this morning to discover Richard sitting in his car: he was a shade of green and unable to lead the ride. We continued nonetheless, arriving early at the final pick-up. No one else turned up so we were able to make good time to Woodbury Common, arriving at the castle at 1145. After consuming ice cream and hot dogs we continued to eat lunch. Thoroughly filled, we went about 'getting seriously lush megabad air' (jumping) around the local area.

After Peter was 'politely' asked by a warden not to ride in the castle, we went down the road to Woodbury Mountain Bike race track where a circular course was followed. On the way we met some mountainbikers whom we chatted with, and drooled over their suspension forks.

Return route was via Exeter Ship canal, Dawlish (including obligatory tea stop) and Teignmouth.
Sunday 21 April 1991
Day ride: Curtisknowle
32 miles (▲ 850m ▼ 850m)
18 Participants: Neil Ault, Stuart Benns, Tao Burgess, Karina Hobday, Michael Jones, Sebastian Lessware, Martin Luke, Luke Roberts (12, Devon), David Robinson, Gary Taylor, Debbie Twydell, Ken Twydell, Paul Twydell, Charlie Walker, Robert Walker, Joseph Watkins, Martyn Williams, Craig Wilson (15, Devon)
From the Avonwick pick-up we took the road which runs alongside the river Avon and the old railway station (Ham Mill Halt) to Diptford. Michael had to give Luke a little training on the right-turn procedure, then we continued to Curtisknowle. Unfortunately the leaders were so keen to charge off at the front that most of them went straight past the right turn which leads to the track alternative: those of us who took it agreed it was an excellent detour.

Lunch was enjoyed on a log pile near the river at Gara Bridge before we tackled the big climb out of the valley. It wasn't long before we found ourselves passing the famous goat farm about which Plymouth Section are always raving. A change is as good as a rest, or so we are told, so plans for Loddiswell café were abandoned in favour of goats milk scones and organic apple juice. The food wasn't too bad, and the prices were excellent, but the odours emanating from the male Llama outside were sickening!

Return was via Topsham Bridge and Moreleigh.
Wednesday 24 April 1991
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride (Paignton): Mansands
Cold but clear
11 Participants: Mike Bryant, Sarah Bryant, Alan Dawson, Matthew Legg (11, Devon), Luke Roberts, David Robinson, Philip Robinson, Gary Taylor, Ken Twydell, Charlie Walker, Robert Walker
Mike had very generously allowed himself to be conned into planning the route and had opted for Mansands - perhaps because this would be as far as possible from his home ground of Torquay/Newton Abbot.

Due to the distance we had to opt for a main road route to Hillhead - it was surprising just how quickly we ate up the miles on the smooth, straight roads. At the Hillhead garage we stocked up with crisps and sweets and were just about to go when Matthew discovered a puncture - Ken gave an impromptu display of his puncture repair skills whilst giving a running commentary to Luke, Mathew and Alan, our junior members. Luke was, to put it mildly, a little cheeky and was twice threatened with 'Yorkshire Justice' from Charlie. It is to be hoped that he really does know it all, because it is likely that he will have to mend his next puncture himself!

Due to the time wasted on the puncture, Mike decided to give Mansands a miss, so we returned via the back road to Galmpton and via Stoke Road to the back of STC, where we joined the ring road back to Marldon.

Lights! - Dave had an interesting sealed lead/acid rechargeable system on which he is still ironing out the bugs. Ken had a combination of a spoke-driven dynamo, halogen headlamp, two halogen rechargeable Nightrider front lamps, mudguard mounted rear light and a Vistalight - an LED rear light that gives five hundred hours light from two AA size cells - he is still working on the Fairy on Top!

On a more serious note it is hoped that Dave and Ken will be able to produce a technical sheet on cycle lighting in the near future.
Friday 26 April 1991
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Landscove
Occasional showers
10 miles
12 Participants: Nathan Arecco, Clive Buckland (Adult, Buckfastleigh), Tao Burgess, Andrew Caunter, Dayle Guy, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Paul Oakley, Chris Platt, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Joseph Watkins
Report unavailable.
Sunday 28 April 1991
Day ride: Clampitt
38 miles (▲ 685m ▼ 685m)
28 Participants: Stuart Benns, Christian Bryant, Jenny Bryant, Mike Bryant, Tao Burgess, Jamie Davey, Alan Dawson, Barry Dawson, Dayle Guy, Mark Hedges, Martin Hills, Lee Jelfs, Roger Johnson, Michael Jones, Matthew Legg, Sebastian Lessware, Martin Luke, Paul Oakley, Luke Roberts, David Robinson, Philip Robinson, Gary Taylor, David Waldron, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Robert Walker, Joseph Watkins, Craig Wilson
First stop today was the Canonteign Falls café, although not everyone partook of the refreshments. We then followed country lanes through the picturesque village of Christow and up the long hill to the destination.

Michael was somewhat disappointed when we arrived, because the surrounding forests had all been harvested since his last visit several years ago, leaving a desolate wilderness almost everywhere. We made the most of it, however, selecting a couple of grassy banks along the track for lunch.

Continuing along the track we were soon riding around the reservoirs. Approaching Hennock a few decided to explore the bridleway shortcut down to Five Lanes - it turned out to be very rough, but enjoyable nevertheless. After a short puncture delay we separated near Bovey Tracey, some returning to Paignton via Chudleigh Knighton and others stopping at the café at Bovey Tracey.
Wednesday 1 May 1991
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride (Paignton): Coffinswell
8 Participants: Alan Dawson, Gary Taylor, Ken Twydell, Ivan Unknown (Adult, Paignton), Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Lorraine Walker, Robert Walker
Ivan (the mechanic from Paignton Cycles) turned up on his lovely refurbished original type Moulton which Ken loved but Gary thought was a relic. By the time we reached Compton, Ken and Ivan had swopped bikes, but had swopped back by Kingskerswell. It was very comfortable but a Sturmey Archer 3-speed is too much like hard work around these parts.

We had the vague intention of going on the Haccombe track but only got as far as Coffinswell before deciding that it was getting too late and making for home.

At Compton we took a left turn and climbed a long steep hill to the new ring road and then back to Five Lanes via the new bridleway that used to be the old ring road. This was a longer route home but did avoid the tedious climb that we usually take.
Friday 3 May 1991
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Michelcombe
Windy, sunny and cool
10 Participants: Neil Ault, Joseph Bellows, Tao Burgess, Andrew Caunter, Andrew Guy, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Catherine Hopper, Michael Jones, Paul Oakley, Eliot Thomas-Wright
After meeting Joseph Bellows at Hawson Court we rode to Michelcombe and Holne, pausing to follow tradition and play on the swings! We then took the track which was one of the old entrance roads to the River Dart Country Park estate, intending to turn left for emergence on Holne Chase. Unfortunately, stopping was the last thing on the minds of the impetuous leaders of the pack, as the track continued steadily downhill through the woodland. We eventually met up with the track from Galant le Bower, however, emerging at Holne Bridge.

We returned homewards through the Country Park, getting back close to 9.30pm.
Sunday 5 May 1991
Day ride (Hardriders): Exeter Catherdral
3 Participants: Dayle Guy, Martin Hills, Peter Rushworth
Report unavailable.
Sunday 5 May 1991
Afternoon ride (Paignton): Galmpton
6 Participants: Luke King (13, Devon), Unknown Rider 1, Unknown Rider 2, Unknown Rider 3, Gary Taylor, Tom Widger (12, Totnes)
We headed out via the back roads to Stoke Gabriel and then along the river to Galmpton, where Gary left us to go and revise. It was agreed to try Galmpton Creek, so we followed the river and the footpath signs. Our dyslexic leader was good at reading the variations on these: "No Entry" and "Private". But not to worry, a patient landowner was on hand with a "Where the hell are you going? This is my garden".

We found the path along the beach and up through a field. Here some members managed to paint themselves with watery cow pats. On we went past the tied-up farm dog (trying to strangle himself in a desperate attempt to get at us), down to the quay at Greenway, back up the hill and then right, towards Maypool. Here we met Mr & Mrs Hatherly enjoying a pleasant Sunday afternoon ride away from their son.

We took the bridleway straight through somebody's private land. Having been directed to the correct path we paused for a drink from light green water bottles (see a previous sentence). Now we had to decide on a choice of pathways all clearly signposted. The decision was put to the vote and we went at some speed down the field to the next gateway. Here a naughty farmer had placed barbed wire on the other side so we had to climb over it. On we went down the path, which was now clear to see.

At the bottom was a herd of inquisitive cows. They seemed very pressing in their friendliness and were remarkably frisky. Our group started to back up the field with the hedge protecting them on one side and dragging their bikes in front of them. One member even managed to cross some barbed wire and started to walk along the top of the hedge. We could now see our path on the other side. The cows kept following us. Upon closer examination we realised, at some length, that these 'cows' were not quite what we had at first thought. This seemed to produce panic in one member who presumably thought he was a prize cow: he was gone, straight into the next safe field. Here we took a photo of our group and the 'cows'. At the top of this very steep field our prize Jersey then concluded his acrobatics display by demonstrating a back somersault complete with bike. He landed with the thud of the bike on top of him in a patch of stinging nettles!

At the top of the field we found an arrow hidden in the hedge, pointing in another direction! Having found the correct path we headed for home by a direct route as it was getting late.
Sunday 5 May 1991
Afternoon ride (Buckfastleigh): Avon Dam
Sunny and warm
15 Participants: Neil Ault, Joseph Bellows, Stuart Benns, Tao Burgess, Alan Dawson, Luke Hatherly, Zoe Hatherly, Mark Hedges, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware (Junior, Totnes), Sebastian Lessware, Martin Luke, Susannah Maurer (Adult, Devon), Paul Oakley, Craig Wilson
A short ride through Dean to Shipley Bridge brought us to the reservoir, which wasn't overflowing today - an ominous sign for those who haven't forgotten last year's drought. We returned to Buckfastleigh along our usual route over the moor via Cross Furzes, and enjoyed refreshments on the Crofters lawn.
Page 80 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants