South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 219 of 408 (4072 items)
Sunday 30 June 2002
Day ride: Ten Tors Event
Dry start
1 Participants: Michael Jones
For the first time ever we had no takers for our Ten Tors event.
Friday 5 July 2002
19:00 - 21:25
Evening ride: Chalk Ford
Warm and sunny
5 Participants: Tao Burgess, Stan Ford, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Gavin Pearson
Another perfect evening, so once again we headed moorwards, this time past Buckfast Abbey and up the long climb to Cross Furzes. The track to Lud Gate quickly brought us out onto the open moor where a glorious sunset greeted us. There was time to savour the magnificent views that spanned all the way to Teignmouth and beyond before enjoying the freedom of the moorland descent to Chalk Ford. At times like this we know why we like to live in South Devon.

Having crossed the little wooden bridge over the river in this isolated but beautiful location we proceeded up the windy path to the gate and so to the long but stony descent to the village of Scoriton. As the evening was still young there was time to divert via Michelcombe for a return through the famous Slalom track in Hembury Woods - Stan was very impressed with the new rugged tyres on his touring bike which made the experience far more enjoyable.
Sunday 7 July 2002
14:15 - 17:32
Afternoon ride: Dr Blackall's Drive
Warm and mainly sunny
4 Participants: Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Gavin Pearson, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Everyone was fit and eager for an energetic ride, so we set our sights ambitiously on Dr Blackall's Drive, a magnificent track running from the top of Dartmeet hill to the higher reaches of Newbridge hill. To start the ride we climbed Auswell hill from Ashburton, which in itself is one of the most intimidating hills in the area. Rolling down the other side with the moorland air whistling past us we couldn't resist a stop at the Roundhouse Cafe in Buckland, still unsold despite a heavy advertising campaign. The hot Eccles cakes and teacakes set us up well for the next climbs past Buckland church and up to the Widecombe road. After all that, the final mountain from Ponsworthy to the top of Dartmeet hill seemed a breeze.

As usual, the views from the track across the thickly wooded and steep-sided Dart valley were stunning and warranted a pause for quiet contemplation. There followed a speedy and exciting downhill off-road challenge that left us all with the highest of spirits and longing for next week's ride.

Michael has now acquired his new digital camera, but unfortunately he didn't bring it on this ride. Expect to see photographs and short mpeg movies in our web gallery before too long!
Friday 12 July 2002
19:00 - 21:35
Evening ride: Totnes Cyclepath
Warm and sunny
3 Participants: Tao Burgess, Luke Fursdon, Michael Jones
After enjoying the rural lanes past Colston Farm we took the cycle path from Dartington Cider Press Centre through to the KEVIC playing fields. Two hot air balloons drifted effortlessly past us in close proximity while we played with our super-fast Frisbees in the brilliant sunset, making a spectacular site. We toyed with the idea of chasing after them, but eventually contented ourselves with simply watching them until they disappeared over Totnes castle. We concluded another excellent ride with a short tour of Dartington and a tough climb over the top past Pennywell Farm.
Sunday 14 July 2002
10:00 - 18:20
Day ride: Goodrington Sands
Very hot, very sunny
5 Participants: Tao Burgess, Ryan Edmondson, Luke Fursdon, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson
Michael's extended family were having a fun day at Goodrington Sands today, so we decided to join them. The ride got off to a slow start when Luke inadvertently punctured Ryan's front tube whilst trying to add some air, but eventually we set off for the direct lane route through Staverton and Red Post with everyone feeling on top of the world.

We managed to achieve nearly four hours at Goodrington in probably the best sunshine of the year so far, each of us spending the time in a variety of ways. Luke and Ryan spent most of the time in Quay West trying to get value from the £6.50 entry fee; the rest of us enjoyed crabbing with the youngsters, pedal boats, walking, chatting and all the other things one can do at one of Devon's most attractive beaches. This certainly was a ride with a difference.

When we finally left at 4.45 we were all quite tired from all the activity, but the journey home still flew by fairly quickly. One or two members wished they had applied their sunscreen more liberally!
Friday 19 July 2002
19:00 - 21:45
Evening ride: Avon Dam
Hot and sunny
6 Participants: Tao Burgess, Stan Ford, Luke Fursdon, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Phillip Oakley
Another perfect cycling evening, and once again we were lured to the open moor. So, unfortunately, were the midges, until recently almost unheard of in Devon: on this particular evening the midge bites were so bad that we might easily have been in the Scottish Highlands.

Our route took us through Dean Prior, past Nurston farm and up to Shipley Bridge, where the last of the visitors were packing their bags to leave. The path up to the dam was almost deserted, allowing us to enjoy its splendour without interruption. There was a little time for quiet contemplation as we sat beside the reservoir, then we pushed on to the Abbots Way and the path across the open moor that we cherish so dearly. A very thin veil of summer evening mist lay across the whole region, dampening all sounds to leave us in total silence. Amidst this eerie stillness we sped through the glorious aromas of grass and pollen to Cross Furzes and hence back to Buckfastleigh, feeling much invigorated by our adventures.
Sunday 21 July 2002
10:00 - 16:30
Day ride: Redlake Tramway
Warm & sunny
19 miles
4 Participants: Tao Burgess, Luke Fursdon, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley
Glorious summer sunshine blessed one of our favourite rides of the year, to the heart of the South Moor and the isolated Redlake Tramway. It's not exactly a long ride, so we felt we had the time to call in at the South Brent cafe for cold drinks and teacakes. When Tao had eventually worked out that the shop marked Newsagent was not the best place to buy his lunch, we proceeded at a leisurely pace to Wrangaton golf course. We all noticed the pair of golfers stop what they were doing and turn to face us as we cycled towards them. The look became even more fixed the closer we got, so we knew they were brewing up for a complaint. Apparently we were cycling 3 metres too far to the left - we were on the "fairway" and not the marked bridle path! To be honest it all looked pretty much the same to us, being a moorland golf course. Still, being obliging people we did as we were asked - and then found that the path itself crossed the "fairway" a few metres farther along!

The climb up Ugborough Beacon was tough in the mid-day heat, but the wind was fresher on top and the views were absolutely stunning: from the rocky tor on top of the Beacon we could see the coast from Plymouth right around to Teignmouth, and all the land was laid out in front of us like a map. An enjoyable lunchtime was followed by a truly adventurous ride across open moorland to the Tramway and on for several miles to the point near Redlake itself. There was no hurry, and so plenty of time for Michael and Oliver to try out their digital cameras. This was primarily to augment the new photo galleries recently added to the club's web site, but Tao seemed to think it was for his own personal album as he maneuvered skilfully down a steep slope past the grazing cattle.

Having crossed another section of open moorland through knee-high moor grass interspersed with cotton grass, we proceeded falteringly down the rough slope to the warm and sheltered valley of the river Avon. From here, the narrow path wound its way downstream towards the Avon Dam and our familiar route home along the Abbots Way. So ended another exhilarating summer adventure.
Friday 26 July 2002
19:00 - 21:45
Evening ride: Lambsdown
Hot and sunny
5 Participants: Tao Burgess, Stan Ford, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Phillip Oakley
Our glorious summer season of cycling continued with another moorland track ride, this time over Skerraton Down to Lambsdown. A tough climb brought us swiftly to the start of the rough track, and it wasn't much longer before we were riding into the sunset amongst the cattle and heather. The extensive views were so clear tonight and the sunshine so glorious that we couldn't resist the temptation to sit down for a few moments of admiration.

Descending rapidly down the rough moorland to Cross Furzes we detoured homewards via Coombe, where Michael had to deal with a puncture before we could complete the ride.
Sunday 28 July 2002
10:00 - 18:25
Day ride: Lannacombe Beach
Very hot & sunny
49 miles
4 Participants: Tao Burgess, Luke Fursdon, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley
This was officially recognised as the hottest day of the year so far - and we certainly knew it. We were late starting as a result of another of Luke's famous punctures, but we didn't seriously contemplate shortening the ride as Lannacombe is a superbly unspoilt beach and we wanted to push ourselves in preparation for the tour. Our route through Rattery, Moreleigh and Chillington took us past no shops whatsoever, so Tao was unable to buy lunch and Oliver was unable to replenish his water supply.

We found a peaceful grassy spot above the rocks at Lannacombe for lunch that commanded panoramic views of the beach, sea and rock pools. There was time for a climbing expedition right down to the sea, but eventually we had to set off for the arduous journey home in conditions that could only be described as sub-tropical. We were aiming initially for Torcross, where we knew we could buy drinks and ice creams. It was nearly 3.45 before we were ready to leave again, and with another choice of routes we again chose the more strenuous, through Totnes, because it avoided retracing any of our outward path.

The heat and strain began to show, but we persevered and after yet another puncture for Michael finally arrived home at around 6.25. We all knew we had endured a tough ride, but after showers and a meal we felt that wonderful feeling of fit healthiness that only cyclists can experience.
Friday 2 August 2002
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride: Chalk Ford
Hot and sunny
5 Participants: Tao Burgess, Luke Fursdon, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Phillip Oakley
Oliver had been carrying out major upgrades to his bike for the past three evenings, so it was no great surprise that he wasn't ready for the ride by 7pm. We agreed to wait for him at Michael's house, and passed the time by hearing how he had managed to remove his cranks with a hammer and then fix them back on again with the chainset on the left hand side - so tightly that he couldn't then remove them with a hammer again! He finally arrived at 7.40. We had been happy to wait, until he told us that he had been chatting with a friend on the telephone for part of the time!

The original plan had been to ride to Chalk Ford and then continue through Holne to River Dart Country Park, making a fairly ambitious evening. The late start had not totally dashed those plans, but when Oliver turned his front tube into a tea strainer on the way down the stony track to Scoriton, things looked less than promising. Twenty minutes later and we were still optimistic, choosing the direct route to Holne. Luke's puncture on a smooth road climb was the last straw, however, so we headed for home with all speed before some other punishment was administered.
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Events Index Gallery Participants