South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Friday 7 September 2007
19:00 - 20:45
Evening ride: Holne
Warm and dry
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Tom Pearson
Oliver turned up unexpectedly today after an absence of well over a year, joining us for a quick spin through Scoriton and Michelcombe to Holne play park. Frisbee catching became increasingly difficult in the deepening gloom: once or twice it proved impossible to see the ring Aerobie until it materialised centimetres in front of the catcher, which sometimes proved rather a shock!

We headed back to Buckfastleigh via Hembury hill.
Sunday 9 September 2007
Day ride: Cancelled
Warm and dry
0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
There were no riders out for today's ride to the Avon Railway.
Friday 14 September 2007
19:00 - 20:45
Evening ride: Hole Farm
Dry but cloudy
3 Participants: Sam Acland, Michael Jones, Tom Pearson
With threatening weather in the air we decided on a relatively short ride, along Colston road, over Riverford Bridge and home via the track to Hole Farm.
Sunday 16 September 2007
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride: Dartington
Mainly dry with occasional misty drizzle
5 Participants: Charles Acland, Heidi Acland, Olly Acland, Sam Acland, Michael Jones
Riding along Colston road the youngsters noticed what they thought looked like a spaceship. Closer inspection revealed coiled pipes around the top and a walk-in area, so the general consensus was that it was a solar-heated shower. When Michael pointed out that there was no door or curtain rail however, we decided users would have to be clothed, so the final label given was a solar-heated decontamination chamber!

Our route took us through the Dartington Hall estate from Dartington Church, and then through the little-known village route that nobody except Michael had ever seen. As we turned the last corner we came across a partly-built egg-shaped house with mud walls, and Charles, being fascinated by all things construction, engaged the owners in a prolonged conversation that covered every detail of the design!

Highlight of the morning was definitely the visit to Cranks restaurant, where everyone bought an excellent lunch at the usual high prices. We returned via Colston Road again, which looked and felt quite different in reverse!
Friday 21 September 2007
19:00 - 20:45
Evening ride: Hembury
Dry but cloudy
5 Participants: Sam Acland, Michael "Wolfie" Bulmer (Junior, Devon), Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Freddie Tyler
The afternoon rain stopped just before the ride, so we tested our lights with an excursion through the Hembury tracks. New rider Wolfie proved himself a very able cyclist and very much enjoyed the off-road flavour of the evening even though his front light stopped working in the heart of the woods! Sam's puncture delayed us somewhat on the return, but there was still enough time for playing Marvel: Ultimate Alliance after the ride.
Saturday 22 September 2007
Weekend ride: Cancelled
Warm and dry
0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
An unfortunate clash of dates and a poor weather forecast meant there were no bookings for our Salcombe weekend this year.
Friday 28 September 2007
Evening ride: Cancelled
Dry but cloudy
0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
For various reasons there were no riders out for our final evening ride of the season.
Sunday 30 September 2007
10:00 - 18:30
Day ride (Car-assisted): Exeter Ship Canal
Dry with sunny periods
24 miles (▲ 110m ▼ 110m)
9 Participants: Charles Acland, Heidi Acland, Olly Acland, Sam Acland, Ash Freeman, Reuben Johnson, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Freddie Tyler
There was a good turnout today for one of our most popular rides, including Reuben who hadn't been out with us for two years. We parked the cars near Black Forest Lodge, unloaded the bikes (and youngsters) and set off for Starcross and Powderham.

The Powderham road was closed to motor vehicles to protect runners who were taking part in a charity event. When we passed the Powderham estate we were rewarded with the sight of hundreds of deer racing across the grounds. Perhaps they had been frightened by the runners or perhaps they just felt frisky in the morning sunshine, but they provided Olly with an ideal opportunity to use his camcorder.

Fred, being Fred, led two others straight past the track turnoff. When they eventually returned we crossed the railway line and headed with good speed along the narrow path that runs along the edge of the Exe estuary. Everyone loved the track, and there were plenty more after we reached the beginning of the canal at Turf Lock. The canal seemed to be full of wildlife, including swans and even a heron that blocked our path at close range.

Hunger was beginning to bite, but the youngsters still found time to watch some mini motorbike riders on a piece of rough ground near the centre of Exeter before we covered the last mile or so to Pizza Hut.

Our last two visits to Pizza Hut have been excellent, but today things were very different. When we arrived at 1pm we asked for a table for 9. The waitress looked at the sea of empty tables near the window and announced that they wouldn't have a table for our size of group for around 15 minutes. Apparently the empty tables were closed off because they were short-staffed! We thought about suggesting that we had one of those large tables and that they closed off two smaller tables in the used area to keep the total number of tables the same, but we decided this would be too complicated for them and contented ourselves with asking whether they could move two tables together for us. She looked around vaguely and said she would see what she could do. Meanwhile we asked if we could order in advance of sitting down. The answer once again was no, because they were short staffed!

Thirty minutes later we had checked out the menus and decided what to order but were still waiting by the door. Several twos and fours had been allocated to tables, and some of those had left again 15 minutes later because nobody had taken their order! We asked again about placing our orders before sitting down, but were again told no.

It was nearly 2pm when we finally got a table. We had been determined to get the waitress who took us to our table to take our order before she left us, but again we were foiled: she was not a waitress, she was just clearing tables! At 2.12 we had our order taken, and the food finally arrived at 2.35. Unfortunately one of the orders was wrong, but we had enough food to be going along with. We asked whether we could speak to the manager and were told that the chef was off too so the manager was cooking the pizzas!

Then we got to the part the youngsters had been waiting for: desserts. They all wanted ice cream factories, but once again it took a while to get a waitress. She eventually came and took our order, but didn't make any attempt to clear our table. And after the first two servings the ice cream machine turned out liquid ice-cream - apparently it needs a rest after every serving!

It was 3.45 when we finally got away from Pizza Hut. We negotiated free drinks on our order which provided some compensation for our troubles, but now we had precious little time to complete the ride as we had planned. Our excursion of the park started with the trampoline which provided endless entertainment for the youngsters. Maybe they should get one put in at Buckfastleigh?! We checked out the bridges and then paused briefly to admire the young skateboarders showing off their undoubted skills in the skate park.

As we headed back along the canal for home a huge group of youngsters merged with our group, all riding Giant Rock bikes. We found out that they were a group from Millfield School at Taunton, out for a ride on hire bikes, but Zac happened to have exactly the same bike and he was mistaken for a member of the school group on two occasions! We rode with them past the busy quayside shops and came across a few Exeter youngsters on bikes who seemed to want nothing more than to demonstrate that they were better cyclists than Millfield! Because Zac was with us we had to deny that we were part of the Millfield group!

Our rather belated return to the cars at Black Forest Lodge was punctuated by a toilet stop at Turf Lock and some repairs to Freddie's saddle at Starcross. We didn't get back to Buckfastleigh until nearly 7pm but the youngsters insisted on at least half an hour of computer games to round off what had been an adventurous and enjoyable ride.
Friday 5 October 2007
19:00 - 22:30
Social: Games Evening

6 Participants: Olly Acland, Sam Acland, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Frankie Unknown (Junior, Devon)
Our first social of the new season kept everyone entertained with the latest console and PC games.

We'd like to remind members that they are only eligible to take part in social events if they have attended at least one scheduled cycle ride within the previous 3 weeks.
Sunday 7 October 2007
Afternoon ride: Parkfield Track
Dry but cloudy
1 Participants: Michael Jones
Only Michael turned up to the start today so the ride was cancelled.
Page 281 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants