South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Monday 12 April 2010
Tour: Bath & the Somerset Levels
Day 4 Street to Home
25 miles (▲ 85m ▼ 135m)
8 Participants: Tao Burgess, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Hallam Iles, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Matt Porter
When we awoke in our cosy attic dormitory at Street Youth Hostel on the final morning of the tour, Hallam announced that he had slept very well and there was a great atmosphere in the group. When pillow fights had been concluded we had breakfast, which was fine apart from a dispute between Callum and Matt – Callum wiped crumbs off the table onto Matt, Matt emptied more crumbs over Callum and then Callum hit Matt!

Zac and Ryan were actually ready early today, so there was time for some frisbee in the Common area outside the hostel, although Tao and Ash preferred Bike Frisbee. After some group photos we left just after 10am as usual.

The weather was perfect this morning. We took the path through the Common and the Woods on Ivythorn Hill, then Zac realised we were not going to Clarks Village – he was disappointed about that, as he had saved money for it. Sadly that would have been a detour, and since the trains would not wait for us later we just didn’t have time. We followed the long, straight roads across the Levels – Butleigh Drove, Nythe Road and Beer Drove – giving us plenty of time to enjoy the unusual scenery of willow trees, watery drains and swans. Ash and Michael swapped bikes for a while and Ash really loved Michael’s Mercian, getting really good speed on it.

At Othery, Matt saw the Bakery above which his sister lives. We didn’t have time for a visit though, and we went instead to the local shop – Central Stores on High Street – which was not well stocked but had enough for us to buy lunch of sorts. Some were getting a little short of money by now, so Matt had to borrow £5 and Ryan £2.50. We then rode the last mile or two to Burrow Mump, during which Ryan’s playing cards fell out of his pannier and ended up all over the road! Fortunately Tao was there to help pick them all up.

This year, for a change, we parked our bikes in the Burrow Mump car park and walked up from there, which turned out to be a lot safer and more enjoyable than our usual path up from the main road by the school. We could just make out Glastonbury Tor in the hazy distance when we reached the top. There was plenty of sunshine, but it was breezy at the top so we found a little shelter from the ruined church by going around to the far side, then had an early pre-lunch there at 12.10. The youngsters played I, Spy over lunch and then Callum, Ash, Ryan and Matt had fun climbing the ruined church.

It would have been good to follow the Route 3 cycle path all the way from here to Taunton, but Michael wanted to take the group to the Willows and Wetlands Centre at Meare Green so we went there first. We had a good look around the exhibits, swung in the hanging Willow seats (as Tao and Ash had done on previous tours), posed with the Willow fish, saw the Blackberry-picker baskets and took some amusing photos of Callum, Zac and Ash wearing busbies and shawls. We rounded off an interesting visit with coffee and other refreshments in the café, for which Ryan needed to borrow another £2!

We left there at around 1.39 and decided we didn’t want to retrace our steps back to Burrowbridge to join Route 3 at Fordgate. We continued on along our usual route through North Curry and Ham, cycled over the footbridge there, and then found the Creech St Michael entrance to the Route 3 canal path. To make up a little for missing the other part, we first followed it away from Taunton as far as the Old Engine House at Charlton. Here there was a concrete World War 2 bunker by the canal path, so the youngsters sat on there for some group photos while Michael talked about options for the summer tour.

Timing was now perfect for heading back along the path to Taunton for our train. Michael let Ash take the lead for this section, regrouping every five minutes or so to ensure we didn’t waste any precious time with mechanical problems. The canal path was delightful and so much better than the main roads we used to use for this part of the tour. After passing Creech St Michael again we saw two unusual weed cutting and collecting machines, keeping the canal clear and well maintained.

The canal path took us right into Morrisons in the centre of Taunton. We bought some provisions in there to eat on the train and Ash rang his Mum. Tao kept an eye on the bikes, which was just as well as a “geezer” almost took Ash’s new Trek 4500 bike!

We got to the station at around 3.30 and prepared the bikes for optimal loading on the trains. We managed to get seven bikes on the first train, the 3.50, where only six were booked, which instantly solved the problem of how to get two bikes on the next train where only one was booked. Michael took Ashley, Callum, Hallam and Matt on the 3.50, which turned out to be a busy train, but our reserved seats meant we could all sit together as planned. Matt said he would have liked the tour to go on a bit longer as we just getting up to speed now! He had indeed done very well today, staying up with the leaders for the whole ride. Meanwhile Tao, Zac and Ryan caught the 4.17 train from Taunton.

Matt’s friend was waiting to collect him at Newton Abbot when we arrived at 4.41. Joyce McGrath arrived around 5pm, later than planned as she had found it tricky putting the bike rack on the car. Jude arrived to meet Tao, and we all met Tao, Zac and Ryan off their train when it arrived at 5.08, five minutes late. Then Ryan’s Dad arrived to take Ryan and Hallam, and our tour had finally come to an end. That just left Michael and Ash to ride back to their car through Newton Abbot, with Zac passing them on the way. When they reached it at 5.35 Michael was somewhat relieved to find it was still in one piece and hadn’t been vandalised!

This had been a very good tour, with excellent weather, great scenery and a good group of youngsters. Hopefully Callum will have learned some lessons from his mistakes!
Friday 16 April 2010
19:00 - 21:00
Evening ride: Chalk Ford
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
This was a good first evening ride of the season, taking us up the long hill to Cross Furzes, along the track to Lud Gate and then down over the moorland track to Chalk Ford. We returned via the stony track to Scoriton, getting home by 9pm by which time it was pretty much dark.
Sunday 18 April 2010
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Chalk Ford
Sunny & warm
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Hallam Iles, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Ryan and Zac told the others of the excellent ride they missed on Friday, and after a little discussion there was much enthusiasm for the same ride again. We climbed Wallaford Road, finding it so hot that we needed to apply sunscreen lotion on the way up. We took the track to Lud Gate and were soon on the open moor.

In years gone by we used to take a path that went down to Chalk Ford on the right of the stream. Some of us tried that route again today, but it turned out to be much overgrown and boggy in places. To add to our problems we had to cross the stream at the bottom, and several were left with wet feet.

We spent a happy half hour at the Ford playing with the Frisbee and Rocket and watching Zac cooling his feet in the river. When we eventually set off again up the path we only got just past the gate before stopping again, this time for a delightful family of piglets that were basking in the sun. They allowed the youngsters to play with them, so it was another twenty minutes before we set off again for Scoriton and home.
Friday 23 April 2010
19:00 - 21:15
Evening ride: Landscove
Sunny and dry
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
This evening we rode up Green Lane and took the short route to the start of the Beaston track. Plane trails criss-crossed the sky this evening as airlines tried to catch up after the recent closure of airspace following the Icelandic volcano ash cloud.

Beaston turned out to be mainly dry today apart from some lakes around two thirds of the way along. Michael got a puncture near the end which annoyed him intensely as he had planned a longer ride. While everyone was waiting for him to change the tube at the end of the track a small herd of calves came to the gateway which kept the youngsters entertained.

In view of the time Michael abandoned his plan for the woodland track from Penn, instead leading the group to Landscove Play Park for a few minutes before continuing home again via Green Lane.
Sunday 25 April 2010
10:15 - 13:40
Morning ride: Dartington
Mainly dry with Sunny periods
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Matt Porter
The forecast this morning was for occasional showers, and one hit just as the youngsters arrived at 10.15. They had to be dragged off the computers when the rain stopped at 10.35, but then we had no more rain for the rest of the morning.

We rode out along Colston Road with Ryan and Ash playing with sticks again along the way. After climbing the cycle path up to Huxham’s Cross the majority wanted a café, so we rode down the path to the Cider Press Centre and stopped in the new Venus café. Michael took a look at the huge slices of coffee cake in the display cabinet marked at £2.20, decided they were way too expensive and chose what he thought would be much cheaper alternatives for him and Ash – a shortcake slice and a tiny cupcake. When he checked the bill at the end he discovered he had been charged £2.20 for the shortcake and £2 for the cupcake! He was not happy and vowed to check the prices of even the smallest items next time.

Everyone’s favourite sweet shop had moved again, but we soon found it so we could pick up some affordable treats. The sun shone brightly as we rode back through Staverton, so we visited the railway station and found an adorable four-legged friend who seemed rather camera shy. At Caddaford we heard a steam train heading back to Buckfastleigh and tried racing it back to the bridge, but it was long gone by the time we got there – slow, but clearly a race-winning speed.
Friday 30 April 2010
19:00 - 22:00
Evening ride: Converted to Social
3 Participants: Sam Acland, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones
There was little enthusiasm for riding in the rain, so we arranged a video evening by watching the latest Blu-ray DVD release, Avatar.
Sunday 2 May 2010
10:15 - 12:40
Morning ride: Hembury
Cold & cloudy
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Hallam Iles, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Callum was unable to join us today as he had recently cut his leg on some barbed wire. The rain had pretty much stopped by 10.25 but it was very cold, so we did a short ride up the road through Hembury Woods. From the top we rode to the glade and took one of the middle tracks down through the woods, bringing us eventually to the riverside track. Along the way we stopped a few times for some interesting discussions which helped everyone appreciate the differences between the main political parties.

We returned home as soon as we reached the road and ran a social at Crofters until 3.30.
Friday 7 May 2010
19:00 - 21:00
Evening ride: Belford Mill
5 Participants: Sam Acland, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones
We almost had two Aclands this evening, but sadly Olly was ill so only Sam was able to join us. We took the old road to Ashburton on a slightly chilly evening and then rode to Belford Mill to ride the woodland track back to Ashburton, mainly because Ryan loves it so much! We returned home via Druid.

Michael had found a new and short way home recently, through Hoskings Court, which avoided the need to push the bikes up Fore Street which is one-way only. We always pushed through the short section in the middle, but today one of the residents saw us and decided to open her window to tell us off. After a while she realised Michael was being very reasonable in making sure none of the youngsters made any noise or rode their bikes, but really she should have checked the facts before assuming that every young cyclist passing through is out to annoy the locals!
Sunday 9 May 2010
10:15 - 12:45
Morning ride: Lutton
Cold (12°) & cloudy
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Hallam Iles, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Our ride today was the back road from Duckspond to Dean Hill, then up to Bloody Pool and down the late through Lutton. Hallam was a little over-enthusiastic and had to be slowed down when some horses appeared round a bend. To be honest this was not a particularly interesting lane to ride until we reached the bottom part near South Brent, but there we stopped on the delightful Lydia Bridge for some photos before heading along the riverside path to the Island. We stopped again in a glade by the river for chocolate refreshments, and Ash and Zac entertained us by picking their way across the stones in the river, eventually reaching the other side.

From Brent we headed straight home the shortest way via Harbourneford, getting back amazingly by 12.45. The group is fast enough now to try some more adventurous rides when the weather is good, so let’s hope for a good summer.
Friday 14 May 2010
19:00 - 20:55
Evening ride: Lower Combe
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones
After a damp afternoon we were pleasantly surprised to find the weather dry by the start of our evening ride. We came up with a plan for a novel ride, starting with an exploration of the Burchetts Wood track. Hallam, who rides horses in the woods, had told us the track was no longer muddy, and since it has always been muddy at every time of year since the world began we thought we needed to check it out. To our surprise he was absolutely right: stone chips and wood chips had been laid through all the muddy sections so now it was actually just a nice woodland path!

We passed some interesting cows and ponies on our way up to the Scoriton road, then went down to Lower Combe where we discovered that the old village hall has been converted into a house. To conclude an interesting ride we climbed the hill to Cross Furzes, with Ash staying ahead all the way, and the enjoyed the fantastic downhill to Crofters.
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