South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 41 of 408 (4072 items)
Wednesday 31 August 1988
Tour: Scotland
Day 14 Perth to Home

14 Participants: Graham Beever, Andrew Brush, Darrel Gough, Chris Hall, Michael Hall, Philip Humphreys, Brett Jamieson, Michael Jones, Philip Mills, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Andrew Simmons, Jeremy Weston, Stephen Wilson
[The report for this ride is currently missing from our archives. Please let us know if you have a copy.]
Sunday 4 September 1988
Day ride: 130km Reliability Ride
Dry but cool
6 Participants: Nick Buchanan, Richard Burge, Richard Hopper, Graham Moates, Andrew Simmons, Jeremy Weston
The four of us from Buckfastleigh headed out to Bovey a little shaken by the nine o'clock start. There we met Nick and Graham who had set out from Marldon. We made our way up the Teign Valley, then down Longdown into the outskirts of Exeter. As we neared Thorverton the milometer read more than our map estimate, so we didn't need the extra loop through the village we had planned just in case.

We stopped in Crediton for lunch - a ghost town out of season. Thus rested we tackled the long but steady climb up through Hittisleigh and on to Whiddon Down. Now we knew it was mainly downhill and made good speed to Moretonhampstead, stopping for tea, and on to Bovey. A few extra miles turned out to be necessary after all to make up the official distance, but we were satisfied to have completed a moderately easy route on a pleasant late summer's day.
Sunday 4 September 1988
Afternoon ride: Shipley Bridge
8 Participants: Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Jenny Quick, Unknown Rider 1, Unknown Rider 2, Nicholas Scott-Maddocks, Mark Slater, Martyn Williams
Having been surprised by the appearance of Paignton's Jenny Quick at the Buckfastleigh start we commenced the laborious climb through Dean and Nurston, being delayed only by a couple of motorists who had become completely lost in their attempts to find the dam.

Young Nicholas had chain problems on arrival at Shipley. When he rejoined us he looked rather like a garage mechanic, his previously spotless clothes now covered with oily fingermarks. We continued to the dam, which was full to overflowing, and then returned across the moor in the usual tradition. As if to try to outdo Nicholas, Toby and Martyn rode through several peaty bogs and Luke fell off whilst negotiating a deep furrow in the field. The refreshments at Crofters were certainly welcome, as were the hot baths when everyone finally got home.
Friday 9 September 1988
Evening ride: Totnes
6 Participants: Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Michael Jones, Mark Slater, Richard Voisey (16, Buckfastleigh), Jeremy Weston
Poor Jeremy. Michael had conned him into coming on the ride and now he found himself blundering along a riverside track near Totnes in the semi-darkness, surrounded by maniacs who thought it was "fun". He had been stung and scratched by the encroaching vegetation and at one point just missed a tree trunk that suddenly loomed up out of the wood, right in the middle of the path. As the last of his "friends" disappeared somewhere ahead of him he managed to blurt out "Jones - you'll be hearing from my solicitors .." before he encountered yet another step in the path.

By way of compensation we agreed to call in at the chip shop at Totnes - only to find it had just stopped serving. All we got was the smell. Michael had another idea, and led the group homewards past Dartington Youth Hostel. The warden there was pleased to sell us a few items of food at 10% discount, although some of the youngsters thought it looked a bit "dodgy".

We eventually arrived home a good deal later than usual, but everyone had assured Michael that it would be OK on this occasion. Meanwhile Jeremy set off for Harbourneford, nursing his wounds and cursing the darkness.
Saturday 10 September 1988
Weekend ride: Salcombe Youth Hostel
Day 1
8 Participants: Richard Burge, Luke Hatherly, Michael Jones, Mark Lakeman, Paul Lakeman, Mark Slater, Mark Williams, Martyn Williams
Confusion over whether or not Steven Hills was coming on the ride led to some delays at Totnes, but eventually the group set off through the peaceful South Hams lanes, spotting a buzzard and a flying cricket ball along the way. Two punctures and a chain problem delayed us even more, but a quick telephone call from Woodleigh secured the hostel meals (much to everyone's relief).

A final tough climb to the hostel brought us into the dining room at 7.30, just as supper was being served. By the time the washing up had been done it was dark outside, but we were determined not to be done out of our planned walk. Armed with numerous bike lights of various colours we set off into the darkness, walking all the way to Starehole Bay and even down to the rocky seashore itself. None of those brave youngsters would have dared do the walk on their own, but as part of a group it was quite an adventure. And much to everyone's surprise, there was quite a lot to be seen.
Sunday 11 September 1988
Weekend ride: Salcombe Youth Hostel
Day 2
Sunny spells
8 Participants: Richard Burge, Luke Hatherly, Michael Jones, Mark Lakeman, Paul Lakeman, Mark Slater, Mark Williams, Martyn Williams
The threatened rising bell didn't wake us next morning, but a speedboat and a flotilla of yachts did just as well. Members who haven't been to this hostel may find it difficult to picture the fabulous sea and coastal views that greeted us as we drew back the curtains - suffice it to say that we would have been happy to stay in bed all morning.

The first puncture of the day came from Paul as we reached the beach below the hostel. Michael suggested that people should amuse themselves on the beach, but he didn't expect Martyn and Luke to ride across it on their bikes - and everyone was watching when they actually cycled through the sea up to their hubs. OK, they had ATBs, but salt water isn't good for any bike.

Watching the ferryman at Salcombe as we enjoyed a hot drink from the outdoor cafe at East Portlemouthñ was quite enlightening. We reckoned that he must have been taking more than £30 an hour from the various passengers he was transporting. No doubt there are quieter times, but it still seemed quite an easy way to make a living.

There was more action when Michael left his wallet and camera at the cafe and rode all the way to Chivelstone before realising what he had done. The extra ride probably did him good, but it delayed the group just long enough to find the Torcross cafe full up. The weather was perfect, however, so we were happy to eat outside and fool around on the beach for an hour.

Returning via Strete the leading group arrived at Forces Cross cafe just in time to find the proprietress stuck in her car at some temporary traffic lights - she had run out of petrol. Our lads immediately came to her rescue of course, and were later rewarded with a broad smile and a free packet of biscuits. Michael was most envious when he arrived with the stragglers.

This had turned out to be one of our best weekends ever, made possible by a pleasant bunch of youngsters who helped to create a tremendous atmosphere throughout.
Tuesday 13 September 1988
Evening ride: Hembury Woods
7 Participants: Chris Bailey, Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Mark Slater, Richard Voisey
This action-packed ride started with a visit to the Anaconda Run at the River Dart Country Park, which as usual provided a good deal of entertainment. New rider Richard wasn't at all happy about the prospect of climbing Holne Chase, though Toby and Chris relished the thought, and later did their best to prove that small does not necessarily mean slow.

The amusement of water fights turned quickly to disaster for Toby when he slipped yet again on some loose gravel near Holne. Fortunately he was able to cycle home, but Paul couldn't when his tyre exploded at Gallant Le Bower. It was pitch dark, and he wasn't looking forward to walking home on his own.

Two of the older lads stayed with him while Michael took the youngsters home and collected his car. All three lads were pleased to see him when he returned, as they were halfway down Hembury Woods and shaking in their respective trainers.
Sunday 18 September 1988
Day ride: Dartmeet
10 Participants: Richard Burge, Luke Hatherly, Philip Humphreys, Brett Jamieson, Michael Jones, John Stuart, Gary Taylor, Steven Taylor, Richard Voisey, Jeremy Weston
The Bovey Tracey pick-up was more like a workshop once everyone had arrived. New cables and brakes had to be fitted to one bike and major gear adjustments made to another before we could set off for Lustleigh. John Stuart's new mountain bike needed no repairs, but he had to admit defeat after attempting an alternative field route to Lustleigh which turned rapidly into a bog after the first few hundred metres.

Today we had lunch at Lustleigh, embarrassed somewhat by Luke who had torn his jeans up to the knee and was now covered in oil from head to foot. He almost deserved the comment that he looked like the Cinderella of the male world. There was no time to reach the destination, but we enjoyed the climb past Parson's Loaf and ended up at Widecombe for ice creams, now a good deal quieter than it had been during Widecombe Fare.
Friday 23 September 1988
Evening ride: Hembury Woods
11 Participants: Chris Bailey, Graham Burge, Richard Burge, Dayle Guy, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Paul Hamlyn-White, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Mark Morris, Andrew Simmons, Mark Slater
Our last evening ride of the season consisted of a short excursion around the Hembury Woods track before returning to Crofters for a special selection of refreshments at 8.30pm - a useful introduction to the new social season which commences in two weeks.
Sunday 25 September 1988
Day ride: Plym Valley
7 Participants: Richard Burge, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Mark Moxham, Eugene Tollemache
The most amazing thing about this excellent ride was that young Eugene managed to complete it at all. He turned up unexpectedly at the Totnes start and completed the ride without assistance - one of our toughest rides of the year.

Progress to Plympton was somewhat slow, with a headwind and occasional spells of drizzle. Things quickly improved once we were on the cycle track, however, and we were soon tucking into our packed lunches at our usual lunch spot.

The viaducts and woods offered plenty of variety along the way, but it was the tunnel beyond Bickleigh that really caused havoc. Everyone enjoyed it, but it was definitely more fun for those without lights.

After a series of steep climbs to Burrator reservoir we began the long ascent to Princetown. We couldn't help noticing what appeared to be authorised Sheep Crossings along the route, each consisting of some metal ridges across the road resembling a cattle grid or pedestrian crossing. In the place where one might have expected to find flashing lights there were warning signs with pictures of sheep in the triangles. They really had us baffled, and we had to wait until we were enjoying our refreshments in the Fox Tor Cafe before we discovered the correct explanation. Yes, they were sheep crossings. The signs had been placed where the sheep had been observed as most likely to cross, and the ridges were to slow cars down at the most dangerous crossing points. Simple really.

After a long rest in the cafe we made our fastest ever return to Buckfastleigh, blown along by a powerful tailwind all the way.
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Events Index Gallery Participants