South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 47 of 408 (4072 items)
Saturday 1 April 1989
Tour: Quantock Hills
Day 4 Lynton to Instow

21 Participants: Kenneth Allan, Neil Allan, Patrick Bolster, Russell Bond, Tamsin Bond, Ian Gibbs, Luke Hatherly, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Warren Masters, Trevor Piper, Shane Powell, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Mark Sloman, Andrew Thompson, Heather Thompson, Jennifer Thompson, Benjamin Ward, Kris White, Martyn Williams
The detailed report on this tour was published in our 1989 Tours Special newsletter. So far we have been unable to find a copy. If you think you may have a copy, please take the time to look for it and let us know if you find it.
Sunday 2 April 1989
Tour: Quantock Hills
Day 5 Instow to Hartland

21 Participants: Kenneth Allan, Neil Allan, Patrick Bolster, Russell Bond, Tamsin Bond, Ian Gibbs, Luke Hatherly, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Warren Masters, Trevor Piper, Shane Powell, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Mark Sloman, Andrew Thompson, Heather Thompson, Jennifer Thompson, Benjamin Ward, Kris White, Martyn Williams
The detailed report on this tour was published in our 1989 Tours Special newsletter. So far we have been unable to find a copy. If you think you may have a copy, please take the time to look for it and let us know if you find it.
Sunday 2 April 1989
Afternoon ride: Bow Cross
Dry / sunny / cool
18 Participants: Richard Burge, Mary Creedy (Adult, Paignton), Stephen Denham (16, Paignton), Michael Giles, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Toby Hopper, Dave Humphreys, Nicholas Hydon, Rohan Kilty, Paul Lakeman, Ian Luke, Peter Madge (13, Marldon), Matthew Paine (13, Paignton), Philip Roberts (14, Paignton), Alan Skinner, Gary Taylor, Steven Taylor

Numbers were depleted by the Easter tour, but the five of us who set out from Buckfastleigh enjoyed a pleasant, almost summery ride to the meeting point near Broadhempston. Arriving on the dot of 3.15 we found the Totnes and Paignton groups waiting, and the Newton Abbot contingent coming in on our tail. We all rode together to Littlehempston, and then split, Steven, Ian and Nicholas coming back with us.

At Broadhempston Alan and Rohan opted for the Beaston track, dragging Richard H with them. The swampy conditions of a fortnight earlier had abated somewhat, but we still had enough to make us anxious. The saner riders had gone through Forder Green. They were waiting for us at the end of the track, and here we split again, leaving four to return to Buckfastleigh via Pridhamsleigh (which looks a lot better without a Texaco service area).
Monday 3 April 1989
Tour: Quantock Hills
Day 6 Hartland to Home

21 Participants: Kenneth Allan, Neil Allan, Patrick Bolster, Russell Bond, Tamsin Bond, Ian Gibbs, Luke Hatherly, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Warren Masters, Trevor Piper, Shane Powell, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Mark Sloman, Andrew Thompson, Heather Thompson, Jennifer Thompson, Benjamin Ward, Kris White, Martyn Williams
The detailed report on this tour was published in our 1989 Tours Special newsletter. So far we have been unable to find a copy. If you think you may have a copy, please take the time to look for it and let us know if you find it.
Wednesday 5 April 1989
Evening ride (Paignton): Haccombe
5 Participants: Michael Jones, Paul Lakeman, David Robinson, Gary Taylor, Steven Taylor
The first ever Marldon evening ride under the direction of South Dartmoor Section took members through North Wilborough and Coffinswell to the Haccombe track - a really "lush" spot according to young Steven and great fun in the semi-darkness. Paul, who was terrified of the darkness anyway, didn't wait to investigate the cause of the ghostly light in Haccombe church. The group made excellent speed homeward via Kingskerswell and Stoneycombe!
Friday 7 April 1989
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Staverton
11 Participants: Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Roger Johnson, Michael Jones, Mark Morris, Luke Rake, Alan Skinner, John Stuart
Luke had to earn the use of Michael's Romany for once this evening when Michael slyly transferred his pannier between the two bikes at the top of Luscombe hill. The ride continued to the riverside path from Staverton Bridge, now neatly trimmed. There were still delays, however, as Paul and others played on fallen tree-trunks overhanging the Dart.
Sunday 9 April 1989
Day ride: Holcombe Burnell
16 Participants: David Cutts, Michael Giles, Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Nicholas Hydon, Roger Johnson, Michael Jones, Ian Luke, Shane Powell, Philip Roberts, Gary Taylor, Steven Taylor, Ken Twydell, Martyn Williams
The cafe at Canonteign Falls was the first official stop after departure from the Chudleigh Bridge pick-up. The rest was longer than anticipated, however, as Nicholas had to deal with a puncture just as we were ready to set off.

Delightful lanes soon brought us to Cotley Wood, where a well-deserved lunch was enjoyed at the top of the hill near the castle ruins. The profusion of large ants didn't encourage us to linger, however, and we were soon descending the cul-de-sac which led to the destination.

The church was interesting but the path leading on from the road provided the most entertainment. No-one present had explored it before, and the element of risk which this added to the excursion made it all the more enjoyable. The first obstacle after the herd of cows and the gate was a boggy area with a narrow plank laid across it. Little Paul quickly got muddy feet so Shane rescued him and carried him across.

The footpath continued along a fairly level and picturesque section of woodland, progress hampered (especially for Ken and his child extension) only by a number of stiles and streams. Eventually we rejoined the road, although not at the place Michael and Richard had hoped.

We were soon back at the Leigh Cross bridge, where entertainments were provided by the two Pauls. Paul HW was determined to use his spare socks and trainers, so he walked into the river. Meanwhile little Paul Twydell kept us amused with an excellent Michael Jackson impression.

As we still had time in hand we decided to take the steep Bridford road, continuing past the reservoirs at maximum speed in our attempts to reach the Bovey cafe before 5.30. We finally arrived at 5.35, only to find that it didn't close until 6pm. After a welcome rest our component groups went their separate ways for a rather late return.
Wednesday 12 April 1989
Evening ride (Paignton): Afton
Sunny & clear
6 Participants: Heather Daniels, Dave Humphreys, Philip Humphreys, Philip Roberts, Gary Taylor, Steven Taylor
This smashing ride took us through Combe Fishacre and behind Ipplepen to the pretty lanes of Torbryan. Returning towards Compton and Blagdon we were blessed with a delightful sunset but only two Double Deckers between six of us!
Friday 14 April 1989
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Holne
Dry / cold
12 Participants: Brett Easterbrook (10, Buckfastleigh), Chris Giles, Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Richard Hopper, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Julian Juste, Rohan Kilty, Shane Powell, Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons
Some members took the extremely muddy track through Burchetts Wood, arriving at the Holne rendezvous with legs caked in mud from the knees down. Meanwhile the saner riders had ridden via Scorriton, collecting Julian Juste along the way and taking the easier climb through Michelcombe.

We took the direct route home, but those without gloves were definitely suffering by the time they returned at 9pm. Toby summed up the feelings of the muddy riders when he said how much he was looking forward to a hot bath!
Sunday 16 April 1989
Day ride: Dartmoor Wildlife Park
6 Participants: Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Nicholas Hydon, Michael Jones, Mark Moxham, Shane Powell
Steady drizzle and a poor forecast guaranteed a low turnout today. Those who made the effort were rewarded with an interesting ride via Lutton to Sparkwell, where the entrance to the Park was quickly discovered. One glance at the ticket prices reminded us why we had decided not to enter on previous visits, but we hadn't gone all that way in the rain to miss out again. An entry fee of £2-50 per person was negotiated - expensive for 1½ hours in the rain, but it did allow us access to the warm, dry restaurant with its very pleasant interior.

The park itself was well stocked with a wide variety of animals and birds, from lions, pumas and bears to otters, owls and birds of prey. In nicer weather we could imagine a good day's entertainment for a family.

With the rain still falling we were now in no mood for detours. We took the easiest route to the Erme Mill cafe at Ermington for very welcome refreshments and returned swiftly via Avonwick and Rattery/Totnes.
Page 47 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants