South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 56 of 408 (4072 items)
Sunday 3 September 1989
Afternoon ride (Paignton): Haccombe
6 Participants: Chris Jeffery, Stephen Larkin, Philip Roberts, David Robinson, Philip Robinson, David Thomas
There was some confusion over the leader, so Dave Robinson took charge of our merry little crew. Together we discovered a new track between Kingskerswell and Coffinswell, which received high marks from all present despite the climb on the near side.
Wednesday 6 September 1989
Evening ride (Paignton): Westerland
4 Participants: Peter Madge, Philip Roberts, David Robinson, Philip Robinson
This short ride took members through the delightful (but threatened) lanes of Westerland to Yalberton. There then followed a repeat of the popular track to Berry Pomeroy via Fleet Mill.
Friday 8 September 1989
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Dartington
20 Participants: Richard Burge, Andrew Caunter, Julian Duquemin, Jeremy Ford, Chris Giles, Paul Hamlyn-White, Mark Hedges, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Luke Kudliskis, Marcus Kudliskis, Chris Platt, David Platt, Dave Platt Snr, Shane Powell, Martin Rushworth, Andrew Simmons
Numbers were boosted this evening by those Buckfastleigh members who were joining the two-night hostel weekend to Dartington and Salcombe. We were nearly late arriving at Dartington, despite taking the easy route along Colston Road, because of a few mechanical problems along the way. First was David Platt Junior's rear gear cable - he was about to go home when Michael produced a spare that was just long enough for his small ATB. Second came Andrew Caunter's chain and some minor brake adjustments. Last but not least, at the hostel, was Andrew Simmons' puncture, which delayed the evening riders long enough to make them late home. They made use of the time, however, and browsed around the hostel - the cosy common room with its open fire made many wish they were on the weekend as well.
Saturday 9 September 1989
Weekend ride: Salcombe Youth Hostel
Day 1
19 Participants: Richard Burge, Paul Hamlyn-White, Mark Hedges, Martin Hills, Ben Hobday, Karina Hobday, Roxanne Hobday, Simon Hopper, Roger Johnson, Michael Jones, Ian Luke, Mark Moxham, Shane Powell, Unknown Rider 1, Peter Riggs, Martin Rushworth, Andrew Simmons, Ken Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday
Members staying at Dartington after the evening ride enjoyed a cosy evening playing games at the hostel, including Trivial Pursuit and Snakes & Ladders - Mark Moxham was involved in the latter! There was also a funny game where balls dropped through holes when you pulled various supporting strips - Roger and Mark seemed to have it sussed anyway.

Next morning Mark, Shane and Roger did some extra work. They were very good boys and the warden was very pleased with them as they laid in the fire! Michael wasn't so pleased when he later discovered his bike locked up in the washroom - with about six different locks!

When all jobs had been completed we cycled the short distance to the Cider Press Centre, along an interesting route suggested by Roger. Here we met Ken and Julie together with their two Rann-type trailers and one child seat transporting Roxanne (age 7), Ben (age 5) and Karina (age 2) - will they ever manage to bring out all five of their children in one go?

The more affluent members of the group patronised the excellent but exorbitantly priced Cranks, after which we set off for Totnes. This was primarily for Martin Hills to get to a chemist (don't ask why) and for everyone else to stock up on goodies. The route took us past the remains of the Cott Inn which had sadly burnt down a few days previously.

At Totnes, the ten minutes allowed seemed for some reason to last half an hour whilst some members of the group made a recce to the bike shop down the High Street. As the rest of us waited impatiently, we were entertained by a group of female cloggies - well it was Totnes!

Eventually, we all set off by back roads to Harbertonford. From there we took a different route that avoided the usual hill - hooray - but we were delayed by Julie having the only puncture of the trip. We also passed the elusive Rolster Bridge - destination of a few earlier trips that never seemed to get there.

Lunch was soon declared at a suitably picturesque spot. However Martin Rushworth cut his hand very badly on a corned beef can much to the disgust of the vegetarians amongst us and required most of the contents of Michael's first aid box to stem the flow of blood.

Eventually we set off again through some very pleasant countryside, taking a well-earned coffee stop at Avon Mill garden centre's cafe. This venue was considered excellent by all, one of our number even insisting on sufficient time to finish his second cup of tea ....

The final leg of the journey was notable mainly for its hills and the discovery, just outside Salcombe, that poor Martin Hills had left his money in the cafe. A hasty 'phone call confirmed they had found the money and would kindly send it on in due course.

For many of us this was the first time at Salcombe Youth Hostel - reputedly the best in the area. The situation is stunning, the warden friendly and the accommodation spacious. However, there was only one shower (swiftly bagged by Michael Jones) to serve a huge dormitory. Luckily the weather had not been too warm and most of us didn't object to the absence of cleanliness in ourselves or our companions.

Before dinner we all took an excellent walk along the cliff path which gave us a good appetite for the food to come. The eating hall is perhaps one of the best features of the hostel so the poor self-caterers, who had to eat elsewhere, felt rather left out.

After dinner the more sedate members of the party relaxed and read ancient copies of Cycletouring - great. The others rushed about as usual and played tricks on each other. This culminated in Mark Moxham's bike being locked out of the bike shed by Steven who found it necessary to hide under a bed to avoid the wrath of Mark. (Oh the fun we have.)

The night was uneventful apart from the wetting of two beds in Ken and Julie's family room. (I wonder which beds? Ken won't tell us!)
Sunday 10 September 1989
Weekend ride: Salcombe Youth Hostel
Day 2
19 Participants: Richard Burge, Paul Hamlyn-White, Mark Hedges, Martin Hills, Ben Hobday, Karina Hobday, Roxanne Hobday, Simon Hopper, Roger Johnson, Michael Jones, Ian Luke, Mark Moxham, Shane Powell, Unknown Rider 1, Peter Riggs, Martin Rushworth, Andrew Simmons, Ken Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday
Sunday morning was very leisurely until Michael announced at 9.15 that he wanted a 9.30 start. Most of us managed this to within 15 minutes or so but we then spent the next half hour taking photos etc.

The steep hill to the hostel that had been so difficult the previous evening was a delight to speed down and we soon found ourselves at the very small passenger ferry manned by a slightly bemused ferryman. At the other side we stopped for hot drinks at a kiosk - this Section certainly has its priorities correct.

The first part of the journey was hard work with a series of hills and sharp descents which needed great care. Later on, we split the group into trackies and roadies, meeting up again at Slapton where we had lunch in a rather exposed and drizzly position. After lunch we cycled along the Ley and up the hill to Strete, where we lost the Paignton contingent who went back via a coffee stop at Blackpool Sands and the Dartmouth Ferry. The rest of us returned through Totnes via Forces Cross and Corkscrew Hill.
Wednesday 13 September 1989
Evening ride (Paignton): Cancelled
5 Participants: Michael Jones, Stephen Larkin, Peter Madge, Philip Roberts, Martin Shipp
Stephen Larkin and his family kindly entertained us at their Paignton home this evening when the rain refused to abate at the start of the ride.
Friday 15 September 1989
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Cancelled
7 Participants: Andrew Caunter, Martin Hills, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Chris Platt, David Platt
Rain again for the Buckfastleigh ride, but Andrew Caunter insisted we all did a short ride around Buckfast before retiring to Crofters. Martin also wanted a ride, to test out his flashy new mountain bike. (So that was the reason for the delay at Totnes last week!)
Sunday 17 September 1989
Day ride: Thorverton
Damp, then dry
8 Participants: Nick Buchanan, Martin Hills, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Ian Luke, Jenny Quick, Andrew Simmons, Jeremy Weston
With the prospect of a depressingly wet day ahead of them the group of four left Buckfastleigh for Bovey Tracey. At Bovey Jenny and Nick arrived from Torbay and, surprisingly, Michael, but in the comfort of his car. However, he had a suitable excuse - an injured knee.

During the pleasant journey up the Teign Valley the clouds began to lift as we then climbed up Longdown and descended to Exeter. A short stop was in order, but Andrew and Jeremy found the shop they visited on last year's 130km ride was closed.

The next few miles were welcomely devoid of much gradient until the group found themselves in Thorverton with a choice of turnings. The right decision was made and lunch was consumed halfway between Thorverton and Crediton with Michael in attendance.

There was another stop at Crediton, where Jeremy found that the puncture discovered after lunch was not going to go away. It was decided that Jeremy and Nick should continue to Whiddon Down whilst the others would remain with Jeremy. Eventually a large enough puddle was found and the puncture banished, and the group set off up the hill to Whiddon Down. With a headwind the going was tough, especially for Simon who had foolishly ventured out on his fixed wheel.

Once at Whiddon Down it was mostly downhill to Moretonhampstead, but alas Simon and Jeremy managed to get themselves left behind. They suffered from the horrible combination of "knock" and mechanical trouble, before arriving in Moretonhampstead to find the others feasting in the cafe. After everyone had bought enough calories (joules) to pedal to Australia the road to Bovey beckoned, where the group split up.

Congratulations to Ian Luke, Andrew Simmons, Jeremy Weston, Jenny Quick, Nick Buchanan and Simon Hopper, who all successfully completed the ride. Certificates will be awarded at the Christmas Lunch.
Wednesday 20 September 1989
Evening ride (Paignton): Berry Pomeroy
5 Participants: Dave Humphreys, Mark Lakeman, Peter Madge, Philip Roberts, Martin Shipp
Dave Humphreys had a blowout at the start of this ride, so Mark Lakeman led Philip, Peter and Martin on an interesting excursion to Berry Pomeroy castle. It was closed of course, but we had fun exploring the woods on our mountain bikes before stumbling down a dark hill to the main road, which eventually led us back to Marldon by about 9pm.
Friday 22 September 1989
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Hembury
22 Participants: Richard Burge, Andrew Caunter, Anthony Davis, Chris Giles, Dayle Guy, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Paul Hamlyn-White, Mark Hedges, Paul Hedges, Martin Hills, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Luke Kudliskis, Marcus Kudliskis, Ben Mayer (13, Devon), Chris Platt, David Platt, Luke Rake, Martin Rushworth, Andrew Simmons
This was a sad occasion. It was the last Buckfastleigh evening ride of the year. The Hopper household had kindly invited us all back for refreshments after the ride, so we only had time for a short excursion. We had to include the Hembury track of course, in the semi-darkness, much to David Junior's dismay: he likes boulders sometimes, but not the ones he cannot see!

Riding up towards Holne Anthony's lamp fell into a fifty metre stretch of grassy verge. Paul HW kindly searched it out with the aid of a cycle lamp, but not before the nearby farmer came out to see what all the fuss was about.

The cold, starry sky watched over us as we rode back to Richard's welcome warmth and refreshments. No-one was in a hurry to leave.
Page 56 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants