South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 13 June 2004
10:00 - 17:30
Day ride: Broadsands
Sunny and very hot
32 miles
3 Participants: Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Joe Venables
As we rode from Buckfastleigh to Totnes we had to conclude that it really was going to be even hotter than last week. None of us cope well with excessive heat so after completing the riverside track we called in to the Safeways cafe and then stocked up with provisions for lunch.

Joe had requested Goodrington Sands for today's destination. The road from Longcombe to Galmpton passes the Parliament Stone, marking the parliament held there by William of Orange in 1688, but we were more interested in finding shade on the long climb. From Galmpton we climbed to Churston and then enjoyed the long descent to Broadsands. A shady seat offered excellent lunchtime views of all the activity on the beach and in the sea.

Rather than climb the road again to get to Goodrington we thought we'd try the coast path that we saw marked on the map. There were some steep flights of steps to negotiate but we discovered a whole world of quiet beaches and unspoilt scenery that seemed a world away from the busy tourist beaches of Torbay. Finally arriving at Goodrington we enjoyed drinks and ice creams on one of the few free patches of beach and then set about enjoying the water. Joe, who enjoys scuba diving whenever he can, kept Oliver and Michael entertained with his seal-like antics.

Next stop was Paignton beach, and here we were greeted by the largest collection of new council machinery you could ever imagine. This was the annual exhibition of industrial vacuums, waste trucks, car crushers, skip transporters and other weird machines that we couldn't begin to understand. When we had each chosen the machine that we'd most like to buy we set off for the long, hot climb to Marldon.

We were running a little short of water by the time we reached the top, so Michael had the idea of calling in to see David Robinson. We were rewarded with ice cold drinks and an interesting chat before we completed the final leg of our journey home via Red Post.
Wednesday 16 June 2004
18:00 - 21:00
Evening ride (Junior): Ashburton
Hot & sunny
10 miles
5 Participants: Julian Duquemin, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Michael Jones, Jodie Rogers, Rachel Short
Harry and Abi were away for the last of our series of five junior rides. We rode through Ashburton and Rew Cross past the long thin mill and then followed the track back through the woodland along the banks of the river Ashburn. Next track was the Terrace Walk along the ridge of hills that separates the two parts of Ashburton, offering panoramic views of the whole area in the evening sunshine. It was tempting to settle down on one of the public seats and doze for an hour! The ride concluded with the hills past Pridhamsleigh and the steep rocky track descent from Five Lanes to Dart Bridge, bringing us home almost on time for once!
Friday 18 June 2004
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride: Holne
10 miles
6 Participants: Jordan Barker, Julian Duquemin, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Ashley Myhill, Joe Venables
Jordan decided to try his first Friday ride this evening after successfully completing the series of junior Wednesday rides, and he certainly did well considering his age. Our first off-road of the evening was Burchetts Wood near Hawson Court, dry and very rideable this evening. The three whose names begin with J couldn't resist riding through the ford at the end of the woods, all of them ending up with distinctly wet feet.

Scoriton and Michelcombe brought us eventually to Holne play park, and once everyone had thrown the Aerobie at least 10 times we continued homewards through Hembury Woods' Slalom track.
Sunday 20 June 2004
10:00 - 12:30
Morning ride: Skerraton Down
Occasional showers
9 miles
3 Participants: Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Ashley Myhill
Some heavy showers at the start of the ride coupled with the fact that Oliver needed to be home for lunch to celebrate Father's Day left us with a shortened but enjoyable ride past Nurston Farm to the open moor at Skerraton Down. We filled out the ride with some Aerobie contests, tracing the route of the river Mardle and its tributaries and exploring the secluded Dean Woods valley (on foot) near Cross Furzes.
Wednesday 23 June 2004
18:00 - 19:10
Evening ride (Junior): Buckfast
Gales & showers
4 miles
2 Participants: Jordan Barker, Michael Jones
Gale force winds reduced numbers to just two for this evening's junior ride. There was still a good deal of rain around so we enjoyed a short ride through Buckfast and an exploration of the woodland tracks near Bilberryhill.
Friday 25 June 2004
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride: Staverton
11 miles
6 Participants: Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Ashley Myhill, Phillip Oakley, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
We were pleased to welcome Keir back to our evening rides - a little fitter than last year, but not much bigger! Totnes cycle path remained a possibility as we rode along Colston Road, but when we got to Huxham's Cross Keir seemed to feel that Staverton would be preferable. There was the usual stone-skimming from the island, then we did our annual excursion along the second section of the track, taking care to walk the final stage to avoid upsetting the locals. One of the owners still managed to come out as we rode past his house, just to make sure that we hadn't actually cycled the path!

As we were planning our return route Michael noticed that Keir no longer had a helmet - he had left it back on the island! We proceeded on a loop that brought us back to the island across the steam railway line, collected the missing helmet and rode homewards via Abham. Our exploration of Staverton's riverside tracks had indeed been thorough this evening!
Saturday 26 June 2004
14:30 - 23:00
Weekend ride: Beer YH
Day 1
Wet & misty
9 miles (▲ 315m ▼ 415m)
4 Participants: Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Ashley Myhill, Joe Venables
The long-predicted torrential rain on Saturday morning confirmed that we had been right to delay the start until mid-afternoon. We used two cars to deliver us to the car park at the top of Peak hill near Sidmouth by 4.30 and then set off for a well-earned refreshment stop at the Mocha cafe. The mist was so thick that we could see nothing of the tremendous views normally visible on the descent.

We stocked up with provisions at the local supermarket and then tackled the serious climb of Salcombe hill: thick mist surrounding the eerie woodlands made us feel we were on an alien planet. Arriving at the Norman Lockyer observatory at the top of the hill we could barely make out the first dome through the mist, so the youngsters had plenty of fun disappearing in one direction and surprising us by returning from another.

We could hardly see the boundary hedges of the donkey sanctuary let alone the alleged occupants. Mist turned to drizzle on the long descent through the village of Branscombe, so we were all decidedly wet when we made the final descent down the track to Beer youth hostel. Our rather late arrival held some advantages, including full availability of four showers and an empty member’s kitchen. We spent the last part of the evening exploring the mist-laden coastline between Beer and Seaton.
Sunday 27 June 2004
08:00 - 17:45
Weekend ride: Beer YH
Day 2
Sunny with showers
27 miles (▲ 770m ▼ 665m)
4 Participants: Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Ashley Myhill, Joe Venables
Sunday dawned bright and clear, giving us the opportunity to explore new territories. After some Aerobie fun in the superb hostel gardens we rode over the hill to Seaton where we enjoyed refreshments on the pebbly beach. A lane and bridleway took us steeply up through the golf course at the top of Haven Cliff, offering extensive views along the East Devon coastline. Lyme Regis was our lunch stop, and we all felt pleased to have extended the ride into neighbouring Dorset. There were plenty of visitors to the town, but we found a quiet spot on the eastern beach and spent a little time being educated by Oliver regarding the best rocks to check for fossils.

The return route took us through Colyford where one of the electric trams crossed the road just when we were wondering if we would see one. A short detour took us past Whitwell farm, of special significance to Michael's father, but as we were almost back at Sidmouth we were treated to a thorough drenching by a particularly nasty shower. Plans for swims and ice-creams on Sidmouth beach were hastily rearranged to include another cafe stop before we took the final climb back up to the cars in the presence of another unfriendly shower.

(Previous recorded mileage for today's ride was 28 miles)
Wednesday 30 June 2004
18:00 - 20:10
Evening ride (Junior): Holne
Sunny and warm
9 miles
5 Participants: Jordan Barker, Michael Jones, Harry Laity, Jodie Rogers, Rachel Short
This evening's ride started with a familiar route through Buckfast and along the lower track through Hembury Woods. Everyone was much faster than they were on our last visit so there was time to take the left turn up the steep climb to Holne. Harry and Jordan just had to say hi to their friend Jack who lived in the village, and they were rewarded with a cold drink each courtesy of Jack's parents.

The fun part of the ride began next with the track descent from Gallant Le Bower. Numerous stiles added entertainment for Michael, who of course had to do the heavy work with the bikes. Harry managed to slide off going down the field and Rachel bundled into a holly bush, so everyone had plenty of action. The ride was concluded with a ride through River Dart Country Park and homewards via the road from Ashburton.
Friday 2 July 2004
19:00 - 21:40
Evening ride: Holne
Dry with sunny spells
11 miles
4 Participants: Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
Michael and Oliver only found out about Joe and Keir's water pistols at Michelcombe, by which time of course it was far too late to avoid a soaking. After the usual stop at the local park it seemed sensible to skip the planned climb to Venford reservoir and head for River Dart Country Park instead. Keir managed to come off on the riverside track towards Hembury Woods, but he soon recovered his spirits and clearly demonstrated the benefits of his new bike by riding the final hill back to Crofters, something he has never managed before!
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