South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 245 of 408 (4072 items)
Sunday 29 August 2004
10:00 - 16:30
Day ride: Redlake
Some heavy showers
23 miles
3 Participants: Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley
Our ride to Ugborough Beacon included the now customary stop at South Brent's Plymco for refreshments and the usual cautious traversing of Wrangaton Golf Course, taking care not to be hit by golf balls. There was a stiff breeze and occasional showers as we approached the shelter of the rocks on top of the beacon, so we didn't hang around for too long. Soon we reached the Redlake Tramway track, our third visit this season, and proceeded into the heart of the South Moor. Today, for the first time in many years, we continued all the way to the Redlake site itself. Thick peat covering the track did little to aid our progress, but sitting on top of the hill that was the main spoil heap it all seemed worthwhile: everything around was remote and beautiful.

Bogs made the descent to the Abbots Way more difficult than we had imagined, but once there we were able to follow paths along the upper sections of the river Avon as it passed through rich and stunning moorland scenery that few people ever get to see. Gage was pleased to have completed his stage 4 off-road qualification and to have visited the Avon Dam, his Stage 2 destination. The going had been difficult at times, but this had been a spectacular ride through the heart of Dartmoor that none of us will forget.
Wednesday 1 September 2004
18:30 - 20:30
Evening ride (Junior): Holne
Dry & sunny
9 miles
2 Participants: Michael Jones, Harry Laity
This junior ride was specially arranged by Harry and took us through Coombe, Scoriton, Michelcombe, Holne and the River Dart Country Park.
Friday 3 September 2004
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride: Landscove
Dry and sunny
6 miles
8 Participants: Jack Binmore, Jaden Bush, Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Harry Laity, Gavin Pearson, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
This evening's ride was well attended but seemed doomed from the start. Gavin broke a valve at the start and had to buy a new tube from the garage. Then Keir had a chain problem just after Green Lane, and Jaden fell off on some gravel while going back to find him. Hot air balloons kept us entertained while repairs were effected, and then we did actually manage to ride a couple of fun tracks from Halsworthy to Parkfield.

Unfortunately Keir picked up a long thorn on the final track, then rode down the lane with a flat tyre. None of the youngsters had a spare 26" tube (they will bring them in future), and when we started fixing it in the darkness we discovered that the thorn had worked its way around the tube leaving a row of well-separated punctures that would have taken more than an hour to fix! Gavin rode home for his car while we limped homewards, hoping for a better ride next week!
Sunday 5 September 2004
10:00 - 17:00
Day ride: Steps Bridge
Sunny and very hot
46 miles
3 Participants: Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley
Conditions were already uncomfortably hot by the time we reached Ashburton, and none of us were particularly suited to hot weather. It was nice to be back in the Teign Valley again after such a long absence, but temperatures were still high outside the shade of the woodlands. Canonteign Falls cafe offered the perfect opportunity for refreshments, with its shaded tables overlooking the lake. Gage chased ducks, doves and geese while the rest of us looked on, loathe to leave such tranquillity.

We proceeded along the back lanes to Christow for our planned inspection of the BMX track, but we were disappointed with what we found: the whole course was in a very poor state of repair, and the only users we saw were a couple of local lads on scooters! It seemed as though the town council had abandoned it to nature. We enjoyed lunch in a shady corner of the track and rode it a few times, but the atmosphere just wasn't the same.

While we were contemplating the possibility of taking in Fingle Bridge and Chagford on the return route we continued along the valley to Dunsford and rode the first half of the delightful woodland track from Steps Bridge. The heat was by now very oppressive, however, and with Gage still a relative newcomer we decided to return via Chudleigh Knighton, Bovey Tracey and Bickington - longer, but significantly easier.
Thursday 9 September 2004
15:30 - 17:30
Evening ride (Junior): Staverton
Dry & sunny
10 miles
3 Participants: Jack Binmore, Michael Jones, Harry Laity
On a glorious sunny afternoon we ran another of our junior rides to Staverton, stopping for some time in the park to play Frisbee at the specific request of Harry and Jack. We managed to include several interesting tracks on the return journey through Sparkwell and Beaston, although the final one from Landscove was so overgrown that we all got stung and scratched at least once.
Friday 10 September 2004
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride: Holne
Occasional showers
10 miles
4 Participants: Jaden Bush, Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Harry Laity
The weather was not quite so kind this evening so we took the sheltered lower track through Hembury Woods. We managed a few games of Frisbee in Holne Park as the drizzle descended like mist, laughing at Jaden's flawed attempts at both catching and throwing. Returning in the darkness through Michelcombe and Holne Gage somehow managed to lose his waist belt, only realising the loss at Hawson Court. He went back next morning to find it but it was nowhere to be seen! He only lost £1, but it was still rather annoying.
Saturday 11 September 2004
14:15 - 23:00
Weekend ride: Bellever YH
Day 1
Sunny periods with occasional showers
13 miles (▲ 530m ▼ 245m)
5 Participants: Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Harry Laity, Gavin Pearson, Joe Venables
Our weekend to Bellever began with slightly improved weather conditions than had been displayed during the morning. Harry and Gage were on their first weekend trip, and whilst Gage had bought a rack for his bike and affixed some borrowed panniers, Harry was content to let Michael carry his small bags of spare clothes and food.

A nasty shower at Holne forced us to take cover under the slide, but it soon cleared up and we were off again to Venford reservoir and Combestone Tor. Sunshine followed us all the way through Hexworthy to Huccaby Bridge, where we took time out to enjoy the deserted beauty spot to the full. A short ride along the Two Bridges road brought is the Dunnabridge and the long track across the moor to Bellever Woods. More brilliant sunshine accompanied us, although the breeze was a little stiff at times. A final descent through the woods brought us to Bellever youth hostel by 6.15pm, where Gavin (who had been working all afternoon) was waiting for us.

The hostel was further upgraded in February: there is now a proper games room, the staircase has been moved and the toilets and showers have been completely replaced. Gage's noodles didn't look too appetising, but at least he prepared them himself. Harry only had a pot noodle, but he still needed help to make it: his contribution was to boil the kettle and get the fork! We can forgive him though as he's only 10. The warden, previously a chef at Buckfastleigh's Furzeleigh Mill guest house, offered an excellent menu of home-cooked food, so Gavin and Michael were pleased to order treacle puddings to conclude their meals. The remainder of the evening was spent walking to the river in the semi-darkness and playing games of pool in the games room.

(Previous recorded mileage was 18 miles)
Sunday 12 September 2004
08:00 - 15:30
Weekend ride: Bellever YH
Day 2
Sunny periods with occasional showers
22 miles (▲ 510m ▼ 795m)
5 Participants: Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Harry Laity, Gavin Pearson, Joe Venables
Sunday morning dawned as sunny and dry as predicted. When Gage had returned from the top of the first hill to retrieve his gloves we pressed on to Postbridge where everyone walked around the clapper bridges and Gage bought a souvenir from the village store (made in China!). Riding on again the youngsters were interested in the Powder Mills site, used in the 19th century for the water-powered manufacture of gunpowder for local farmers. We diverted again to look around the derelict buildings, having a good look at the chimneys and the proving canon.

The stiff headwind made the journey into Princetown a little more arduous than planned, so we were glad to see the Foxtor cafe looming large in front of us. Service was exceptionally slow today, but we were kept amused by the Torbay CTC members taking part in an Audax ride; they had been reading of our antics in the Highwayman magazine, but their first question was "which one is Gage?". Gage had no idea he was so famous!

The only really unpleasant shower of the day forced us to abandon plans to investigate the railway cycle path and head directly for home. Harry, who had earlier said he didn't mind getting wet at all, now had different ideas. The shower came to an end fairly quickly so we detoured home via Dartmeet Hill and Dr Blackall's drive, Joe discovering along the way that Gage's idea of a shortcut via Sharp Tor was not such a good idea after all. The track descent was as exhilarating as usual, and we even had time for ice creams in the afternoon sunshine at New Bridge. All the youngsters thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and looked forward to our next exciting adventure.

(Previous recorded mileage for this ride was 18 miles)
Wednesday 15 September 2004
18:00 - 20:00
Evening ride (Junior): Staverton
Dry & sunny
10 miles
4 Participants: Jack Binmore, Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Harry Laity
Our juniors seem to really enjoy riding to Staverton cricket field to play Frisbee. Today we took a slightly different route to get there, climbing past Caddaford farm.
Friday 17 September 2004
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride: Converted to Social
Heavy rain
2 Participants: Gage Conway, Michael Jones
The weather this evening was so bad that the ride was cancelled and a social arranged at the clubroom.
Page 245 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants