South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 265 of 408 (4072 items)
Wednesday 24 May 2006
18:00 - 20:15
Evening ride (Junior): Converted to Social
Heavy rain
3 Participants: Glen Fulford, Dennis Ham, Michael Jones
Our third junior ride was called off because of the bad weather, but again a computer games social kept everyone positively occupied for the evening.
Friday 26 May 2006
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride: Broadhempston
9 miles
4 Participants: Glen Fulford, Dennis Ham, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
Dennis requested that we visit "the park with the rocket ride" this evening and Glen wanted to find as many puddles and as much mud as possible! We headed up Green Lane, then down the track towards Riverford - a small stream running down one of the ruts allowed Glen and Dennis the opportunity to practice getting muddy!

Following the riverside track to Staverton we then rode on to Broadhempston where the rocket ride in the play park kept the lads amused for minutes! To our surprise the park was full of children tonight, and Michael met Jenny Grieveson who used to ride with the club many years ago. For the homeward run we took the alternative route to Green Lane via Lower Combe, with Glen very much enjoying the last few splashes of the ride.
Sunday 28 May 2006
10:15 - 15:45
Day ride: Dartmeet
18 miles
4 Participants: Jack Greep, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones
Jack wanted another long ride but Dennis and Josh weren't so sure today, so we compromised by riding through Buckfast and Holne to Venford reservoir and then taking the bridleway down through Combestone. We paused for refreshments at the first stream crossing, then found that the path became rather muddy in places after the recent rain. The descent across the sheep-filled fields was great fun as always, but then we hit a major problem. Many of the stepping stones across the river Dart were submerged by the swollen river!

It was a long way back to the road with a lot of climbing, and we were all looking forward to the Badgers Holt cafe. After much thought we decided to remove our shoes and socks and take the plunge so to speak! Michael made several trips to carry all the bikes, but Jack, being a cadet, thought he could carry his own. Unfortunately one of the submerged stones was a little greener and more slippery than he had thought, and when everyone looked around to see what had caused the squeal they saw Jack submerged up to his waist! Michael took his bike for him so that he could pick his way across to the far bank and change into some drier clothes.

The cafe at Badgers Holt provided us with two large plates of very tasty chips and some drinks. We weren't too impressed that they tried to charge 25p to refill Dennis' water bottle - they maintained that they don't have mains water there, so they cannot provide water free as the law demands!

The next challenge was Dartmeet hill, but all the lads coped well, riding most of the way at a good pace. To conclude a fun and adventurous ride we rode Doctor Blackall's drive, pausing at Beltor Corner to admire the spectacular views from the vantage point of a huge slab of granite.
Wednesday 31 May 2006
18:00 - 19:05
Evening ride (Junior): Hembury Woods
Sunny and warm
4 miles
4 Participants: Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
Michael had to get back early today as there were no real juniors out, but since the weather was so perfect we enjoyed a short spin through some of the more interesting tracks in Hembury Woods.
Friday 2 June 2006
19:00 - 21:15
Evening ride: Chalk Ford
Sunny and warm
9 miles
3 Participants: Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
On a perfect summer's evening we climbed the long hill from Buckfast to Cross Furzes and then rode the long stony track to Lud Gate, the gateway to the open moor. The views were fantastic in the setting sunshine and we were almost loathe to descend the long downhill path to Chalk Ford.

There were no deer visible in the deer park as we rode alongside the fence towards Scoriton, so we parked the bikes and walked a little way along the path to Scoriton Down, which runs right through the park. It wasn't long before we were rewarded with the sight of a fine pair of stags that watched our every move with very little fear. The rest of the herd soon became visible in the adjacent paddock, so we felt the excursion had been well worthwhile.

We completed an excellent evening ride with careful navigation of the long stony track into the village, returning via Oaklands Park.
Sunday 4 June 2006
Morning ride: Cancelled
0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
Today's ride was cancelled as all our riders were involved with other activities.
Wednesday 7 June 2006
18:00 - 20:00
Evening ride (Junior): Hembury Woods
Sunny and warm
4 miles
4 Participants: Dennis Ham, Michael Jones, Sylvan O'Rowan, Joe Venables
It was a warm evening and everyone wanted some good tracks, so we headed for the top of Hembury and took some new tracks down through the woods to the river. When we got there, Joe and Dennis headed for the water, neither of them planning to get wet. But Dennis started a water fight with Joe and it wasn't long before they were both drenched to the skin. We weren't far from home however and they had great fun with the water, so no harm was done.
Friday 9 June 2006
19:00 - 21:15
Evening ride: Skerraton Down
Sunny and warm
8 miles
3 Participants: Glen Fulford, Dennis Ham, Michael Jones
It was another perfect night for a Dartmoor ride, so Michael made Glen and Dennis climb all the way up the hill past Nurston farm and then up the track to Skerraton Down. The views from the top were magnificent as always, and both lads agreed it had been well worth the effort to get there. But of course there was still more fun to be had with the long downhill to Cross Furzes, and the further downhill to Buckfastleigh. All in all, this was another superb evening ride.
Sunday 11 June 2006
Morning ride: Unknown Destination

1 Participants: Michael Jones
Report and attendance to follow
Wednesday 14 June 2006
18:00 - 20:00
Evening ride (Junior): Ashburton
Mainly dry
4 Participants: Dennis Ham, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Michael Jones, Sylvan O'Rowan
Joe would have joined us this evening, but he was late to the start and just missed us as we were heading out on the old Ashburton road. We rode to Belford Mill (the long, wedge-shaped building behind Ashburton) and too the usual track through the woods along the river. At the far end a van driver had cleverly parked his van to almost completely block the exit from the path to the road - we had to squeeze between the van and some nettles to get out! We returned home via Ashburton and Peartree, arriving just as the rain was beginning to come in.
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Events Index Gallery Participants