South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 269 of 408 (4072 items)
Saturday 19 August 2006
08:00 - 23:00
Tour: Switzerland
Day 13 Lausanne to Home
2 miles (▲ 75m ▼ 5m)
3 Participants: Tao Burgess, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
We were up a bit earlier than usual this morning, at 7.30, had a quick breakfast in the dining hall and left at 8.25 for the two-mile journey to Lausanne station. We arrived at 8.45 which left us 37 minutes to dismantle our bikes and pack them into the bike bags, which we did on the platform. All went smoothly and we boarded the 09:22 TGV train for Paris with plenty of time to spare. And this time there were no problems with the tickets.

The train sped along at very high speeds, but it was still a long journey, getting us to Gare de Lyon by 13:24. As before it was hard working carting the bike bags and luggage to the RER D train, and then lugging them up to Gare du Nord overground station, but the advantage of doing that was that we at least had time to buy lunch using the last of our coins along with our card. We found a quiet corner of the busy station to eat it at around 2.45.

We thought we were in good time joining the Eurostar queue – until we realised we were in the wrong queue, for a later train than ours. We then had to rush and only just got on the 15:19 train before it left. This time we were able to sit together, so it was a more enjoyable journey than the one from London at the start of the tour.

Our train arrived at London Waterloo at 16:54 local time. We reassembled the bikes on the platform, got some good food from the station shops and once again only just caught the train, this time the 18:20 to Exeter. As previously it was the slow, stopping train, getting to Exeter at 21:51. Then we had to change for the 22:05 to Newton Abbot, finally arriving at 10:43.

It had been a very long day, and a very long tour, so it’s not surprising we were all tired out when we arrived home. But we had some very happy memories of our second ever tour to Switzerland, which surely must be one of the best countries in the world to go for a cycle tour.
Sunday 20 August 2006
Morning ride: Cancelled

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
Today's ride was probably cancelled
Friday 25 August 2006
Evening ride: Cancelled

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
Today's ride was probably cancelled.
Sunday 27 August 2006
Morning ride: Cancelled

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
Today's ride was probably cancelled.
Friday 1 September 2006
Evening ride: Cancelled

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
This evening's ride was probably cancelled.
Sunday 3 September 2006
Morning ride: Cancelled

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
Today's ride was probably cancelled
Friday 8 September 2006
19:00 - 20:30
Evening ride: Hembury Woods
Sunny and warm
3 Participants: Glen Fulford, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones
With neither Glen nor Ryan having lights this evening we only had time for a short ride, along the lower Hembury track and then home via Hawson Court.
Sunday 10 September 2006
Morning ride: Cancelled

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
Unfortunately today's ride didn't get off the ground as Michael was occupied all morning and neither Glen nor Jack could make an afternoon ride.
Friday 15 September 2006
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride: Landscove
10 miles
3 Participants: Glen Fulford, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones
With the evenings drawing in it was almost getting too late to contemplate a track, but both Glen and Ryan wanted one so we headed with good speed up Green Lane and the subsequent climb past Baddaford farm. Michael had to prod them a bit to keep them moving as the light was fading fast, but we soon reached the top and everyone enjoyed the bumpy track descent that crossed more than four fields. It was almost dark when we reached the bottom, but nobody really needed their lights switched on, and this added to the fun.

We returned via Abham and Caddaford after a memorable ride for all concerned.
Sunday 17 September 2006
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride: Totnes
Sunny periods, warm
15 miles
2 Participants: Dennis Ham, Michael Jones
Dennis had a new road bike today, and the resulting improvement in his riding speed was dramatic. This left us more time to explore things of interest along the way, and we certainly made good use of the time.

We took Colston road to Dartington, at which point Dennis noticed that there were two steam trains in the valley on the Buckfastleigh side of Staverton station. Now Michael knew the line was single track all the way to Totnes, so after riding the cycle path through the Cider Press Centre towards Totnes we called in to Totnes Riverside station to find out more. This was the last day of the summer timetable, and there was a packed steam train on the platform waiting for the whistle. Dennis loves trains, so we had a good look around and waited for the train to go before talking the guard. Apparently the single track nature of the line, which means one train has to return to Buckfastleigh before the next can leave, had been limiting their timetables too much, and two years ago they got prisoners from Exeter to help construct a piece of parallel track known as the Staverton Loop. This explained the presence of two trains near Staverton, and also explained how the next train was due into Totnes in under 30 minutes!

When Morrisons cafe had provided us with suitably priced refreshments we set off for the return journey, again along the riverside path, pausing at Dartington to watch an outdoor entertainer who was captivating an audience of children - and Dennis - with his juggling and unicycle antics. We continued via Staverton station, hoping to see the new section of track, but sadly it was hidden from view from all the nearby roads.

Dennis thoroughly enjoyed his ride, and felt justifiably proud of his performance.
Page 269 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants