South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 307 of 408 (4072 items)
Sunday 7 February 2010
10:15 - 12:50
Morning ride: Belford Mill
Cloudy and cold
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Matt Porter
Matt Porter made his long-awaited return to the club today, and Ryan turned out as his back had made a faster-than-expected recovery. The temperature was just three degrees this morning and with mist covering the moorland we decided to head for Ashburton. After a quick play in the park we took the lane that goes past the strange, wedge-shaped building that is Belford Mill and then headed back along the woodland track through Woodencliff Woods. A bunch of dogs took a particular interest in Matt, so Ash stayed with him to keep them under control.

Ryan's back was now causing him some discomfort so we headed straight back through the middle of Ashburton, unusually taking the "cycle path" along the side of the A38 to make a particularly easy downhill return to Buckfastleigh. Ryan described it as "sketchy but fun"!
Friday 12 February 2010
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Tennis

3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones
After playing some computer games until 7.35 Callum finally got his wish when we headed to Ivybridge to play tennis in the huge indoor courts there - £6 per person, but the other members who usually blocked his request just weren't here to stop him tonight. Callum learned how to serve properly tonight and we all thoroughly enjoyed the evening.
Sunday 14 February 2010
10:15 - 13:15
Morning ride: Holne
Cold (3º)
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Matt Porter
We haven't had six on a ride for quite some time, so there was a real buzz in the air as we set off up Silver Street and through to Scoriton. It was a cold morning but everyone had good gloves today. When Ryan had called home to collect something we continued through Michelcombe and up the gentle climb to Holne where we amused ourselves for a quarter of an hour in the play park: refreshments, rope swing and Frisbee were the principal pursuits.

As we were in Holne some members just had to call into the local shop to spend some more of their money, then we continued through the lanes and took the excellent track that descends through Holne woods to River Dart Country Park. Everyone was up to top speed today so we had a great ride and got home quickly via the old Ashburton road.
Friday 19 February 2010
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Cinema Trip, Percy Jackson

4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Tonight we managed to arrange a long-overdue trip to the cinema at Plymouth, this time to see "Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief". The film is often compared with Harry Potter, but it's really nothing like it. Everyone thought it was an excellent evening out.
Sunday 21 February 2010
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride: Broadhempston
Sunny but chilly
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Some members were still away for half term, but four of us enjoyed a good ride to Broadhempston via Green Lane. The roads were icy in places after some overnight rain and sleet, so we had to take care.

The play park at Broadhempston has been extended since we were last there, someone having taken out the tall hedge between the park and the adjacent field. Our Frisbees have gone over that hedge several times in the past, previously necessitating a walk halfway around the village to get to the far gate. Today we were able to use the whole field for our Frisbee, boomerang and tennis ball games.

We returned home via Staverton and the riverside track, arriving just in time to see a holiday diesel special running on the train line. Zac just couldn't resist going into the station to buy some Milky Bars from the antique penny vending machine, and of course everyone else followed suit.
Friday 26 February 2010
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Pool

5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Well they wanted a trip out but couldn't afford bowling, so Pool became the plan. We had four games each at Plymouth, alternating pairings, and whilst everyone had some great games the main news of the night was how much Callum had improved since last time! Ashley and Ryan played an arcade game that went on for ages, then we dropped into Tesco as usual on the way home.
Sunday 28 February 2010
11:20 - 13:00
Morning ride: Rattery
Cold with showers
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Delays to the start of our ride were inevitable when Zac turned up with a puncture. In the end he also found he had ceased brakes, so he borrowed a neighbour's bike and we finally set off at around 11.20. Showers didn't make the climb to Pennywell particularly enjoyable, but a group of deer over the hedge, presumably owed by Pennywell Farm, provided a great photo opportunity.

Ryan was finding the cycling tough after a recent injury, so after passing through Rattery we turned right to cross the A38 and then descended Dean hill, getting back at around 1pm.
Friday 5 March 2010
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Movie Night, Up

5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Our first movie night of the season took place this evening, with everyone very much enjoying the award-winning animation Up.
Sunday 7 March 2010
10:15 - 17:15
Day ride (Car-assisted): Exeter Ship Canal
Sunny but cold
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Our first car-assisted ride of the year was a great success thanks to some superb weather. The ride started from Black Forest Lodge near Starcross and it wasn't long before we had ridden past the deer of Powderham Castle and were starting off along the path that follows the Exe estuary. The recent absence of rain had left the path relatively mid-free today.

Just after joining the canal cycle path at Turf Lock we were fortunate to come across a huge flock of Canada geese resting on the nearby marshland. Fishermen lined the canal, and Exeter Rowing Club were doing their best to avoid the many swans that got in their way.

Everyone was ready for lunch when we arrived at Pizza Hut at 1.15, and shortly after 2pm we set off again for a gentle ride around the park. Ash was keen to show Callum the trampoline as they are both quite skilled at bouncing.

As usual the Quay was swarming with people drawn out by the glorious weather, and progress along the cycle path was slow at times. We soon hit the freedom of the main path however, returning past the swing bridges and back along the canal to Starcross. Callum got a puncture just before we reached the car, so we didn't need to fix it today.
Friday 12 March 2010
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Cinema Trip, Alice in Wonderland

6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Jack Parnell (14, Buckfastleigh)
To celebrate Ashley's recent birthday we enjoyed a special trip to the Odeon cinema at Exeter to watch the latest 3D movie Alice in Wonderland - a much darker and more action-packed movie than the older versions. The movie was great and everyone enjoyed their evening.
Page 307 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants