South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 53 of 408 (4072 items)
Wednesday 2 August 1989
Evening ride (Paignton): Babbacombe
6 Participants: Matthew Jago, Michael Jones, Craig Nichols, Darren Nichols, Shane Powell, Philip Roberts
Babbacombe Downs was tranquil compared with the bustle of Torquay's harbour area. Matthew led us homewards through Daccombe and Edginswell, bringing us out at the bottom of Shiphay to everyone's annoyance! They couldn't complain though, as no-one else knew the correct route through the estates either.
Friday 4 August 1989
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Totnes
12 Participants: Erica Brown, Hazel Brown, Andrew Caunter, Julian Duquemin, Mark Hedges, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Luke Kudliskis, Craig Nichols, Darren Nichols, Chris Platt, Shane Powell
Taking the road past Rattery to Dartington, Mark was relieved to get through without falling off on this occasion. Michael delayed everyone at Brutus Bridge by getting a puncture in his puncture-proof tyre, but it was later that the real problems began.

Setting out along the riverside path to Dartington a group of teenagers advised us not to proceed as the path was flooded further along. They were hanging around under the bridge and looked as though they were out for a laugh. No-one thought that there could possible be floods after all the dry weather, so we ignored their warning.

Of course we had forgotten that this stretch of river was tidal. Today there was a neap tide, and about halfway along the path our way was blocked by water which came up beyond the hubs. The leading riders braved the waters, getting rather wet in the process, but then came across water that would have come up to their necks, with no alternative route forwards.

There was nothing to be done but retrace our steps, fortunately only as far as the industrial estate where we were able to rejoin the road. We were now hopelessly late, but by careful choice of route we managed to get home by 10pm, with several wet feet to back up our stories.
Sunday 6 August 1989
Afternoon ride: Pulsford
15 Participants: Richard Burge, Paul Hamlyn-White, Luke Hatherly, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Ben Hobday, Michael Jones, Warren Masters, Simon Paull (Junior, Ashburton), Martin Rushworth, John Stuart, Gary Taylor, David Thomas, Ken Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday
The Buckfastleigh starters made their way to the Pulsford pick-up via Green Lane, Beaston and the Knowle track. The others were waiting, and had to wait a little longer while John tried rolling in the pile of straw that lay by the roadside.

Taking the lanes through Denbury to Ipplepen made everyone thirsty, so Pick 'n' Park was again selected to provide our refreshments. Martin and John took great pleasure in annoying Michael by eating enormous iced desserts. Shane, however, was more concerned about escaping from the wasp that buzzed around his apple juice.

Marldon riders had an easier return than the Buckfastleigh riders, who rode past the remains of the Rising Sun Inn which was partially destroyed by fire a few weeks earlier.
Wednesday 9 August 1989
Evening ride (Paignton): Ipplepen
5 Participants: Dave Humphreys, Matthew Jago, Michael Jones, Stephen Larkin, David Thomas
Would the ride take place or wouldn't it? Indecision gripped us as the drizzle fell, but eventually we went, keeping close to home as ever. The Combe Fishacre road brought is quickly to Ipplepen. From here we rode past Denbury to Two Mile Oak. Young David wanted to explore a side track: it turned out to be a dead end, but everyone enjoyed the ride - except Matthew, who moaned "like a girl's blouse" according to Dave Senior! The ride finished by exploring a new link from Stoneycombe to North Wilborough and the nurseries near Shiphay. A proposed track turned out to be barred to unauthorised vehicles, but we were ultimately grateful for the quicker ring road as the rain began in earnest.
Friday 11 August 1989
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Venford Reservoir
13 Participants: Anthony Davis, Gary Duquemin, Julian Duquemin, Chris Giles, Paul Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Luke Kudliskis, Chris Platt, Shane Powell, Andrew Simmons
The ride to Holne, punctuated by Paul's puncture, was followed by a steep climb to the reservoir. Water levels here were lower than anyone could remember (about 30%). There was time for a short walk before returning through Hembury Woods in the semi-darkness.
Sunday 13 August 1989
Day ride: 100km Reliability Ride
10 Participants: Michael Giles, Richard Hopper, Matthew Jago, Michael Jones, Shane Powell, Andrew Simmons, Mark Sloman, John Stuart, Gary Taylor, Jeremy Weston
This year's 100km ride was similar to last year's event, except that we made better progress in the morning and had some wet weather on occasions during the afternoon. Temperatures were also much cooler, which made the whole ride seem easier.

The route took us through Holne, Hexworthy, Two Bridges, Walkhampton, Yelverton, Ivybridge, Ermington and Totnes. There was some sad news at Ermington when we were told that the Erme Mill cafe would be closing within the week, along with all the other businesses in the estate. Management had apparently decided to convert the property to flats.

Congratulations to the successful participants: Shane Powell, Matthew Jago, Gary Taylor, Jeremy Weston, Michael Jones, Mike Giles and Richard Hopper.
Wednesday 16 August 1989
Evening ride (Paignton): Haccombe
4 Participants: Dave Humphreys, Matthew Jago, Ken Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday
Ken and Julie were forced to drop out when Julie's back began to cause problems. However Matthew and Dave went on to the destination and were thoroughly impressed with the scenic delights of the quiet rural estate. Dave had puncture problems on the way home through Coffinswell, but a "very nice lady" invited the two into her thatched cottage while repairs were effected. The result was another late return - 10.30pm to be precise.
Wednesday 16 August 1989
Tour: Norway
Day 1 Devon to Newcastle
7 Participants: Mark Burnard, Michael Jones, Ian Luke, Mark Moxham, Shane Powell, Peter Rushworth, Mark Sloman
This year's main tour took the Section abroad for the first time. The destination was the Western fjords of Norway. Taking part in this mammoth escapade were Shane Powell (13), Mark Burnard (14), Ian Luke (15), Peter Rushworth (15), Mark Sloman (15), Mark Moxham (19) and Michael Jones. Rain plagued the early part of the tour, but this did not detract in any way from its success.

The overnight train was taken from Newton Abbot on the Tuesday evening, depositing everyone on a cold Carlisle station at about 5am. Three hours later a DMU took us across to Newcastle, where we spent the morning buying breakfasts and browsing through the shops for phrase books and cycle parts. The ferry for Norway left in the early evening from the Tyne Commission Quay at Tynemouth, about ten miles from Newcastle. We managed to avoid the built‑up areas by taking the Tyne Cycleway along the South of the river Tyne, and then crossing by way of the Tyne Tunnel, a pedestrian and cycle tunnel which offered great fun at either end on the escalators.
The ship was enormous. There were numerous restaurants, all offering excellent value. We tried to grab sleep in the reclining chairs, but none of us slept too well.
Thursday 17 August 1989
Tour: Norway
Day 2 Newcastle to Bergen
7 Participants: Mark Burnard, Michael Jones, Ian Luke, Mark Moxham, Shane Powell, Peter Rushworth, Mark Sloman
The crossing to Norway took about 25 hours, calling at Stavanger in mid afternoon and dropping us at Bergen at 2130 Norwegian time (one hour ahead of BST). Along the way it passed between the many islands that dominate Norway's western coast. We made our way to the Montana hostel in Bergen and enjoyed our first good night's sleep for three days.
Friday 18 August 1989
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Spitchwick
17 Participants: Erica Brown, Hazel Brown, Richard Burge, Gary Duquemin, Julian Duquemin, Chris Giles, Martin Hills, Catherine Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Luke Kudliskis, Marcus Kudliskis, Simon Paull, Chris Platt, Martin Rushworth, Andrew Simmons, John Stuart
With Michael in foreign parts, it was the ideal time to visit Spitchwick. The outward trip was via the old A38, past the Lanterns and the ascent of Highgrove Hill. It was then onwards to Buckland-in-the-Moor, but before the group descended the hill to Spitchwick a "Michael health warning" was given.

With darkness closing in there was just enough time for a few brave souls to swim in the river while everyone else amused themselves upon the Common. The return trip was via New Bridge and Hembury. But before the descent into Hembury Catherine Hopper caused major delays when her chain became jammed. The whole chainset had to be removed to free it. By this time darkness had descended and with Ever Ready beams lighting the way the group arrived in Buckfastleigh at the rather late time of 10.15.
Page 53 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants