South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 128 of 408 (4072 items)
Friday 21 April 1995
Evening ride: Totnes
Sunny but cold after dark
15 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Stan Ford, Richard Goss, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, John Hayes, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Philip Stone, Gavin Taylor
Jeremy had a problem with his wheel today and went to Michael's house to fix it before the ride. Unfortunately it took longer than he anticipated, so the rest of us had to leave without him.

We rode along Colston Road to Dartington and then took the riverside track to Totnes. We returned through Dartington and Rattery as darkness fell. Michael had a very nice rear lamp tonight, but many in the group felt sure it was not actually red.

[This report was written in 2014 from the following notes - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions.]

[Jeremy fixing wheel at Michael's house, missed ride. Colston Road, Totnes track, Dartington & Rattery. Some people thought Michael's rear light wasn't red. Weather sunny, cold after dark.]
Sunday 23 April 1995
Day ride: North Bovey
Mainly sunny
5 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Richard Goss, Michael Jones, Philip Stone
After refreshments in the Primrose café at Lustleigh we climbed the delightful road past Lustleigh Cleave and then took the track descent to the ford near North Bovey. Here we enjoyed lunch while some skimmed stones across the river.

We rode on to Heatree Cross and after some indecision continued to the play park at Widecombe where everyone had a bit of fun. Next stop was Spitchwich, which we reached via Buckland. Here Philip produced his own Frisbee for our amusement, which flew well despite it being the floppiest Frisbee we had ever seen.

Michael was the only person who took the track short-cut to New Bridge. We then returned home via Hembury.

[This report was written in 2014 from the following notes - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions]

[Mainly sunny. Lustleigh for refreshments. Climbed Cleave road, descended track, stone-throwing and lunch by ford near North Bovey. On to Heatree Cross (some indecision). Road to Widecombe play park. Buckland, Spitchwick and Hembury. Played with Philip Oakley's floppy Frisbee at Spitchwick - Michael took path shortcut from (to) New Bridge.]
Friday 28 April 1995
Evening ride: Landscove
Dry but dull and nippy
11 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Jeremy Ford, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, Michael Jones, Austin Loder, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley
Julian impressed everyone tonight with his new front forks. We took the old Ashburton road to Pridhamsleigh and then took the right turn up the hill to Five Lanes. After passing Baddaford we took the track descent across the fields to Landscove, then continued to Staverton.

For a change we tried the riverside track in reverse, starting from the village and proceeding through the field and woods to the island. The owner of the house near the start gets so angry when cyclists ride the track that he risks bursting a blood vessel, so we decided today to look after his health and walked the path until we were in the woods.

As usual we couldn't resist playing on Staverton Island, skimming stones and generally running around. When we had taken our fill of fun we headed home via Colston Road.

[This report was written in 2014 from the following notes - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions]

[Weather dry, dull and nippy. Pridhamsleigh, right turn up hill, field track to Landscove. Staverton, riverside path (walked first section), played on island, home via Colston. Julian with new forks.]
Sunday 30 April 1995
Day ride: Newton Ferrers
Sunny inland, misty around the coast
6 Participants: Richard Burge, Llewellyn Holmes, Michael Jones, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley
Keir had a broken freewheel today, making his bike un-rideable, so he borrowed Michael's Romany touring bike for the day. It was strange to see him not on a mountain bike: he handled the bike sensibly and speedily and looked more like a serious cyclist than we had ever seen him!

From the Avonwick pick-up we continued down the fast descent to Ermington and on through the lanes to the Brownstone area. We had planned to take the long track through Pool Mill Farm to Membland, but on arrival it was clearly too wet to ride so we took the road route to Newton Ferrers and had lunch by the water at Bridgend. A multitude of ducks and swans helped make this a particularly enjoyable lunchtime, although we all had to pay by donating sizeable portions of our lunches.

We returned homeward along the coast road to Holbeton, looking forward to a nice café stop at Ermington fish farm. When we arrived however we discovered that the café was no more, the premises now being owned by the Car Graphics Co. We really did want refreshments, so we had to make do with the Shell garage at South Brent.

The afternoon was still young so after some debate we elected to return home the long way, via Bloody Pool and the Skerraton Down track across the moor to Cross Furzes. Skylarks hovered and sang in every direction making a perfect ending to an excellent ride.

[This report was written in 2014 from the following notes - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions.]

[Sunny inland, misty around coast. Keir broke freewheel, used Romany. Avonwick, Ermington. Track to Membland was too wet so took road. Lunch by water at Bridgend feeding ducks and swans. Homeward via Holbeton, Ermington (café replaced by Car Graphics Co). Keir handled Romany very sensibly and speedily. Shell garage at South Brent, eventually decided to take road to Bloody Pool and track to Cross Furzes. Skylarks everywhere.]
Friday 5 May 1995
Evening ride: Haytor
18 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Julian Duquemin, Jeremy Ford, Stan Ford, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Don Malpass, Keir Manning, Edward Millard, Paul Oakley, Philip Stone, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Jeremy had a broken chain at the start so he went home to replace it with the intention of catching us up. Evidently it took him longer than he planned as we didn't see him again.

We made the very best of the excellent weather by setting out on an ambitious ride to Haytor, riding out through Ashburton, Halshanger and Birchanger. The journey was well worth the effort with the views alone, the distant lights near the coast being just visible through the warm haze.

We returned home the short way via Cold East Cross and Ashburton, concluding what had been a very enjoyable and well attended ride.

[This report was written in 2014 from the following notes - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions.]

[Jeremy went hom to change his chain, didn't catch us. Ashburton, Halshanger, Birchanger, Haytor. Balmy evening, distant lights could just be seen through Haze. Return via Cold East Cross.]
Sunday 7 May 1995
Afternoon ride: Badworthy
Sunny and hot
16 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Julian Duquemin, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, John Hayes, Kirsten Holmes (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Llewellyn Holmes, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Austin Loder, Jigme Malholland (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Paul Oakley, Philip Stone, Eliot Thomas-Wright
The ride to this new destination started in a not unusual way with the climb of Dean Hill, the ride through Harbourneford and the descent towards South Brent. We took the right turn towards Aish halfway down the hill, a narrow and little-used lane that brought us quickly to Lydia Bridge. We then followed the lane up the hill towards Shipley Bridge, turning left for Badworthy.

The Badworthy lane was only a relatively short detour off the main lane but it was delightfully quiet and unspoilt, leading down to the Badworthy Brook and then back up to the main lane again. We overtook a jogger heading in the same direction as us but were disappointed to note that he kept up with us all the way up the climb on the other side. Budgie managed to fall off at one point but placed the blame firmly on Philip Stone's haphazard riding.

Finding ourselves conveniently at Shipley Bridge there were now just two more things to do to round off an excellent ride. Firstly we bought ice-creams from the van and enjoyed them in the afternoon sunshine. Then, when Jigme had left us to go home because he was feeling feint, we headed to the moor at the Avon Dam and rode back to Cross Furzes along the fabulous Abbots Way track.

[This report was written in 2014 from the following notes - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions.]
Friday 12 May 1995
Evening ride: Broadhempston
Dry but cold
14 Participants: Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Julian Duquemin, Jeremy Ford, Stan Ford, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Austin Loder, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Philip Stone
This evening's chilly ride took us up Green Lane and then on past Abham to Staverton and Broadhempston. The infamous Beeston Track proved irresistible - it was bit muddy but nowhere near as bad as it has been on occasions. Progress was delayed somewhat by Julian who got a puncture.

We returned to Five Lanes and the very rough track descent to Dart Bridge.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors]
Sunday 14 May 1995
Day ride: Rough Stuff Event, Ideford
Mainly dry and bright with occasional showers
24 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Allen Davies, Garry Davies, Pearl Davies, Phillip Davies, Julian Duquemin, Jeremy Ford, Richard Goss, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, Martin Hills, Llewellyn Holmes, Michael Jones, William Lane, Ashley Loder, Austin Loder, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Harry Staniland, Philip Stone, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Luke Whiting
We were encouraged by an impressive turnout for this year's Rough Stuff event at Ideford. Luke had to rest for a moment at the "Budgie Box" at Caton as he felt light-headed, but eventually we pressed on to Gappah Cross, being dampened by a light shower at Heathfield.

Several of our youngsters, including Ashley and Paul, were taken completely by surprise when we turned right instead of left at Gappah, heading past Ugbrooke House and across the A380 Exeter to Newton road. On the other side of the dual carriageway we were taking the footpath to Olchard, but the way was obstructed by an annoying wooden gate. Keir thought he would help out by lifting the gate off its hinges, but try as he might he could not make it budge. There was laughter all around when Tao came along and lifted it off easily.

When we had met up with the other Devon DA riders at Ideford we had lunch under the second and final shower of the day. We then got on with the competition, which this year was reasonably hard and tiring because of the long route required to reach all the testing off-road sections. Eventually we had to leave at 4.15, before the results were announced, in order to get home at a reasonable time.

Tao's broken chain delayed us by another thirty minutes, and by the time we had ridden through Kingsteignton and Newton Abbot for a slightly different journey home it was 7pm when we finally reached Buckfastleigh.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors]
Friday 19 May 1995
Evening ride: River Dart Country Park
Dry and sunny
19 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Allen Davies, Garry Davies, Pearl Davies, Phillip Davies, Julian Duquemin, Dayle Guy, Michael Jones, Jake Lane, Austin Loder, Roy Loder, Keir Manning, Alec Martin (14, Devon), Janette Martin (Adult, Devon), John Norman (10, Devon), Paul Oakley, Philip Stone
Today was the 10th anniversary of South Dartmoor CTC, which held its first ever ride on 19th May 1985.

We rode through Buckfast and along the lower Hembury track to Holne, then took the downhill track through Holne Woods to River Dart Country Park. Here we took advantage of our special permission letter from the management and played on the slides - young Allen managed to ride the long, steep slide and land on his feet at the bottom!

We got back to Buckfastleigh by 9.15 and finished the ride with some fun computer games at Crofters.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors]
Sunday 21 May 1995
10:00 - 16:00
Day ride: Slapton Sands
4 Participants: Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Garry Davies, Michael Jones
Several of our regular members were taking part in a cycle race elsewhere, but those who met at the Totnes pick-up rode through Harbertonford and Moreleigh to Slapton village where we looked at some of the famous landmarks Michael happened to know about.

After lunch on the beach at 12.15 we had drinks at one of the cafes in Torcross - Garry was rather embarrassed to break his glass! We returned via Stokenham, Moreleigh, Diptford, Avonwick and Marley Head.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors]
Page 128 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants