South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 129 of 408 (4072 items)
Tuesday 23 May 1995
18:00 - 20:35
Evening ride (Junior): Staverton
Warm and sunny
12 Participants: Jenna Clegg (11, Buckfastleigh), Luke Comerford (10, Buckfastleigh), Amy Davies (10, Buckfastleigh), James Hudson (9, Buckfastleigh), Ben Ireland (10, Buckfastleigh), Michael Jones, Austin Loder, Craig McCracken (11, Buckfastleigh), Daniel Smith (10, Buckfastleigh), Graham Smith (Adult, Buckfastleigh), Dale Turrell, Dave Turrell
Our first under-13s ride of the season was a great success, attracting seven new children from the Buckfastleigh Cycling Proficiency course and one new parent.

The ride was not too ambitious, taking us along Colston Road to Staverton and along the first section of the riverside path. After a quick run around the island we returned via Abham and Caddaford, with nearly everyone saying that they had enjoyed the ride.

Austin, Jenna and James deserve special mention for opting to join Dave on the rough downhill track from Fursdon to Hole, meeting up with the others at Abham.

[This report never previously published, but it was written at the time]
Friday 26 May 1995
Evening ride: Staverton
Dull and damp, rain later
20 Participants: Richard Burge, Allen Davies, Garry Davies, Pearl Davies, Phillip Davies, Julian Duquemin, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Austin Loder, Roy Loder, Keir Manning, Alec Martin, Janette Martin, John Norman, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Chris Platt, Philip Stone
Heavy rain during the late afternoon kept Michael’s telephone buzzing with questions about the fate of this evening’s ride. When 7pm arrived, however, the rain had ceased so we set off along Colston Road hoping that our good fortune would hold for another couple of hours. Dayle, who had decided at the last minute that the ride looked a good deal more attractive than it had looked earlier, caught up with us as we neared Hood Farm.

The ride was not uneventful. Allen had some chain problems, then Alec came off his bike on Staverton Bridge. Finally, two disappointing members chose to ignore Michael’s clear instructions and rode at top speed past some walkers on the Staverton riverside path so that they had to move out of the way. Cyclists have no right to use this path at all, so if our members are unable to respect the absolute rights of walkers we will simply stop using the path altogether.

The rain now began again, so we set off for home via Abham and Caddaford. Some members took the track climb to the top of Green Lane, getting slightly muddy in the process of course.

Most of the crew returned to Crofters at 9pm for drinks and computer games, but a few decided to return home to clean their bikes ready for tomorrow’s ride to Steps Bridge.

[This report never previously published, but it was written in full at the time]
Saturday 27 May 1995
15:30 - 23:00
Weekend ride: Steps Bridge YH
Day 1
Mainly dry with occasional showers
16 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Julian Duquemin, Richard Goss, John Hayes, Llewellyn Holmes, Michael Jones, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Chris Platt, Harry Staniland, Philip Stone, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Luke Whiting
With rain pouring down at 2pm it looked very much as though our weekend would be a washout. Phil Stone rang Crofters Control to see if the ride was cancelled, but the forecast was encouraging so we decided to press ahead. By the time those who had forgotten their hostel cards (including Budgie!) had returned home to fetch them the weather was actually quite pleasant when we finally set off. We did get one shower on the way to the 4.30 Chudleigh pick-up, where Tao and Eliot had been waiting rather impatiently for some time, but otherwise we were fortunate with the weather.

As we were passing Christow BMX track we couldn’t resist the small detour up the hill for some fun. A local lad who we had met here before was on the track again today, and he really enjoyed showing off his skills and chatting with us again. Neil tried a stunt - against Michael's advice - and ended up with a nasty graze on his arm, but he decided to postpone a hospital trip until tomorrow.

Steps Bridge hostel is a "simple" hostel situated high in Bridford Wood. We had heard rumours that the hostel had been improved since our last visit, but when we arrived at 6.45 it was clear that these were indeed nothing more than rumours, although the hostel was quite cosy. An interesting range of meals was prepared in the small kitchen, mostly based on pasta although Budgie was more adventurous with his rice meal.

Rain set in for the rest of the evening, so after a short walk before dark our time was spent mainly on a debate and card games in the common room. When it came to bedtime it was, unusually, Budgie who seemed least interested in sleep!

[This report was written in 2014 from the following notes - please tell us if you see any errors]

[Rain pouring down at 2pm, looked as though weekend would be a washout. Phil Stone rang up to see if cancelled. Several forgot hostel cards, including Budgie, and had to go back for them. Actually quite nice when set out at 3.30pm. Shower on the way to Chudleigh pick-up. Tao and Eliot had been waiting a little while when we arrived.
Christow BMX track, local lad met us again and chatted for a while. Neil tried a stunt and grazed his arm, just as MJ predicted. He chose to leave hospital visit until next day. Arrived at hostel approx 6.45pm. Talk of it having been improved turned out to be nothing more than rumours, although it is quite cosy. Interesting range of meals were cooked, mostly based on pasta, although Budgy did an interesting rice meal. Rest of evenin it rained, so mainly indoor debate and card games, plus a short walk before dark. Budgy difficult to calm down in dorm.]
Sunday 28 May 1995
08:00 - 16:15
Weekend ride: Steps Bridge YH
Day 2
Occasional showers
16 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Julian Duquemin, Richard Goss, John Hayes, Llewellyn Holmes, Michael Jones, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Chris Platt, Harry Staniland, Philip Stone, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Luke Whiting
Our sleep was rudely disturbed in the middle of the night by the alarm going off in the National Park van parked in the car park. It might have been this that led Keir to give up on sleep: he was dressed and sitting up on his bed at 7am, then couldn't resist waking up Harry and Luke.

Michael had obtained milk from the warden and wanted to make sure that everyone got as much as they needed for a fair price. It was amusing to see him measuring out the milk and calculating the correct charges to the nearest penny.

We managed to get everyone out of the hostel by 9.45, fifteen minutes before closing time, and then set off along the riverside bridleway through Dunsford Wood. The paths were great fun and not too muddy. The youngsters were enjoying them so much that they raced on ahead and succeeded in upsetting a group of walkers. Some strong words from Michael put matters right and order was quickly restored.

There were a lot of ramblers at Fingle Bridge taking part in a Greenpeace walk. We climbed the steep Hunters Path to the top of the woods and then enjoyed the fabulous descent down the side of the valley, affording us spectacular views.

After lunch at the bottom the showers began for our return across the moor. Harry had a near miss with a car, but we managed to reach Chagford in sixteen pieces and decided to try the Old Forge tearooms. We were almost put off by the expensive and exclusive appearance of the frontage, but inside it actually turned out to be very good. It also provided comfortable shelter from a spell of rain that had come along.

The rain had turned to showers again by the time we left, so we headed straight home via Hound Tor and Cold East Cross, stopping for ice-creams and Frisbee fun at the former. An extended computer games social at Crofters helped make up for the slightly inclement weather and finished off an enjoyable weekend.

[This report was written in 2014 from the following notes - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions]

[National Park van alarm went off in night. Keir awoke early, MJ looked across and saw him sitting on his bed, dressed, at 7am. Then he stirred up Harry and Luke! Breakfast milk was measured out by MJ, charges calculated to the nearest penny. Managed to clear out of hostel by 9.45am. Problem on path when some didn’t wait and upset a group of walkers. Strong talk from MJ put the matter right, however, and order was quickly restored. Paths were great fun and not too muddy. Greenpeace walk at Fingle. Climbed the path,spectacular views, great descent, lunch at bottom, showers began, incident with Harry almos hitting car, Chagford Old Forge tyearooms, looked expensive and exclusive on the outside but actually very good - and offered shelter from the rain. Still showers when we left so straight homewards via Hound Tor (frisbee and ice-cream van) and Cold East Cross. Crofters by 4.15, extended computer games social to conclude the day.]
Friday 2 June 1995
Evening ride: Unknown destination

12 Participants: Richard Burge, Michael Jones, Jake Lane, Ashley Loder, Austin Loder, Roy Loder, Keir Manning, Alec Martin, Janette Martin, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Dave Turrell
Report unavailable
Sunday 4 June 1995
14:15 - 17:30
Afternoon ride: Invitation Ride: Broadhempston
Fine, sunny and warm
20 Participants: Michelle Britnell (Junior, Paignton), Richard Burge, Allen Davies, Pearl Davies, Phillip Davies, Julian Duquemin, John Hayes, Ben Hobday, Karina Hobday, Michael Jones, Oliver Lash-Williams (9, Devon), Janette Martin, Phillip Oakley, Chris Platt, Charlie Raven, Maureen Taylor, Philip Taylor (10, Buckfastleigh), Debbie Twydell, James Twydell, Ken Twydell
This was our National Bike Week Invitation Ride, and by the time Buckfastleigh and Paignton contingents had met at Broadhempston we had three new members.

Ken provided plenty of entertainment on the ride to Ipplepen by bringing both Ben and James on a specially-converted tandem that included a Rann trailer. We called in to Fermoys garden centre café for cakes but had to hurry up as it was closing today at 4.30, courtesy of the new Sunday Trading laws.

The two contingents went their separate ways home, with the Buckfastleigh starters riding through Staverton and Caddaford.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors]
Tuesday 6 June 1995
18:00 - 20:45
Evening ride (Junior): Holne
12 miles
15 Participants: Luke Comerford, James Hudson, Ben Ireland, Michael Jones, Jake Lane, Oliver Lash-Williams, Austin Loder, Craig McCracken, Gavin Pearson (10, Buckfastleigh), Daniel Smith, Graham Smith, Maureen Taylor, Philip Taylor, Dale Turrell, Wendy Turrell (Adult, Buckfastleigh)
Our ride this evening took us through Buckfast, Scoriton and Michelcombe to Holne Play Park where the youngsters (and adults) enjoyed a welcome rest. We then took the track through Holne Woods to River Dart Country Park, providing everyone with an enjoyable challenge: Gavin kept carefully to the rough side of the track on the left to practice his off-road riding, but Dale tried a little too hard and came off at the bottom.

We have permission to play on the Anaconda Run in the park on our way through, an unexpected pleasure for our youngsters who made the most of the opportunity. The return home via the old Ashburton road was punctuated only by a problem with Ben's chain.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors]
Friday 9 June 1995
19:00 - 21:45
Evening ride: Broadhempston
18 Participants: Richard Burge, Allen Davies, Garry Davies, Pearl Davies, Phillip Davies, Stan Ford, John Hayes, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Austin Loder, Roy Loder, Keir Manning, Alec Martin, Janette Martin, John Norman, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Philip Stone
This turned out to be an unusually eventful evening ride. Heading to the old Ashburton road we managed to lose Philip, Janette and Alec who, arriving at Dart Bridge and not seeing the leading riders, decided to fork left to Buckfast. While we were waiting for them, Stan managed to find us, having left home rather later than he had planned.

At Pridhamsleigh a number of riders thought the track heading up over the hill looked interesting, so we gave it a try - it was somewhat overgrown but rideable. At Bulland we crossed the road to another track, forked right and followed it up the hill - perhaps not the best way to ride it.

At the top Keir remembered the Beaston track from the Rough Stuff event and persuaded everyone that it was not to be missed. It did turn out to be a great track, but Roy managed to pick up a double puncture along the way which took a little time to fix.

Budgie and Philip Oakley swapped bikes for the journey to Broadhempston, as did Alec and Michael. We spent fifteen minutes or so playing in the play park, then when we had sorted Budgie's chain jam there was more bike swapping - Michael somehow ended up on John Norman's bike!

We returned home via Green Lane.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors]
Sunday 11 June 1995
Day ride: Maidencombe Beach
Cloudy with sunny periods
9 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Carrie Burgess, Martin Hills, Ben Hobday, Llewellyn Holmes, Michael Jones, Phillip Oakley, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Neil had a slight problem on the way from Buckfastleigh to the Marldon pick-up: his derailleur bolt broke meaning that emergency repairs had to be effected. Martin and Carrie sped on to Marldon on their tandem using the main road, arriving in time for the 11.15 meeting time. When everyone had finally arrived we had been joined by Ben from Paignton and Eliot from Newton.

Cockington is a picturesque village near Torquay with a magnificent park with mature trees and a mansion. We took a look in the park, then noticed a strong smell of horse manure. As we rode along the lane to the sea front we soon found out why: tourists were being carried to and from Torquay on a multitude of horse-drawn traps.

Torquay harbour was bustling today, which made a pleasant change for us as most of our previous visits had been out of season. We used quieter roads to take us to our next stop, Meadfoot Beach, where the water was surprisingly still for the open sea, then followed the valley road up to Kents Cavern and the one-way short-cut to Babbacombe (it was really supposed to be ridden the other way, but it was very quiet and we were of course very careful).

We had a glorious lunchtime on the downs overlooking the sea, entertained by Budgie who got so annoyed by the pigeons that he aimed a well-placed kick in their direction.

Continuing on past the model village we took the new road to Watcombe and then rode over the hill to Maidencombe, our destination. Here we played with gloop for half an hour, purchased from the beach shop. Ben drank something that contained Quinoline yellow and ended up with coloured tongue, teeth and lips!

Stoke-in-Teignhead was the next stop where we spent a very pleasant time in the café. Our Safety Team jumped into action for the first time when we came to the descent to Combe-in-Teignhead, making sure everyone arrived safely at the bottom. The final climbs to Newton Abbot left Ben feeling very tired, so after dropping leaflets into Tao's house we went to Fermoys where Ken met us to collect Ben.

We returned home via Broadhempston to conclude a thoroughly enjoyable ride.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors]
Friday 16 June 1995
Evening ride: Avonwick
Cloudy but fine
18 Participants: Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Richard Goss, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, Martin Hills, Llewellyn Holmes, Michael Jones, Jake Lane, William Lane, Ashley Loder, Austin Loder, Roy Loder, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Philip Stone, Gavin Taylor
Our ride this evening took us up the hill past Pennywell Farm to Rattery and then down the other side past the viaduct. We found a new lane from Kerswill Cross to Avonwick but then had to wait a while for Roy to fix a puncture.

We returned home via the lane to Marley Head.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors]
Page 129 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants