South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Friday 22 October 2004
19:00 - 22:30
Social: Crofters Social

8 Participants: Chris Comber, Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Tim Mason, Ashley Myhill, Ben Parker, Gavin Pearson, Joe Venables
Activities this evening included multi-player PC games, video editing and the first half of the film Secondhand Lions.
Sunday 24 October 2004
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Broadhempston
Cloudy with occasional showers
13 miles
9 Participants: Chris Comber, Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Sol Kelly, Ashley Myhill, Ben Parker, Gavin Pearson, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
Joe helped Gage replace his rear brake blocks while we waited for Oliver, but when he still hadn't turned up by 10.45 we decided to set off along Colston Road with an excellent turnout of younger members. Keir's performance had improved somewhat as we rolled into Staverton, but the forecast for heavy showers by noon prompted us to visit Broadhempston rather than Ipplepen as originally suggested. The improvements to the play park were now completed so we were able to make good use of the new hard surface for our Frisbee contest. Tim was a little heavy handed with the faster Aerobie, landing it high in the branches of a tree, but some excellent shooting with a discarded plastic bottle saved the day.

The showers began in earnest as we left the park. Some proposed a detour along Beaston track, but sanity ruled the day and we headed back on tarmac via Green Lane. Ben concluded the ride by falling off at 3mph and being more concerned about the health of his bike than himself. When everyone had showered and eaten lunch, many took advantage of the afternoon social at Crofters.
Friday 29 October 2004
19:00 - 22:30
Social: Crofters Social

8 Participants: Jack Binmore, Chris Comber, Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Harry Laity, Ben Parker, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
Entertainments this evening included Monopoly, computer games and the first part of Lord of the Ring: Return of the King with full surround sound.
Sunday 31 October 2004
10:15 - 14:30
Morning ride: Fermoys
Cloudy but dry
20 miles
8 Participants: Louis Burgess, Tao Burgess, Will Burgess, Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Ben Parker, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
Today's ride took us through Ashburton and then up the long climb past Creek Farm to Combe Cross. The recent rainy season had left some huge lakes along the ridge that provided plenty of splashing fun for our youngsters. Just near the Rising Sun inn Keir decided to cut across in front of Joe, leaving poor Joe with nowhere to go except down. It was only his fourth ever fall on a bike, and fortunately this time he was only bruised.

We had clocked up 11 miles by the time we reached Fermoys restaurant, so Keir and Ben were eagerly looking forward to their first twenty mile ride as we tucked into a range of excellent value lunchtime meals. When everyone was rested we set off for our return route via Ipplepen and Staverton, calling in at Orley Common for a quick spin around the tracks.
Thursday 4 November 2004
18:30 - 22:00
Social: Crofters Social

7 Participants: Jack Binmore, Dennis Jackson (16, Buckfastleigh), Michael Jones, Harry Laity, Ashley Myhill, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
This week's social, moved to Thursday to avoid a clash with bonfire night celebrations, was again well attended, with computer games dominating the proceedings.
Sunday 7 November 2004
10:15 - 14:30
Morning ride: Ugborough Beacon
18 miles
8 Participants: Gage Conway, Dennis Jackson, Michael Jones, James Manning, Ashley Myhill, Gavin Pearson, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
When everyone coped well with the climb from Dean Prior to Harbourneford, Michael decided that the group could cope with a more adventurous ride today. Back lanes brought us quickly to Wrangaton from where we set off up the hill to the golf course. Nobody was struck by a golf ball as we crossed the course, and nobody collapsed with exhaustion as we picked our way up the steep slopes of Ugborough Beacon. Admiring the extensive views from the top brought home to all these half-day riders just how far they had progressed with their riding.

Crossing the moorland behind the beacon we were soon enjoying the rough descent to Aish: there were a few tumbles along the way but the soft grass ensured that nobody was hurt. A final section of track brought us to some tarmac from where we continued along lanes that had even Gavin confused until we reached South Brent. The local Plymco provided lunch, and when everyone had eaten their fill we returned to Buckfastleigh via Harbourneford once again. Congratulations to all the youngsters who took part in today's ride.
Friday 12 November 2004
19:00 - 22:30
Social: Crofters Social

8 Participants: Chris Comber, Gage Conway, Dennis Jackson, Michael Jones, Harry Laity, Ashley Myhill, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
Multiplayer computer games, Babylon 5 and a newly stocked refreshment shop helped make this another enjoyable evening for all who came along.
Sunday 14 November 2004
10:15 - 16:00
Day ride: Dartmeet
Cold but sunny
18 miles (▲ 605m ▼ 605m)
10 Participants: Charlie Barrow (12, Buckfastleigh), Louis Burgess, Tao Burgess, Chris Comber, Gage Conway, Dennis Jackson, Michael Jones, Ashley Myhill, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
New rider Charlie brought attendance into double figures for the first time since January on this crisp and sunny autumnal morning. Coats were being stowed in bags by the time we reached Hawson Court. We were keeping options open regarding destination and ride length all the way to Holne, but then we had to make a decision. Charlie was doing well and was still enthusiastic, so we decided to go for the big loop via Dartmeet. After climbing to Venford reservoir we took the bridle path down over the moor to Combestone and the stepping stones at Dartmeet, a new experience for many of our youngsters. When everyone had picked their way across the river we headed for the Dartmeet cafe for lunch.

Charlie had been dreading Dartmeet hill ever since he saw it from the track, but as it turned out he wasn't anywhere near the last person up the hill - some youngsters just can't stop talking! Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the magnificent Dr Blackall's track along the Dart valley and the subsequent high speed descent to New Bridge. A final climb to Holne Chase allowed us to finish on the Slalom track through Hembury Woods, a favourite with many of our riders.
Friday 19 November 2004
19:00 - 22:30
Social: Crofters Social

8 Participants: Charlie Barrow, Gage Conway, Dennis Jackson, Michael Jones, Harry Laity, Ashley Myhill, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
The usual mix of Crofters entertainments kept everyone happy on this cold November evening.
Sunday 21 November 2004
10:15 - 17:30
Day ride: Mamhead Obelisk
Some sunny spells
37 miles (▲ 650m ▼ 650m)
8 Participants: Louis Burgess, Tao Burgess, Chris Comber, Gage Conway, Michael Jones, Ashley Myhill, Gavin Pearson, Keir Purdie
The weather looked promising and everyone seemed capable so today we set out for the longest ride of the year so far. After riding through Ashburton and Bickington we met Tao and Louis at Chudleigh Bridge somewhat later than arranged. Chudleigh provided our last opportunity to buy lunch, but just as we were leaving, Chris' derailleur tangled itself with the rear spokes and required considerable effort to return it to usability. Chris had come out on his old bike as, apparently, he couldn't be bothered to get his new bike out of the shed!

The sun came out as we took the quiet lanes up to Beggars' Bush, making everyone feel bright and enthusiastic. Two more delays caused by Chris' derailleur just made us all the more determined to reach our intended destination. Crossing the very busy A380 took longer than expected, but soon we had ridden along the tracks to Mamhead Obelisk and were enjoying lunch overlooking the Exe estuary, with spectacular views to Exmouth and beyond.

It was nearly 3pm when we set off for the return journey, which took us along the Haldon ridge to Telegraph Hill and the racecourse and then down towards Chudleigh from Buller's Hill. When Keir got a puncture we really wondered what we had done to deserve so many problems. Tao did the honours this time, leaving us with precious little time before dusk. Louis and Tao left us as Chudleigh Knighton, Keir returned home at Heathfield, and the rest of us made it as far as Bickington before Chris' derailleur finally gave up the ghost. So in the end, Michael's hopes that he could avoid removing it and shortening the chain were dashed. There was tiredness all around as we took the back lanes through Ashburton, arriving home by around 5.30. Lights will now be a requirement for everyone on Sunday rides!

(Previous recorded mileage for today's ride was 39 miles)
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