South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Friday 10 September 2010
19:00 - 22:00
Evening ride: Cancelled

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
Nobody except Michael was available for today's ride, so it was cancelled.
Sunday 12 September 2010
10:15 - 12:50
Morning ride: Staverton
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Zac had sore knees, Ash had sore knees and Callum had sore legs, but at least we managed to do a ride this week! We rode along Colston road, stopping briefly to chat with Michael's relative at Colston farm, then continued up the cycle path to Huxham's Cross. A new sign pointed down the hill to "Staverton Bridge Nursery" but our plans to check it out for a possible cafe didn't materialise: we got to the bridge and were looking everywhere, only to be told after a while that we had passed it on the way down the hill!

The riverside path was delightful today in the sunshine, although Michael felt a bit stupid riding Callum's little bike when he suggested a bike swap. After enjoying a chocolate break in the play park we headed back to Buckfastleigh via Abham and Caddaford.
Friday 17 September 2010
19:00 - 20:50
Evening ride: Holne Woods
Sunny but chilly
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones
This excellent evening ride started with a ride along the old road to Ashburton, then when we found the park was busy we headed back through River Dart Adventures where there were still a surprisingly large number of campers. We then headed up the track from the back through Holne woods as darkness fell, needing our lights on full beams to navigate our way through the spooky darkness. An owl kept us company in the stillness, making the whole experience somewhat surreal.

We returned through Hembury. AS it was Zac's birthday tomorrow Michael had bought a chocolate birthday cake before the ride for us all to share when we got back. Sadly Zac chose to pursue other activities this evening, but we still celebrated his birthday by finishing half the cake!
Sunday 19 September 2010
10:15 - 12:45
Morning ride: Landscove Café
Grey but dry
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones
For this morning's ride we headed up Green lane and then took the track down towards Abham that now seems to have been adopted as home by a group of travellers. Skirting back around to Landscove we settled on one of the new outdoor tables at the garden centre cafe and enjoyed various tasty refreshments - the slab of coffee cake was easily big enough for two!

Our return route was up the hill to Penn farm, down the field path that today was heavily occupied by cows and then through the downhill woodland track that returned us eventually to Green Lane and home.
Friday 24 September 2010
19:00 - 20:50
Evening ride: Skerraton Down
Sunny but chilly
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Our last evening ride of the season had to be something a little special, so armed with good lights we headed up through Dean to Skerraton farm and then joined the track that leads up to the open moor. It was still not totally dark as we made our way up through the burnt gorse. Halfway up Michael realised his pump had fallen off during the climb, probably a result of being caught in some gorse stalks, but there seemed little point in looking for it in the dark.

At the top we were rewarded with views of myriads of twinkling lights spread across the whole of South Devon. We stayed there chatting and taking photos until we got too cold, then enjoyed the descent across the moor to Cross Furzes and home.
Sunday 26 September 2010
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride (Car-assisted): Hennock Reservoirs
Sunny with an autumnal chill
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones
After some deliberation we settled on Hennock Reservoirs as the destination for this car-assisted morning ride. On arrival we rode the tracks around the Trenchford reservoir, noting that its water level was significantly below maximum. Going around the Tottiford however the reservoir seemed to be only half full. The rear portion of the reservoir, which is at a higher level, was completely drained and there was evidence of several stone artefacts exposed by the absence of water. We found out later that South West water had drained the reservoir last autumn for maintenance and that the foundations of ancient buildings had been uncovered as a result. Time Team even came to investigate in August, and programme being broadcast at some point in 2011. We just enjoyed the sunshine and the unusual opportunity to walk on the now grassy bottom of the reservoir.

The ride had been delightful but had also been rather short, so we finished with a spin down the hill to the village of Lustleigh where we were able to confirm that the cafe is still doing business.
Friday 1 October 2010
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Computer Games

4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Our plans to kick off our new social season with some badminton came to nothing when Michael found that there were no free courts anywhere in south Devon. When Squash was also unavailable we played a grand game of Lord of the Rings on the PC network, took a trip to Lee Mill so the youngsters could buy some good value snacks and then returned for a little Call of Duty.
Sunday 3 October 2010
10:15 - 12:40
Morning ride: River Dart Adventures
Dry & breezy with sunny spells
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell
Last night's forecast of heavy rain all night and continuing until late afternoon proved somewhat inaccurate: it certainly rained all night, but everything had cleared through by the time our ride started. New rider Jack (he came on a social earlier in the year), who had already ridden out from Staverton, had no difficulty with our ride this morning which started by riding along the lower Hembury track. The Holy Brook was in full flow today but there seemed to be nearly as much water running down the track as well!

From Gallant Le Bower we rode down the track through Holne Woods past the newly-felled timber and on through River Dart Adventures where all the campers had finally gone home.
Friday 8 October 2010
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Pool

4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones
We had to change our plans again this evening: when we arrived at the Tenpin bowling centre in Plymouth we discovered that all the lanes were booked out until 10pm. Well we all enjoy Pool, so we decided to do that instead. Two of the tables we chose decided to eat our money without giving us a game, but once that had been sorted by the staff we had several good games on two adjacent tables. Tesco provided refreshments on the way back, then we finished with a game of Call of Duty on the PC network.
Sunday 10 October 2010
10:15 - 12:55
Morning ride: Staverton
Grey start, sunny later
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell
We were a little late starting today as Jack forgot to ring to let us know he was coming on the ride. We set off as soon as we could for a leisurely jaunt along Colston Road to Staverton Bridge and the riverside track. In the park Jack was telling us how he loves pushing his younger brothers as high as possible on the bucket swing as they really don't like it, but we soon discovered that Jack doesn't like it either!

We returned to Buckfastleigh via Abham.
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Events Index Gallery Participants