South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Friday 11 March 2011
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Games Evening

8 Participants: Neil Ault, Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
The suggestion of badminton didn't get universal appreciation this evening, so we arranged a computer games evening followed by a short but noisy music quiz at the end, where the movie themes round attracted a lot of correct answers from our knowledgeable members.
Sunday 13 March 2011
10:15 - 13:35
Morning ride: Avon Dam
Sunny and clear
7 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Jack Parnell, Brodie Scott
Perfect spring weather and a fast group pointed us quickly in the direction of the Avon Dam, one of our favourite destinations. The ascent of Dean hill was delayed by frequent stops for conversation, so it was past 12.30 when we finally reached Shipley Bridge.

We stopped by the Avon for a chocolate break during which Zac decided to undertake a few ill-advised adjustments to his bike. Unfortunately one of these adjustments resulted in a broken valve, and as he had no spare tube he had to return to the car park to wait for transport home.

There was much to see on the moor today, with wildlife everywhere and a magnificent reflection off the surface of the reservoir: Connor, our newest rider, didn't miss any of it. The track behind the reservoir led us up the hill to the magnificent view across South Devon, and then we set about enjoying the fabulous downhill back to Cross Furzes. Ash took a tumble along the way but the ground was soft so there was no harm done. When everyone had climbed the old tree near the ford we took the long downhill back to Buckfastleigh for a well-earned games social. A car was despatched to collect Zac, who re-joined the group shortly after 2pm.
Friday 18 March 2011
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Games Evening

9 Participants: Neil Ault, Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien, Brodie Scott, Louis Unknown (Junior, France)
Once again our youngsters wanted more than ever to play games on the PC network, but there was enough enthusiasm for a trip out to get a visit to Tesco in the final hour.
Sunday 20 March 2011
10:15 - 13:20
Morning ride: Landscove Tracks
Sunny and clear
7 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, Brodie Scott, Louis Unknown
Having ridden up Green Lane and partway along the track towards Riverford Connor discovered what he described as the best attraction of the ride so far - a very long rope swing dangling from an overhanging tree branch. There were more to come however: the riverside track from Staverton station was followed by the catwalk path up to the park, where Frisbee and rocket fun were punctuated with chocolate snacks.

From Staverton village we took the lane to Landscove, pausing along the way to oil a few squeaking chains. Callum needed encouragement to push himself up the climb towards Penn, and since he was very thirsty Michael found that waving a water bottle at him from the top of the hill helped him find energy he didn't know he had! The downhill woodland track to Lower Combe made the climb all worthwhile, concluding a very enjoyable spring morning ride.
Friday 25 March 2011
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Games Evening

7 Participants: Neil Ault, Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
For our final social the idea of a cinema trip didn't quite get off the ground as some weren't able to stay later than the usual 10pm finish, so we concluded our social season with a repeat of last week's social - a mix of computer games and a supermarket trip.
Sunday 27 March 2011
10:15 - 13:40
Morning ride: Spitchwick
Sunny & warm
8 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, Brodie Scott, Adam Wyeth (15, Buckfastleigh)
The clocks went forward last night, but even those who had forgotten managed to get to the ride on time with a bit of rushing around. We were very pleased that Adam had finally kept his promise and joined one of our rides.

Callum O'Brien was complaining of feeling ill on the steep climb through Hembury Woods but he felt better on the way down the other side to New Bridge. Callum F couldn't resist the temptation to spend some of his money on an ice cream, but the rest of us waited until we found a quiet area on Spitchwick common and then tucked in to the chocolate box.

Everyone had fun here by the river, some exploring the rocks and island whilst others played Frisbee or just lay in the sunshine for a chat. Callum O'Brien found out it was a mistake to splash Jack with a rock: he was chased without mercy!

The second big climb of the morning was the hill to Buckland, but everyone coped well with it. Today it was Connor who first discovered the words "My Dear" on the clock face, although nobody seemed able to read the word "Mother" just below it. A short climb brought us to the top of Ausewell hill from where we enjoyed an excellent downhill back to Ashburton and home.
Friday 1 April 2011
19:00 - 22:00
Evening ride: Belford Mill

7 Participants: Arthur Bayes (15, Buckfastleigh), Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, Adam Wyeth
Adam's friend Arthur made a welcome first appearance at the club tonight for our first evening ride of the season. Everyone had lights so we started with fast ride to Ashburton and out to Belford Mill, returning via the woodland track and a devious route around Druid. The final ride home along the old Ashburton road was in total darkness, reminding us of just how much fun evening rides can be. Hopefully our two younger members will be able to get lights sorted in time for next week's ride.
Sunday 3 April 2011
10:15 - 12:45
Morning ride: Staverton
Sunny spells
7 Participants: Arthur Bayes, Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, Adam Wyeth
The predicted showers prompted us to take a cautious route along Colston Road to Staverton, but our fears proved unfounded as glorious spring sunshine followed us wherever we went. Callum O'Brien amazed himself and everyone else by cycling up every hill today, which just goes to show that it takes on a few weeks of club rides to get used to cycling.

We used the riverside path again to skirt around to the park where we stopped once again for tennis ball and Frisbee fun. We then took a different route home via Fursdon from where the farm track offered some challenging downhill fun.
Friday 8 April 2011
19:00 - 21:05
Evening ride: Chalk Ford
Sunny & warm
6 Participants: Arthur Bayes, Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell
Ash suggested Chalk Ford this evening, and since the weather was so perfect we all agreed. We rode up Wallaford road at a fast pace, with Arthur on his new bright yellow bike. The sunset was superb as we approached Lud Gate at 8pm, and everyone enjoyed the downhill path over the open moor to Chalk Ford.

Continuing along the track past the deer park we reached Scoriton by 8.33 – three minutes after dusk but still not totally dark. We then rode straight back to Buckfastleigh for 9.05 using our taped-on lights. As usual there was a games social after the ride until 10pm.
Sunday 10 April 2011
10:15 - 13:20
Morning ride: Venford Reservoir
6 Participants: Arthur Bayes, Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, Brodie Scott
Arthur had planned to bring his friend Chris today, but in the end his Dad drove off with his bike so he couldn’t come. Olly Acland was also hoping to come, but on this occasion his father had other plans for him. Ash fitted the new saddle and bottle cage to Connor’s bike (the Club’s Trek 3900), Michael reassembled the new pump after it got dismantled on Friday and then we were ready to leave.

We rode up Holne Road and out to Scoriton and Michelcombe, then we were most embarrassed to be overtaken by a woman on a horse on the way up the hill to Holne. Jack had been asking for a longer ride today but when he got to Holne he seemed quite content with a normal length ride, so we set off up the hill to Venford with skylarks hovering and chirping everywhere.

Brodie and Arthur wanted us to ride a track they knew around the outside of the reservoir, but Michael persuaded everyone that the inner path was more scenic and more enjoyable and by the time we reached the other end everyone seemed to agree. There were several walkers on the path today, but unusually they were all very friendly. We stopped halfway around for a short chocolate break from where we were able to soak up the full beauty of the full reservoir set against perfect blue skies.

Ash suggested some tennis ball fun but nobody seemed interested today, so we headed straight back down the hill and over to Hembury. Here we finally rode the downhill Slalom track through the woods: everyone loved it, especially Jack, Arthur, Brodie and Connor who had never ridden it before.

To finish the ride we took the track through the woods to the Hapstead road. Brodie rode right into the water at the bridge, much to Arthur’s horror. There was an electric fence nearby and Connor decided to hold on to it to see if it was electrified: he immediately got a shock, jumped back and ended up on the ground!

We got back at 1.20 and finished with a couple of hours of Modern Warfare 3 on the PCs.
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Events Index Gallery Participants