South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 28 August 2011
10:15 - 14:10
Morning ride: Rare Breeds Café, Totnes
Sunny and hot
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
The forecast today had been for showers, but the day dawned bright and sunny and stayed that way for the whole ride. Jack wanted to take us to the Rare Breeds Centre café at Totnes where he works, so after setting off late at 10.45 we rode to Totnes weir via Colston Road, Dartington and the cycle path. Unfortunately Michael had left his camera at home in the kitchen, so we had to make do with smartphone photographs today.

After an altercation between Jerry and Callum O’B that involved the use of water bottles we made our way to the Rare Breeds café through Totnes steam station. This was indeed a delightful spot, apparently frequented by many CTC cycle groups. Michael was very satisfied with his latte and coffee cake, and others were equally happy with their Shmoo milkshakes and tea, so we ended up spending a very enjoyable time here - we’ll undoubtedly be returning again in the near future.

The crew were all up for returning by a different route, so we continued along the path to Totnes and then returned home via Littlehempston and Staverton, getting back for around 2.10.
Friday 2 September 2011
19:00 - 21:20
Evening ride: Skerraton Down
Sunny and warm
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien
There was plenty of enthusiasm this evening for our proposed Dartmoor ride: even Callum O’B promised to pedal hard so we could get up to Skerraton as quickly as possible. He actually cycled really well up past Nurston so we were soon starting along the bridleway that leads to Skerraton.

When we reached the open moor Michael realised that his expensive light battery had dropped off somewhere along the track. It was already past sunset and heading fast for the end of twilight. It was too dark to go back and look for it without a torch, and there wasn’t enough time anyway as we needed to navigate up to the top of the hill before it got really dark. There was no choice but to continue with the ride and hope that everyone else’s front lights would be sufficient.

At the top we managed to find the wall that we needed to follow and got some great views across South Devon to the distant twinkling lights of Newton Abbot and Teignmouth. Further along we stopped to play with Jerry’s light-emitting flying toy, fired into the air with an elastic band. The first time it was launched it landed in the branches of an old tree, but at least we could see where it was and Callum F managed to retrieve it by climbing the tree, getting some decent scratches in the process. Further launches took place well away from the tree, providing plenty of run-around fun for everyone. Callum O’B lost his iPod, but a mass search found it, then Callum F lost a lens from his sunglasses and amazingly another mass search found that too.

Even the descent to Cross Furzes was not uneventful. Michael advised everyone to go slowly, but Callum O’B was at the front with Ash going a little faster than slowly. He hit a pinecone (so he says), lost control and crashed into Ash, causing them both to fall off. The grass was soft so there was no real harm done, but they were more careful after that as we continued to Cross Furzes and down Wallaford Road, reaching home by 9.20. Trampoline fun was offered at Crofters until 10pm.

Michael and Ash returned by car at 10.45 with some good torches and managed to find the lost battery about two thirds of the way up the track.
Sunday 4 September 2011
10:15 - 13:15
Morning ride: Avon Dam
Sunny and fairly warm
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell
Overnight rain gave way to sunshine by the start of the ride, as forecast, but as there was more rain forecast for late afternoon we decided to abandon our plans for Exeter Ship Canal in favour of the Avon Dam. We got away rather late at 10.38 but made such fast progress up Dean Hill that we had time to go down to South Brent and take the road to Shipley from there – which actually turned out to be really enjoyable and easy.

The ice-cream van was not at Shipley today for some reason so we pressed on up the riverside path and reached the reservoir by 12.15. We spent an enjoyable quarter of an hour on a chocolate break and photo shoot, then met a man who had actually been involved in building the dam in the 1950s. He said the tramway lines that can be seen on the way up to the dam were actually used for china clay long before the dam was constructed and were not used for the dam building at all. He told us that the blocks for the dam were lowered from a cable that was strung right across the dam.

We took our usual route home – along the path behind the dam and then down the fabulous Abbots Way bridleway across the moor to Cross Furzes, which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. When we got back to Crofters at 1.20 Callum felt it had been a perfect birthday ride (his birthday is tomorrow).

There was a social at Crofters after the ride that included trampoline, Supreme Commander and Bomberman. Callum O’B turned up for a few minutes trying to get in on the social – he had stayed up until 5am this morning playing computer games and then overslept, so he really had nobody else to blame but himself for missing the ride.
Friday 9 September 2011
19:00 - 22:00
Evening ride: Converted to Social
Light rain
8 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
Everyone was prepared for a cycle ride despite the light rain, but it soon became clear that a computer games social would be a more suitable activity given the weather conditions.
Sunday 11 September 2011
10:15 - 12:50
Morning ride: Landscove Tearooms
Dry with long sunny spells
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Jack Parnell
A forecast of “cloudy with some showers” turned out to be unduly pessimistic on the tenth anniversary of 9/11. As Ash had homework to do this afternoon we arranged a morning ride that took us up Green Lane and down the track past the travellers’ camp. Callum was out on his new bike today – a Trek 4500 – and he was very proud of it.

We doubled back at Abham on the Riverford road as planned which brought us conveniently to the tearooms at Landscove. We enjoyed hot chocolate and cakes, chatted with Pauline Venables about her charity skydive, played Frisbee in the garden and set off for home at around 12.30 along the direct route via Green Lane. Not a single shower had dampened our day, and we got plenty of sunny spells.

Those who weren’t doing homework spent the afternoon playing Bomberman and Modern Warfare 2.
Friday 16 September 2011
19:00 - 21:25
Evening ride: Holne
Cloudy with occasional showers
6 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien
We started out with Callum O’Brien’s plan to go to Ashburton, but the weather wasn’t great this evening and a nasty shower at Dart Bridge, coupled with the fact that Callum F and two others hadn’t brought coats, persuaded us to switch to a shorter route through Buckfast.

We rode up to Michelcombe and after some debate about whether to go to Cross Furzes or Holne we ended up with Ash’s choice of Holne. Playing on the rope swing in the park was even more fun in the dark.

Callum F left his helmet there and had to go back for it, but Lawrence had also left his backpack there and didn’t realise until we reached Barn Park in Buckfastleigh! He’s so forgetful! Ash couldn’t resist stopping on the way home to snap a great photo of the moon peeping out behind the clouds, although unfortunately it didn’t come out too well.
Sunday 18 September 2011
10:15 - 13:15
Morning ride: Belford Mill
Showery with sunny spells
6 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Reece Parsons (17, Devon)
With Callum O’Brien’s friend Reece kitted out with Callum F’s spare bike we rode to Ashburton, up to Belford Mill and down the woodland track: everyone including Reece really enjoyed it and wanted to do it again, but we didn’t really have the time today. We then took the Terrace Walk back into Ashburton – a few took a tumble near the end but Callum O’B had warned them.

We returned past Ashburton Park, and as it was empty today we spent some time there. Lawrence managed to drop his money on the roundabout thing but after an extensive search he managed to find most of it.

We got home for 1.15 and spent the afternoon with a mixture of trampolining and Lord of the Rings: at first Reece thought he wouldn’t like it, but ended up loving it.
Friday 23 September 2011
19:00 - 20:45
Evening ride: Hembury Woods
7 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
Michael’s light battery was flat and Lawrence’s rear light (which Michael had loaned him last week) had jumped off all by itself at some point, but when Ash had pumped his tyre we eventually set off for a short ride along the Hembury Woods lower track. We were going quite slowly with the poor lights but everyone seemed to be having fun in the dark. Then Michael borrowed Ash’s Stanley torch and used it as a handheld bike light, so our speed improved significantly.

On our way back through Jordan Street we stopped to the side so cars could get through the gap, but a rather unfriendly young driver decided it wasn't big enough so waited for Ash to move. He moved a little but suggested (non-verbally) that there was plenty of room for him. Unfortunately this seemed to annoy the driver, who got out and started an argument with Ash. Michael defused it successfully but the lads were talking about it for some time afterwards.

Most finished with some trampoline fun but Lawrence and Michael had a great game of Lord of the Rings, defeating one of the two brutal enemies and then running out of time.
Sunday 25 September 2011
10:15 - 13:15
Morning ride: Avonwick
Cloudy start, sunny later
8 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
The overnight rain had stopped by 10.15 so we prepared for a good ride. Zac unfortunately arrived with a valve puncture, so Michael fixed one of his spare 700c tubes only for Zac and Ash to break the end off the presta valve when they were pumping it!

For a change we rode up Pennywell Hill, which please Callum O’B as he didn’t think he’d ever been up that way. On the way up, however, he got stung by a nettle and spent ages hunting for a dock leaf while Ash waited at the top.

After a photo shoot at Rattery we rode on down to the viaduct and along the lane to Blue Post, delayed only by Ash coming off on the sharp corner and grazing his knee. The main road brought us quickly to Avonwick where only three took the Cobbly Walk shortcut – the others didn’t want to get muddy apparently, although there was precious little mud between the cobbles.

We climbed the hill to South Brent, spent some time playing in the park and chatting, then called in to the Coop where three bought refreshments. We returned home along the Harbourneford road by 1.15 in bright sunshine. This had been a very enjoyable ride that took our members to new areas, so we’ll try to be similarly adventurous on future rides, pushing for more distant destinations.

We concluded the ride with a Lord of the Rings game at Crofters.
Friday 30 September 2011
19:00 - 21:45
Evening ride: Staverton
8 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
As this evening’s ride was the last of the season Michael had tried to make it special by allowing everyone to bring hot and cold food to eat at Staverton Park. Unfortunately it didn’t go quite according to plan.

Zac brought a Complan in a bottle, Michael took a flask of boiling water and some pot noodles, others brought crisps and chocolate and everyone was quite excited by the idea, which had been advertised on our website.

We got off to a bad start when several had lights missing or not working. Riding along Colston Road Lawrence fell off on a corner, probably because his lights were not working properly, so he was sore and bruised and rode even slower for the rest of the ride. At Staverton Park Jerry broke several of the most important club rules and received a temporary ban from the club as a result. Whilst the noodles came out great, the grass was damp with dew and there were insects flying all around us, so we ended up sitting on the wooden steps into the park.

After playing Frisbee in the park for a short time we headed home along the fast route past Hole Farm. Stopping on the hill above Riverford Callum O'B was riding around without a front light and somehow managed to crash into Jack’s stationery bike which did have lights, causing some damage to the mudguards. The least said about the ensuing argument the better. Suffice it to say that when we had eventually made our way home through Buckfastleigh Michael was very glad that he wouldn’t have to run another evening ride for six months!
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