South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 33 of 408 (4072 items)
Friday 12 February 1988
Social: Map Reading Quiz

8 Participants: Richard Burge, Richard Hopper, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons
Three teams crawled their respective ways around three maps in response to the clues on the question sheet, but Andrew and Mark eventually emerged triumphant.
Sunday 14 February 1988
Day ride: Slapton Sands
8 Participants: Richard Burge, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Philip Humphreys, Gary Johnson, Glen Johnson, Michael Jones, Mark Morris
Heavy rain on Saturday evening had left severe floods in many parts of Devon, and we came across the effects shortly after ignoring the 'Road Closed' sign on the main Totnes road - a huge lake at the bottom of Weston Hill.

The three leaders (Mark M, Gary and Richard B) immediately rode into the flood, and quickly found the water lapping over their hubs and ankles with no way of turning back! The rest of the group watched with interest, then removed shoes and socks and cycled across barefoot .. it was absolutely freezing, but at least they had dry socks and shoes to return to on the other side.

Simon Hopper was following on behind us, having been delayed at home by puncture problems. We waited at Totnes until nearly 1130, but in the end discovered that the flood had proved the last straw when he was already convinced that he would miss us.

Taking the main road from Harbertonford to Stanborough took us through some delightful scenery. One of the right-hand tracks near Halwell proved so tempting to Richard Hopper that he decided to try it on his homeward route (he had to be home for a late lunch). It proved decidedly muddy, but made a pleasant change from the more usual methods of return.

A brief lunch on a verge near East Allington was followed by a hard push for the sea, bringing us to Slapton Ley in time for afternoon tea. But what was this? Our usual cafe was closed, and so were all the others! There was plenty of refreshment to be had from the surf on the beach, but in the end we had to find something. Eventually we discovered an excellent little establishment at the end of the promenade which agreed to open early so that we could sample their toasted fruit loaf and other goodies.

Everything was looking at its freshest best today. As we returned through Strete and Tuckenhay, refusing to stop even at the Forces Cross cafe, we all began to appreciate just how fortunate we are to live amidst such beauty.

There is just one more matter to report, concerning the return across the dreaded lake at Weston. In the semi-darkness it became apparent that there were now several machines working to provide drainage. The gentleman at the near side assured us that the level was now much lower than it had been that morning, and that if we cycled to the right of the pump we could cross without difficulty. He neglected, however, to remind us that the pump's output pipe ran to the right of the pump, under the water: several of us got rather wet!
Sunday 21 February 1988
Day ride: Stoke-in-Teignhead
16 Participants: Richard Burge, Glen Dowty, Michael Giles, Luke Hatherly, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Philip Humphreys, Brett Jamieson, Glen Johnson, Michael Jones, Mark Lakeman, Paul Lakeman, Warren Masters, Nonie McKenzie (Adult, Staverton), Jason Morris, Andrew Simmons
The highlight of today's ride was the visit to the Old Bakery at Stoke in the afternoon. We had telephoned a warning from Babbacombe, so the proprietors were well prepared for the onslaught. There was a welcoming fire in the hearth and a set of tables especially reserved for us, all helping to make the stay a very pleasant one.

Of course, the rest of the ride was also enjoyable. The Buckfastleigh contingent rode through the Staverton lanes to meet the Paignton brigade at Marldon, and there was then a brisk descent to Cockington before proceeding along the sea front through Torquay. When Brett had finished advising about the best routes to Babbacombe (the reply was 'it's all right' to every suggestion) we eventually chose one which took us beside Meadfoot Beach, a new one for many of us! There was then time to enjoy the superb views and fresh sea air at Babbacombe Downs over a well-earned lunch.

Return from the destination was via Newton Abbot, behind which the group split to return home along some new lanes towards Denbury and Marldon.
Friday 26 February 1988
Social: Games Evening

11 Participants: Richard Burge, Luke Hatherly, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons
Michael wasn't well enough to attend this social, even though it took place in his own home! The original Cycle Workshop evening was therefore swapped with the March Games Evening.
Sunday 28 February 1988
Day ride: Lustleigh Cleave
Dry / windy
6 Participants: Richard Burge, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Mark Moxham
What a wind: coupled with a delayed start it resulted in us missing Graham and the Highwaymen at Drum Bridges. Kevin left us here - we hope he caught the others up at Chudleigh Bridge.

On to Bovey to find no Paignton contingent waiting for us. After a brief wait we headed off for the Primrose cafe in Lustleigh via the old railway track. The surface seems to be gradually improving over the years. The owner told us Mark had been and gone, but would return, which he did. We dragged Richard B away from his second pot of tea to have lunch down in the Cleave - an idyllic spot. A few spots of rain threatened as we dropped down Bone hill to Widecombe, but came to nothing. Ponsworthy Splash gave Mark a chance to clean off the mud from the Cleave, and the tailwind blew us home.
Sunday 6 March 1988
Afternoon ride: Combe Fishacre
7 Participants: Luke Hatherly, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Philip Humphreys, Michael Jones, Mark Morris, Luke Rake
Colston Road upheld its reputation for being somewhat rough and ready when Simon hit a pothole near Velwell. His injuries turned out to be relatively minor, but the owner of the nearby farm was understandably furious that the holes hadn't been repaired by the council despite her many months of complaints!

Simon didn't feel much like completing the ride, but the rest of the group enjoyed a pleasant excursion through the Newhouse Barton lanes, returning through Ipplepen and Broadhempston.
Friday 11 March 1988
Social: Road Safety Quiz

9 Participants: Richard Burge, Glen Dowty, Catherine Hopper, Richard Hopper, Toby Hopper, Philip Humphreys, Michael Jones, Mark Lakeman, Paul Lakeman
Richard Hopper's specially-written questions proved popular with the youngsters, who no doubt learned a good deal about the ups and downs of road safety. Sadly, however, some of the people who could have benefited most from the discussions were not present this evening.
Saturday 12 March 1988
Weekend ride: Maypool Youth Hostel
Day 1
16 Participants: Richard Burge, Glen Dowty, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Philip Humphreys, Gary Johnson, Glen Johnson, Michael Jones, Mark Lakeman, Paul Lakeman, Warren Masters, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Vicky Sanders
Maypool hostel was in a state of turmoil when we arrived, the electricians having been in residence for some two weeks on a massive rewiring programme. The weekend proceeded only after extensive warnings not to touch any wires that may be found poking out of wall sockets or attic covers, but sadly the warnings failed to stop a certain group of individuals from fusing the hostel immediately prior to the games!

When light had finally been restored everyone tired themselves out in the now-traditional method by posting letters all over the hostel, and then there was time for light refreshments and a birthday celebration for one of our North Devon friends before exhaustion eventually overcame even the youngest members.
Sunday 13 March 1988
Weekend ride: Maypool Youth Hostel
Day 2
16 Participants: Richard Burge, Glen Dowty, Steven Hills (Adult, Dawlish), Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Philip Humphreys, Gary Johnson, Glen Johnson, Michael Jones, Mark Lakeman, Paul Lakeman, Warren Masters, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Vicky Sanders
Now joined by Philip (and having lost the Lakemans and Glen Dowty) we set off from Maypool for the Dartmouth ferry and light refreshments at one of our favourite establishments in the town. A fabulous climb and subsequent descent brought us to Blackpool Sands just in time to see a courageous gentleman remove his clothing and dive into the icy sea - the same gentleman, in fact, whom we saw on this very ride last year! He told us then that he had a dip on every day of the year regardless of the weather, and now we began to realise that perhaps he was serious after all.

Toby, Gary and Co managed to get wet feet in no time at all while other more sensible souls enjoyed their lunches, and then it was time to set off once more. Delightful lanes near the destination (Bowden) successfully managed to puncture Jason's tyre, but otherwise our progress to Hemborough Post was unimpeded.

Gary brought his walkie-talkies today. Now these devices could actually prove useful on a popular cycle tyre for communications front to back. Today, however, they succeeded only in annoying those who weren't playing with them - all the way back to Totnes.
Sunday 20 March 1988
Day ride: Whooping Rock
8 Participants: Richard Burge, Michael Giles, Brett Jamieson, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Andrew Simmons
The rain came down with maximum force shortly after Mike and Brett's arrival. We did not, however, take the most direct route home, as has been known in the past, preferring instead to enjoy a short excursion towards Haytor and homewards via Ashburton. It often surprises younger members when they discover how enjoyable a rainy ride can be once they are soaked to the skin.
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Events Index Gallery Participants