South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Monday 11 April 1988
Tour: New Forest & Isle of Wight
Day 6 Sandown to Newton Abbot
9 Participants: Richard Burge, Paul Deslandes, Simon Hopper, Brett Jamieson, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Warren Masters, Graham Moates, Mark Williams
The end was nigh. The warmest, sunniest morning of the tour saw us off to an early start, returning past the Isle of Wight zoo (sadly closed until 10am, but we could see quite a lot through the slits in the fence). Huge fields of yellow rape set behind avenues of trees made the Ryde-bound lanes a delight to cycle through.

The only remaining event of any note was the ferry crossing to Portsmouth Harbour. At the end of Ryde's long pier we were getting a little concerned when the ferry hadn't arrived by the stated time. The lady in the ticket office had mentioned that the ferry was fast, but we had not been expecting a hydrofoil. The crossing took just nine minutes flat, the feeling of power being more akin to a speedboat than a ferry.

The long rail journey home gave us time to consider all the sights we had seen along the way. Everyone had enjoyed the tour. There was a consensus, however, that the New Forest was more idyllic than the island with all its contrived tourist attractions. Will we be returning? Probably, yes, to the New Forest, but next time in summer to catch the full glory of the ancient oaks.
Tuesday 12 April 1988
Evening ride: Holne
10 Participants: Wayne Bolton, Richard Burge, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Paul Hamlyn-White, Catherine Hopper, Margaret Hopper, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones
The old track through Hembury entertained us again this evening, much to the delight of our three youngsters (Wayne, Toby and Matthew). On our emergence Toby's view was that there hadn't been enough mud, but Catherine and Paul did not agree!

Return through Holne and Scorriton was accompanied by the rather amusing spectacle of Paul being forced to ride faster by two individuals chasing after him with water bottles, a situation which quickly developed into a full water fight.
Sunday 17 April 1988
Day ride: Rough Stuff Event
Mainly dry
6 Participants: Nick Buchanan, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Chris Lock, Mark Morris, Andrew Simmons
Our first ever visit to the cafe at Canonteign Falls in the Teign Valley certainly went down well. If only the voting forms had been ready I'm sure our members would have awarded this clean, modern establishment high marks on nearly every count.

There were lots of people at the Rough Stuff this year. The course was thoroughly enjoyable, with the possible exception of the track from Lowton towards Bridford Wood: here, brambles encroached almost to the centre from either side, making it almost impossible to pass without collecting numerous scratches!

Some people pushed, some fell off, but everyone had a great time ... many thanks to Arthur for organising yet another successful day out.
Friday 22 April 1988
Evening ride: Spitchwick
15 Participants: Wayne Bolton, Graham Burge, Richard Burge, Jeremy Ford, Stan Ford, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Paul Hamlyn-White, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Julian Juste, Rohan Kilty (9, Buckfastleigh), James Miller (12, Buckfastleigh), Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Nicholas Scott-Maddocks
The Summer season must be with us again, for almost half of our members were under twelve years old! Evening rides have always been popular with the youngsters: this year it took them just a few more weeks to catch on!

The moorland lanes were full of such delightful scents and fragrances this evening that even the most hardened youngster could not fail to notice them. Even as darkness fell, sensations were everywhere around us. Mrs. Juste's sensation was one of horror when she saw fifteen hungry youngsters appearing at her Scorriton home from the darkness outside - and then of relief when she realised that they were only saying goodbye to Julian and had to be back at home in just a few minutes' time!

And so ended another fabulous South Dartmoor ride, made special once again by the complete harmony and unique friendship that characterises all of our rides.
Sunday 24 April 1988
Day ride: Dartmeet
8 Participants: Richard Burge, Steven Hills, Gary Johnson, Glen Johnson, Michael Jones, Mark Morris, Mark Moxham, Malcolm Sheldon
An enthusiastic climb past Hawson Court and Scorriton brought us eventually to Saddle Bridge on the moor. Here we left the bikes and walked along the footpath to the stepping stones at Week Ford, enjoying lunch amidst perfect surroundings.

When the inevitable water fights had been concluded there was time for a brief exploration of the nearby blowing houses, remnants of an age when tin mining was a thriving industry on Dartmoor. Amidst the other structures one can see the tin moulds and mortars which were used to pulverise the ore.

Returning to the bikes (some with wet feet) we continued towards the Dartmeet cafe, pausing only at Huccaby Bridge for more water games (well, it was fairly warm today). It was at the top of Dartmeet hill that we met Stan and Jeremy Ford and family.

They were out in the Land Rover, and slightly envious when they saw us on our bikes. One can understand, then, why they were so disgusted when five eighths of our lively youngsters chose the road to Spitchwick instead of the magnificent "Dr. Blackall's Drive" track with its breathtaking views across the River Dart in the woods far below!

Eventually we all arrived, this time having time to watch Mark and Gary enjoy a swim. I think they found the waters somewhat icy, however, as only Mark managed to swim to the other side on this occasion.
Tuesday 26 April 1988
Evening ride: Dartington
11 Participants: Jeremy Ford, Stan Ford, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Paul Hamlyn-White, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Rohan Kilty, James Miller, Nicholas Scott-Maddocks, Andrew Simmons
This pleasant ride around the pretty lanes of Dartington was dominated by Paul's do-it-yourself saddlebag replacement - a large white vegetable rack strapped to his rear carrier! As the evening progressed it became adorned with numerous sprays of leaves and other vegetation, much to the amusement of onlookers!

Incidentally, the potholes along Colston Road have still not been filled in, but at least Simon managed to avoid them this evening.
Sunday 1 May 1988
Afternoon ride: Old Forge Holne
Sunny with occasional showers
9 Participants: Richard Burge, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Paul Hamlyn-White, Luke Hatherly, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Rohan Kilty, Mark Morris
Michael's short-cut to Holne, the surface of which consisted mainly of large boulders, did not prove too popular with some of the younger members. Nevertheless we did arrive at the cafe as planned, and just in time to avoid a heavy shower. Returning via the now famous Hembury track brought us back to Hockmoor Head rather earlier than planned, so we deviated via the long hill to Cross Furzes, much to the dismay of Luke and Rohan.
Friday 6 May 1988
Evening ride: Landscove
Full sunshine
18 Participants: Marcus Allen (13, Buckfastleigh), Simon Barnes, Graham Burge, Richard Burge, Jeremy Ford, Ashley Freeman (11, Ashburton), Paul Hamlyn-White, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Rohan Kilty, James Miller, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons
A record turnout caused record confusion at Pridhamsleigñh when a number of individuals sped past the turn-off. After re-grouping had taken place we discovered a rare treat in the form of the track to Bulland Farm - a new one for most of us. Bathed in rich evening sunshine and surrounded by lush meadows the track climbed gently around the sweeping contours of the hill, offering new views of Buckfast and Buckfastleigh as it proceeded. It all proved too much for Luke, who broke out in a rash of 'photogenia' - aided by his wonderful new camera of course.

Everyone was now in the mood for off-road riding. The next track started conveniently from where the first one finished, leading us eventually to Parkfield Cross. I say eventually because we came across a fork in the track which left members in a dilemma: the left turning was the recommended route to Parkfield; the right turn dropped steeply and (we had been advised) became very muddy at the bottom. About half the group wanted the mud, including Luke ... it was rather amusing to see him racing back along ñthe left route a few minutes later.

Re-grouping at Parkfield was delayed somewhat by Jason's puncture (nothing whatsoever to do with his taking the muddy route of course). It was then only a short time before Jason caused a further delay, coming off spectacularly on the steep, right-hand bend near Lower Lake Farm and landing squarely in a clump of nettles. Poor Jason! His back was covered in stings, and people couldn't help but remind him that he had been a bit rash during the descent.

When Jason had been rubbed down by his friends we began the journey homewards through Landscove. And here the sunset was breathtaking, with the most perfect mix of colours set amidst fascinating cloud formations. Everyone noticed the spectacle, even youngsters Toby and Simon.

But now the ride was coming to an end. Jamie (sorry, James) needed a Mars bar to get him up the last hill, but everyone made it, and everyone was reluctant to go home after this very special occasion.
Sunday 8 May 1988
Day ride: Fernworthy Reservoir
7 Participants: Richard Burge, Paul Hamlyn-White, Luke Hatherly, Richard Hopper, Michael Jones, Jason Morris, Mark Morris

A glorious day - a hint of the full summer to come, perhaps. Three started from Buckfastleigh to pick up three more at Alston and Philip at Bovey. Along the railway track to find that the Primrose had put their prices up! Michael still thought the quality was worth it.

The sun kept shining as we made our way to Fernworthy, although the wind was noticeable. Some of us had two lunch stops - one at Batworthy while waiting for the more eager members to come back to the turning they had missed, and again at the reservoir itself. We returned to the B- road and then had that effortless long descent to Widecombe. Michael couldn't resist another cafe stop. After Widecombe hill our ways parted at Cold East Cross and Ashburton.
Tuesday 10 May 1988
Evening ride: Country Park
12 Participants: Gary Duquemin, Jeremy Ford, Stan Ford, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Paul Hamlyn-White, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Rohan Kilty, Nicholas Scott-Maddocks, Neil Welles
The River Dart Country Park near Ashburton has the delightful property of being open free of charge in the evenings. We took advantage of the fact by playing on the Anaconda Run - a long snakelike tube down whose dark depths one can slide at great speed on an old sack, never quite knowing who or what one will bump into during the descent, nor which way up one will be on emergence at the bottom! Needless to say, there was plenty of fun to be had.

After a bit of confusion we found our way out through the rear entrance of the Park and then returned homewards via Holne Chase, enjoying a water fight before trying the famous Hembury Track in the semi-darkness.
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