South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 380 of 408 (4072 items)
Friday 16 September 2016
19:00 - 22:30
Evening ride: River Dart Country Park
Dry and warm
9 miles (▲ 285m ▼ 285m)
4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson
Ash contacted us just before 7.00 saying he could ride with us for an hour if we could wait ten minutes. We waited, but it was 7.34 when we finally set off. Then, soon after we had joined the old Ashburton road, he said he had promised to be back home by 8pm, so he went home! At least he rode with us for 20 minutes.

We rode through River Dart Country Park, which was all completely dark of course but there were still loads of holidaymakers staying there. We then rode up the track through Holne Woods using Michael's good bike light. At the top the gate was barred as usual, so Michael went around the side after removing his pannier and Gavin and Dillan passed the bikes over the gate. Unfortunately they forgot to pass Michael's pannier and he didn't notice, so we rode home merrily through Hembury Woods in the darkness and got back soon after 9.05.
Friday 23 September 2016
19:00 - 22:30
Evening ride: Staverton
Cool & pleasant
10 miles (▲ 270m ▼ 270m)
4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson, George Rogers
George arrived this evening in his new Animal suit, which looked very flashy. We rode up Caddaford hill, down to Staverton then up to Rattery Sawmills and home, on a lovely cool evening, having a nice chat along the way. We got home by 9.00.
Sunday 25 September 2016
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride: Landscove
9 miles (▲ 245m ▼ 245m)
3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, John Rogers
After fixing Dillan's puncture, we left at 10.52 and rode to the cafe at Hill House Nursery at John's request. When we arrived at 11.40, Dillan’s acquaintance from school, Ziggy, was serving. We shared an apricot and plum franzipan which was absolutely delicious, so we had an enjoyable time there.

We returned home via Baddaford and Ware Lane, which was not too overgrown today, getting back at around 1.30.
Friday 30 September 2016
19:00 - 22:30
Evening ride: Holne
9 miles (▲ 370m ▼ 370m)
5 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson, George Rogers, John Rogers
Michael had been charging his new Cateye Volt 1200 since 2pm, so it was fully charged for this evening's ride. The evening was chilly buy dry, and we managed a good ride that took us up to Cross Furzes, down to Coombe, through Holne the steep way and home via Hembury Woods. George had cold hands and borrowed Michael's gloves three times. The Cateye light was fantastic – almost worth the £109 it cost - and was far superior to Michael's old light. This made a very nice final evening ride of the season.
Sunday 2 October 2016
10:15 - 14:30
Morning ride: Totnes
Sunny but slightly chilly
17 miles (▲ 285m ▼ 285m)
4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
As we rode out along Colston Road, Michael tested his new Asda mobile signal, which uses the EE network, and it turned out to be generally good everywhere. We continued on through the Cider Press Centre, where we saw an unusual wooden "caravan" on display in the courtyard, then after following the cycle path towards Totnes we were disappointed to find there was not much water on Totnes weir.

We went to Morrisons for lunch, although Michael only had a coffee. We then rode home via Littlehempston, taking the steep track shortcut but this time getting no punctures whatsoever. The little stone bridge at the bottom is actually a private bridge linking parts of a farm I think. We took the short route home via Green Lane, which saved us half a mile but added some additional metres of climb, bringing us home by 2.30 after another enjoyable ride.
Friday 14 October 2016
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Pizza Hut
5 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
This evening we drove to Pizza Hut at Barbican, Plymouth since everyone wanted to go. We got some good deals and our pizza and desserts kept us occupied there for the whole evening.
Sunday 16 October 2016
10:50 - 14:30
Morning ride: Totnes Food Fair
16 miles (▲ 300m ▼ 300m)
4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, John Rogers, Will Rogers
We rode along Colston Road to Totnes to see the Food Fair in the market area. Totnes was busier than usual today, with the main street closed off. An annoying woman told Michael he was not allowed to cycle because the road was closed, so he told her he didn't think that applied to cyclists and carried on.

There were more stalls than usual in the Food Fair, although flapjacks had still not returned. Michael bought a hot vegetable bake, Dillan had the £6 chicken fry thing and we shared a chocolate brownie that was very nice despite being more liquid than solid. We enjoyed our visit.

We returned home via Dartington and noticed that the new primary school was being demolished! We checked on the internet and discovered that the roof had started to leak in 2014 and the architects and builders will be sued by Devon County Council. Evidently the roof could not be repaired so they are flattening the school and starting again, which is all quite disgraceful. We continued to Staverton Bridge and got home by around 2.30.
Friday 21 October 2016
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Indoor Games
5 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
We started the evening with Will and Dillan playing chess. Will won that game, then we all started what was a new game for most of the group - Risk. We used to play this at club socials in the 1990s, and today a new generation of club members discovered the fun of the game. We didn't finish the game of course but we took a photo of the board so we can continue it on another occasion.
Sunday 23 October 2016
10:15 - 15:30
Day ride: Costa, Newton Abbot
Cloudy and breezy but dry
24 miles (▲ 380m ▼ 380m)
3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson
Gavin needed to get some new SPD pedals from BigPeaks at Ashburton. We have long thought of making a special visit to our nearest Costa coffee shop at Newton Abbot, so today we decided to make that our destination. We took the main road through Bickington at high speed and got to the café at around 12.20.

When we had finished our cakes and coffee we headed along the main road to Ipplepen where we stopped at Fermoys for lunch - today we really did feel like the Café To Café club (CTC).

Our return route took us back through Ipplepen and Ambrook to Staverton and Caddaford, bringing us home for 3.30.
Friday 28 October 2016
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Risk
3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers
A massive Risk game kept us occupied for the whole evening. We didn't quite finish the game and there was no clear winner by the end, but we had great fun along the way.
Page 380 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants