South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 30 October 2016
10:15 - 16:00
Day ride: Avon Railway, Loddiswell
Dry with sunny spells
28 miles (▲ 635m ▼ 635m)
4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
Our return to setting provisional destinations for Sunday rides got off to a good start as four of us set off from Buckfastleigh at 10.35 in cloudy but dry conditions. We rode through Harbourneford to South Brent and then took a Google Maps shortcut to the Sign of the Owl pet centre near Wrangaton before heading along the B-road to California Cross. The sun broke through now from time to time, and we made good progress to Loddiswell. The Chilli Farm café looked interesting but we had set our mind on Avon Mill.

We arrived by around 12.20 and quickly settled into the café for very tasty but expensive soups and snacks. We then moved upstairs to the balcony for the second course, enjoying coffee cake and lemon meringue pie in the early afternoon sunshine.

The return route proved far more interesting and varied. We rode up to the old Loddiswell railway station and joined the path the follows the old railway line to Topsham Bridge. It’s been a few years since we last rode this path and we were pleased to discover that there are now no obstructions, apart from a fallen tree that required a small deviation. As we emerged at the far end John commented that the path was “all right”, high praise indeed from someone who is not a fan off off-road.

We were back on the South Hams lanes for the final part of the ride, taking us through Moreleigh and past Diptford. As we rode down the hill towards the solar farm we had to stop for three huge trailers carrying old tractors. John thought they had probably come from a ploughing match, and when we met two more between the viaduct and South Brent it looked like he was spot on. We finally found the entrance near the A38 junction at the top of Dean hill, with several horse boxes leaving the event.

We got home by 4pm after taking the short-cut down the A38. It had been a good ride, so we hope to set provisional destinations for most of our future rides.
Friday 4 November 2016
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Games Evening
5 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
We started with a chat with Gavin and family, who had been here for a mini Bonfire night. Soon after 8.00 we got back to the social, and decided to complete the game of Risk we had started before. It was an enjoyable game, although Will made some rather strange decisions. We still hadn't finished it by 10.25, so we took photos of the board to continue it another day.
Sunday 6 November 2016
10:15 - 15:30
Morning ride: Bovey Tracey
Sunny and dry but chilly at 6°C
22 miles (▲ 365m ▼ 365m)
3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, John Rogers
We set off around 10.35 and decided to ride to the Brookside Tearooms, Bovey Tracey for coffee with a view to going on to Lustleigh for lunch, as John said he was in no rush. We made good pace through Blackpool to Bovey Tracey, arriving at 12.00, and we had nice coffees and cakes in the Brookside. Dillan had a soup instead. While we were in there, we discovered that the Primrose Cafe at Lustleigh was now closed, which was rather sad.

John then received a text that meant he had to ride home by the shortest route to sort out a problem in the shop, so sadly we rode back the same way and got home at 2.20.
Friday 11 November 2016
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Games Evening
3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers
George and Dillan played PC games for the first part of the evening, then we finished with some music quizzes where initially they raised hands to answer but later just wrote down their answers and marked them. Everyone had a lot of fun with this. They won one game each, then George just managed to win his second game before leaving a bit earlier than usual at 10.10.
Sunday 13 November 2016
10:15 - 17:00
Day ride (Car-assisted): Exeter Ship Canal
Sunny periods but chilly
19 miles (▲ 75m ▼ 75m)
5 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson, Harry Pearson (1, Buckfastleigh), Hayley Russell (Junior, Buckfastleigh)
We left a bit late at 11.00, then had to go to BigPeaks on the way so Gavin could fix a brake bolt on Hayley’s bike. She also ended up buying a helmet and a saddle. We got to Exeter Marsh Barton and parked near the canal at 12.15 or so. They had brought Alfie the dog with them! Harry looked very happy on his special seat.

We rode to the quayside, then past the Welcome Café, which closed in October, but we noticed it is being taken over by new owners and will start up again in January. We followed the canal path all the way to Powderham. A new path has been built from Turf Lock and a new bridge erected over the rail crossing to avoid the hazard of walking across the line. It was all very smart, but from this wonderful new path it was not possible to see the estuary at all.

We got to the Powderham road at 1.35. Here we trusted Hayley to know the way to Powderham café as we had never been there, but she was not sure. We followed Google Maps to the right and found that entrance was closed, so looking at the map on the sign we thought it would involve using the main road whichever way we went, so we carried on. But at the main road there was no pavement. Gavin tried walking with the dog, but it was way too slow and not safe for Gavin or the dog, so he doubled back along a track while we went on. Hayley then remembered going there without using the main road, and a guy told us there was a right of way to the Lodge, so he recommended trying to find that way in.

We all got to the café in the end, and it was excellent. We had to wait ten minutes for Gavin to join us, then we ate in the restaurant. Dogs were not allowed in there, so we all had to eat outside! It was a bit chilly, but OK. Soup was £5.50 so not cheap at all, but it was nice soup with thick slices of bread.

For our return journey we followed the path back to Powderham Lodge which was much easier than the route we had taken to get there. We reached the rail junction by 3.35 after Hayley needed a chain link removing. It was a bit grey and chilly now, so we rode straight back to Exeter at good speed, reaching the car by 4.30.
Friday 18 November 2016
10:00 - 22:15
Social: Games Evening
4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
We started the evening with a discussion about where to go for our Christmas Lunch ride this year, as our usual venue, the Ilsington Hotel, is fully booked. We then played a new game of Risk, which involved several alliances being made, mainly between George and John and between Dillan and Michael. Whilst we didn't complete it by 10.20 we all agreed that Dillan was the strongest player on the board by the end of our time
Sunday 20 November 2016
10:15 - 15:15
Day ride: Kingsteignton
Sunny after overnight rain
24 miles (▲ 455m ▼ 455m)
4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
Michael had proposed Holne or Widecombe as a destination today, but George wanted Trago Mills and Dillan wanted to ride further than that, so we decided to ride to Costa Kingsteignton for coffee first and then go to Trago for lunch on the way home.

There was a lot of surface water on the A383 to Newton Abbot, and Dillan, who was just behind Michael, got sprayed by his back wheel and got in a bit of a state about it. Michael suggested he rode in front of him, then several cars on the other side went through a lake in the road and sent a wave of water all over poor Dillan. The rest of us got it too, but not as bad as Dillan. His shoes were filled with water and he was not at all happy!

We arrived at Costa at around 12.05, and had to wait a while for our food as there was a long queue. Michael's camera was on a go slow for some reason, so he only got one photo. We enjoyed the usual nice Costa coffees and cakes, although we should probably have bought the special Christmas shimmer cake, a very moist-looking chocolate cake.

Now George had changed his mind and wanted Subway for lunch instead of Trago, so we rode to Subway in Market Walk, Newton Abbot, and bought lunch for £3.20 each. There were a few Newton Abbot teenagers playing in Market Walk while we ate it, and I don't think our youngsters were too impressed with their behaviour.

From here we took the Google Maps recommended route home, which meant riding through East Ogwell and Denbury, an excellent and very enjoyable route. Michael managed to take another photo with his phone camera near Ogwell. We got home at around 3.10 after a very good ride.
Friday 25 November 2016
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Games & Video Evening
4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
We had advertised a video evening tonight, but the younger members wanted to play games instead, so they played Supreme Commander on the PCs while John and Michael had a chat and discussed tour ideas for 2017. We also watched an episode of Star Trek original series, which John found interesting.
Friday 2 December 2016
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Games Evening
3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers
Only George and Dillan came for the social again this evening. They played computer games for the first part of the evening, then we all played Twenty Questions until 10.15, which was a lot of fun for everyone.
Sunday 4 December 2016
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride: Endsleigh Garden Centre
22 miles (▲ 505m ▼ 505m)
5 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson, George Rogers, John Rogers
Google Maps took us along the back lanes to Bittaford, and as we rode at a good pace, we arrived at Endsleigh soon after 12.00. We went to the farm cafe today, which was quiet and not too expensive but a bit sparse on food. It's just as well we went there though, as the main garden centre cafe had a huge queue when we went in there to look around the pet store.

We rode back along the cycle path through Ivybridge to McColls so that George could buy his Subway meal, but Gavin, Dillan and Michael went to Tesco Express to buy some cheap sandwiches, which actually weren't particularly nice today. From there we rode straight home along a similar route for 3.15, concluding a good, energetic ride.
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Events Index Gallery Participants