South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 52 of 408 (4072 items)
Wednesday 12 July 1989
Evening ride (Paignton): Stoke Gabriel
4 Participants: Richard Hopper, Philip Roberts, David Robinson, Philip Robinson
Richard enjoys leading these rides from Marldon because the 'locals' can show off their knowledge of the local byways. This time it was the small lanes to the east of Beacon Hill on our way to Stoke Gabriel. En route we discovered a dozen items of camping gear - cooking pans, broken crockery, etc - on the road, that had presumably fallen off some poor grockel's car.
Friday 14 July 1989
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Lambsdown
15 Participants: Erica Brown, Hazel Brown, Anthony Davis, Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Luke Kudliskis, Chris Platt, Alan Skinner, John Stuart
"Paul Hamlyn-White stopped dead in his tracks. He stared fixedly at the creature in front of him, trying to work out why it had not run off as he approached like the others had done. The creature stood its ground as Paul grappled with his inadequate memory banks: he was sure there was something about cows, if only he could remember. Then he saw the horns. A quiver of fright ran through his body. This was a bull.

A detailed examination of the creature's expression told him that it was not pleased. Furthermore, Paul was fairly certain that he was the object of its displeasure. With only a couple of metres of rough moorland between them, he looked around to see where he could run. Behind him were the other club members. They seemed to be waiting some way off - if only he had been using his eyes and brain instead of trying to get down the hill first. But it was too late to think of that now. He had to do something.

The decision was made. Quietly, carefully, he edged backwards, trying not to move too quickly and smiling blandly back at the bull. The bike, which had been fine for the descent, was not making things any easier now. The bull was watching his movements intently. Paul was sure it was about to charge at him, but the distance increased and the bull didn't come.

When he had put ten metres between them, Paul turned around and ran back to the others as fast as his legs would carry him. How they laughed to see his face, as white as a Persil sheet.

By this time Simon and Michael had arrived on the scene. Simon, usually unafraid in the most terrifying situations, studied the situation carefully and recommended that we give the creature a wide berth. The club carefully swung away from the track and passed the bull at least 15 metres to its right. As Michael looked back he was relieved to see the herbivore still in its previous position, contenting itself to watch the antics of South Dartmoor CTC in quiet amusement. The crisis was over.

As he began to relax at last, Paul contemplated the events that had led him here. He recalled the long, hard climb past Skerraton, a hill that few of the club members had climbed before. He thought of the names he had called Michael when the track route to Lambsdown was announced. He remembered the feeling of exhilaration he had experienced when he emerged onto the open moor, the evening sun casting long, mysterious shadows from the grassy hillocks at his feet. And he remembered the final descent towards Cross Furzes.

Yes, this had been an evening to remember. He decided he was in no fit state to join the others at the Crofters Cafe. That would have to wait until another day."
Sunday 16 July 1989
Day ride: 80km Reliability Ride
13 Participants: Erica Brown, Hazel Brown, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Roger Johnson, Michael Jones, Philip Roberts, Andrew Simmons, John Stuart, Gary Taylor, Julie Twydell-Hobday, Jeremy Weston, Martyn Williams
This ride, designed to introduce members gently to the concept of reliability rides, proved tougher than the distance would suggest as a result of the hot, sunny conditions. Several would-be participants were put off before the start by the weather forecast.

Richard's carefully-selected route took the participants initially through Newton Abbot, Teigngrace and Heathfield to Bovey Tracey. It was Michael who first discovered that ice-cool cans of Sunkist could be purchased from the Brookside Tearooms for consumption outside the premises - stocks soon ran low as temperatures soared!

Leaving Bovey there was a short delay when Michael's rear tyre exploded. Following the Fingle Bridge incident a few weeks earlier he had fitted a tyre from the Dawes, which today turned out to have severe skid marks in rather important places. When temporary repairs had been effected and grateful members had soaked up the coolness which abounded under the nearby trees, slow progress began along the climb to Manaton. Poor Erica was having some breathing problems and decided to take her time. The rest of the group settled in the shade of a tree at the top of the hill and watched as Michael stole the limelight yet again, this time by eating a molten Yorkie bar.

Members had heard of the new cafe complex at Becky Falls, and today seemed an ideal opportunity to sample its delights. It appeared to have been completely rebuilt in modern style, a great improvement on its previous image.

Erica was still suffering under the heat when we were ready to leave, so she and Hazel returned homewards while the rest of us continued to Heatree Cross for lunch in the shade of some trees. All but Richard then proceeded to complete the ride, following a devious and quite hilly route to Postbridge where the Post Office supplied us with much-needed refreshments. The Bellever road then took us past cooling waters (Julie couldn't resist a dip) to Bel Tor Corner.

When Michael had repaired his rear tyre again, some insisted on taking Dr Blackall's Drive to New Bridge as there had been no rough riding at all on the route sheet. Michael conceded, but decided to lead the road group in view of the state of his rear tyre. This proved a definite mistake. Around the first corner the road vanished under a sea of molten Tarmac. As we pedalled through the sticky mess we realised the penalty of falling off would be ruined clothes and ruined shoes. There was no stopping, and seemingly no end to the nightmare. Never had any of us seen a road in such a state. Clearly the weather conditions were exceptional.

Relief came at Poundsgate. We would have a good evening's work cleaning our bikes that night, but for now we contented ourselves with a dip in the River Dart at New Bridge.

Congratulations to the successful participants: Philip Roberts, Roger Johnson, Martyn Williams, Gary Taylor, Jeremy Weston, Andrew Simmons, John Stuart, Michael Jones, Steven Hills and Julie Hobday. Certificates will be awarded at the Christmas Lunch.
Wednesday 19 July 1989
Evening ride (Paignton): Torbryan
5 Participants: Richard Hopper, Stephen Larkin, Philip Roberts, David Robinson, Philip Robinson
Torbryan was the chosen destination, and we returned via Park Hill and Compton, where they were still playing cricket.
Friday 21 July 1989
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): River Dart Country Park
18 Participants: Nathan Arecco, Erica Brown, Andrew Caunter (10, Ashburton), Anthony Davis, Gary Duquemin, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, Mark Hedges, Paul Hedges, Martin Hills, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Chris Platt, Shane Powell, Martin Rushworth, Alan Skinner, John Stuart
The Country Park, which had been busy all day, was now relatively quiet except for the security officer on the gate. He wanted to see confirmation of our right of free access, granted by special permission of the director.

When the Anaconda Run had been given a good polish by the rear ends of our members we continued on through the park to Holne Chase. Those wanting to visit Spitchwick were narrowly defeated on the vote, and so return was made via Holne, Shuttaford and the Hembury track - lighting conditions, moisture content and direction of travel were all perfect this evening.
Sunday 23 July 1989
Weekend ride: Beer Youth Hostel
Day 1
19 Participants: Erica Brown, Hazel Brown, Mark Hedges, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Philip Humphreys, Michael Jones, Stephen Larkin, Mark Moxham, Shane Powell, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, John Stuart, Ken Twydell, Paul Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday
Exmouth served as the unofficial final rendezvous for this fabulous weekend, everyone having been carried across the Exe estuary on the ferry from Starcross for the sum of £1.30 per person and bike. Ken and Simon somehow managed to get punctures within 50 metres of the ferry. We had already eaten our respective lunches, so other forms of amusement had to be found, such as filling water bottles, while repairs were effected.

The ride continued through the village of Littleham to Budleigh Salterton. Here there was time for a short exploration of the stony beach before returning to the bikes for the delightful excursion through Otterton. Sadly, evidence of the drought abounded everywhere: the lanes here were as dry and arid as we had ever seen them, and the stream which usually runs through the village had completely dried up.

We were getting thirsty ourselves. Having enjoyed the views from the summit of Peak Hill we descended into Sidmouth and selected the Mocha cafe on the sea front from the many establishments that traded in the town. The three who ordered Knicker Bocker Glories were not at all sure that the selection had been a good one: they seemed to consist mainly of sauces, with only a scant taste of ice cream here and there. Toby's Rainbow looked better value, so Martin and Michael tried them as well!

The climb to Salcombe Regis was exhausting in the sweltering heat. But then there was the descent through delightful Branscombe, adorned as usual with a profusion of carefully-tended flowers.

One more climb and a track descent brought us to the hostel by 6.30, in good time for the adequate evening meal. Vegetarians were less pleased with their substitution of fruit juice in place of the chicken soup.

In the cool of the evening there was a grand expedition to Beer beach. Several went for a dip, although such activity was fraught with danger: the stones on the beach were almost too painful to walk on with bare feet, and the beach itself fell away sharply under the water, leaving the youngsters out of their depth within a few metres. Those preferring to watch from some of the many deck chairs were entertained by a dog who might have done well in a circus. The youngsters couldn't understand why he kept bringing a large plastic fish tray to them in his mouth, but all became clear when they threw it out to sea: he retrieved it in the same way that ordinary dogs retrieve small sticks!
Monday 24 July 1989
Weekend ride: Beer Youth Hostel
Day 2
19 Participants: Erica Brown, Hazel Brown, Mark Hedges, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Philip Humphreys, Michael Jones, Stephen Larkin, Mark Moxham, Shane Powell, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, John Stuart, Ken Twydell, Paul Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday
A late breakfast contributed to the lazy atmosphere that surrounded us all next morning. There was even time for photographs on the hostel lawn before eventual departure at 10am. By popular request our first call was at Beer Quarry Caves, the result of many hundreds of years of underground hand quarrying. We hadn't bargained for the unhelpful lady who barred the entrance. She couldn't do discounts as we were three short, although she eventually agreed to let adults in for child prices. She couldn't do a quick tour - the standard length was 1 hour and the next one started at 10.30. And we couldn't even have a look in the entrance for half price: it was definitely all or nothing. We examined our watches and decided that it would have to be nothing - obviously her superiors have so much business that they can afford to turn down £20 windfalls without a thought!

The next stop was for refreshments at Sidford, which we reached by the main ridge road. After Newton Poppleford we took the lanes and tracks through Hawkerland to the wooded ruins of Woodbury Castle, which offered excellent shelter from the midday sun during lunch, delightful scenery and good opportunities for the mountain bikers amongst our group.

The last part of our ride turned out to be the toughest. A long descent brought us to Topsham, where the local garden centre offered a welcome tap. Even with this supply of water, the climb from Clapham to Haldon was exhausting. The whole hill was exposed to the full heat of the afternoon sun. Not surprisingly, the group voted overwhelmingly to return via Bovey Tracey, where a good hour was spent enjoying cool refreshments before people made their various ways homewards.
Wednesday 26 July 1989
Evening ride (Paignton): Mansands
9 Participants: Ben Hobday (5, Paignton), Dave Humphreys, Philip Humphreys, Matthew Jago, Stephen Larkin, Philip Roberts, Martin Shipp, Ken Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday
Demands for a beach ride were satisfied by taking the back lanes through Blagdon and Hillhead to Mansands. The last part of the route involved an interesting track descent which only three rode all the way - and two of those were Ken and Ben with the trailer!

When some had enjoyed a swim and others had equally enjoyed poking around the rocks, this excellent evening was rounded off with a return via STC.
Friday 28 July 1989
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Prishamsleigh
17 Participants: Nathan Arecco, Andrew Caunter, Gary Duquemin, Julian Duquemin, Chris Giles, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Mark Hedges, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Chris Platt, Kevin Presland, Martin Rushworth
In a successful attempt to avoid radial roads we took a sequence of three tracks from Pridhamsleigh to Thornecroft, being delightfully surprised to discover a small stream running down the last. Some of us hadn't seen water under wheel for many months. Encouraged by the earlier tracks we continued down Simon's favourite footpath to Lower Combe, behind Highñer Beara, and then to Staverton via Wash Farm and Abham. The Colston Road return concluded yet another delightful evening.
Sunday 30 July 1989
Day ride: Elender Cove
13 Participants: Nick Buchanan, Richard Burge, Paul Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Ian Luke, Craig Nichols, Darren Nichols, Philip Roberts, John Stuart, Gary Taylor
The sun shone brightly for our most enjoyable beach ride of the year. As we rolled beyond East Prawle the deep blue sea opened out in front of us, just beckoning us along the dusty little track that would lead us eventually to our secluded destination. A few moments later Nick and Ian were in, watched from high above by those who preferred to eat first.

The waves came crashing down on the beach with such force that Martin, Paul and John spent more than an hour revelling amongst them. Others explored nearby rocky coves, but everyone had a fabulous afternoon. When the time came to say goodbye to the clear, fresh waters, no-one wanted to leave. But maybe the sun will shine for us again in 1990.
Page 52 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants