South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 182 of 408 (4072 items)
Friday 25 June 1999
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride: Staverton

11 Participants: Julian Duquemin, Ryan Edmondson, Philip Harrigan, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Jamie Mercer, Phillip Oakley, Gavin Pearson, David Wafer, Ian Yolland
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Colston Road - Staverton Park with plan of playing Frisbee there, but cricketers were in residence so went to Broadhempston instead to play Frisbee there, but Frisbees went over fields and hedges 4 times and had to be retrieved. Had a great time there, then straight home for 9.30.]
Sunday 27 June 1999
10:00 - 17:55
Day ride: Bozomzeal
Mainly sunny
7 Participants: Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Ryan Edmondson, John Hayes, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson, Ian Yolland
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Mainly sunny with occasional spots of rain. 10.45 Totnes. Fast progress brought us to Bozomzeal for 12.15 lunch. Enjoyed refreshments outside the Station Restaurant in Dartmouth with lots of hungry seagulls helping themselves to scraps on nearby tables. Returned across ferry but progress was slowed by Gavin having problem with saddle. Longcombe, Berry Pomeroy, Littlehempston, then Julian's tyre blew out and there were two punctures to fix. Home by 5.55.]
Friday 2 July 1999
Evening ride: Totnes

12 Participants: Julian Duquemin, Ryan Edmondson, Luke Fursdon, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Dominic Klinkenberg, Oliver Lindley, Jamie Mercer, Phillip Oakley, Gavin Pearson, Scott Riley, David Wafer
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[The ride went up towards Rattery saw mill - through Dartington to Brutus Bridge, back to Dartington along the cycle path then home via Colston Road. Jamie fell off on a sharp corner on Colston Road and damaged his knee which required hospital treatment.]
Sunday 4 July 1999
14:15 - 17:15
Afternoon ride: Café Forge, Holne

13 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Ryan Edmondson, Luke Fursdon, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, James Kilgour, Austin Loder, Gavin Pearson, Scott Riley, David Wafer, Ian Yolland
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Road through Buckfast and Michelcombe to Holne, where played Frisbee in the park for 10 minutes before descending on Café Forge for 3/4 of an hour. Took track to RDCP (much enjoyed by all) then took Hembury track, exploring the cave along the way. Michael had a blow-out which he repaired in 10 minutes. Home by 5.15.]
Tuesday 6 July 1999
18:30 - 20:40
Evening ride (Junior): Staverton

10 Participants: Michael Jones, Dominic Klinkenberg, Michael Maslin, Gavin Pearson, Dave Ramsden, Frances Ramsden, Jasmine Ramsden, David Stuckey, Ashley Wafer (Junior, Buckfastleigh), David Wafer
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Colston Road - Riverford track, Staverton. Back through Abham and High Beara to Green Lane. Lots of talkative children. Home by 8.40.]
Friday 9 July 1999
Evening ride: Lambsdown
Sunny and warm
11 Participants: Julian Duquemin, Ryan Edmondson, Colin Ford, Luke Fursdon, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Dominic Klinkenberg, Phillip Oakley, Gavin Pearson, Jerry Unknown (Junior, Devon), Ian Yolland
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Scott and Austin came to the start but then went elsewhere. Dean Prior, Lambsdown, Frisbees, home by 9.30. Superb sunny evening.]
Sunday 11 July 1999
10:00 - 16:20
Day ride: Manaton Water
Very hot
8 Participants: Richard Burge, Ryan Edmondson, Luke Fursdon, John Hayes, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson, Ian Yolland
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Very hot. Luke slow at start. 10.20 Ashburton, 11.00 Bovey Tracey. Lunch by cobbled bridge over Manaton Water. Afternono tea at Widecombe. Home by 4.20]
Friday 16 July 1999
Evening ride: Landscove
Dry start, rain later
7 Participants: Ryan Edmondson, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Dominic Klinkenberg, Oliver Lindley, Phillip Oakley, Gavin Pearson
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Peartree Cross, Chuley Cross, took track towards Beaston (a bit overgrown at first). Returned home via Green Lane as rain began to set in. Michael over handlebars on the woodland track to Combe, sustained a cracked rib.]
Saturday 17 July 1999
10:00 - 23:00
Weekend ride: Beer YH
Day 1
Perfect weather
7 Participants: Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Ryan Edmondson, Luke Fursdon, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Perfect weather all weekend. Julian had wheel checked and trued at the Mountain Bike Centre, Ashburton, then got a puncture. Simon waited for him at the Budgie Box, Caton, and finally got to Starcross Ferry at 12.45. Had lunch, then took 1pm ferry and then proceeded with all speed for tea at Sidmouth, stopping only at Otterton for the summer fete on 'Green'. Played Frisbee in Sidmouth Park. Long hot climb. Branscombe café had closed at 5pm. Arrived at hostel at 6pm. Had supper outside on tables overlooking the garden. Ryan and Gavin playing football with other children staying at the hostel before we went for a walk on the beach. Ryan and Gavin bought puddings from hostel before bed.]
Sunday 18 July 1999
08:00 - 17:55
Weekend ride: Beer YH
Day 2
Perfect weather
7 Participants: Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Ryan Edmondson, Luke Fursdon, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Leisurely start with breakfast outside again. More Frisbee throwing, then straight to Newton Poppleford for morning coffee and "Very Chocolatey" pudding - very good café. Lunch at Woodbury Common. Gruelling ride home via Exeter Ship Canal, Shillingford St George. Home by 5.55]
Page 182 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants