South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Friday 29 December 2006
18:00 - 22:15
Social: Christmas Special

6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Dennis Ham, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Scott Mount, Ben Parker
The Christmas Special social included computer games, mince pies, a section of downhill video taken on a previous tour to Norway, and a Charades game at the end of the evening that provoked much merriment. Zac came first and Ashley second, with both sharing the generous prize - vouchers for the club shop!
Sunday 31 December 2006
10:15 - 12:15
Morning ride: Totnes Longmarsh
Dry start, rain later
9 miles
4 Participants: Matt Grute, Dennis Ham, Charlie Hornsby, Michael Jones
The weather forecast this morning was very clear: heavy rain would move in at around 12.00. We set off along Colston road, determined to make the best possible use of the 90 minutes of dry weather available to us. Sadly, however, Charlie had different ideas: he managed to ride over some dead wood and drove the biggest thorn we had ever seen right into his tyre, through the tube and out of the sidewall!

Michael rushed to get his spare mountain bike inner tube, only to discover that Charlie's rim wouldn't accept Schrader valves! Having fixed the two punctures caused by the thorn we then discovered a third from an unrelated thorn, so it was half an hour later when we finally got moving again.

At Huxham's Cross we made the decision to get home by the time the rain started rather than risk going on to Totnes and getting drenched, so we detoured along the riverside path at Staverton and then headed home via Hole Farm and Abham. Matt put up an impressive performance on his first ride with us, so we got back to Buckfastleigh in double quick time.

The rain began as we entered Buckfastleigh at 12.01 so our confidence in the Met office was thoroughly vindicated! Computer games at Crofters provided some compensation for the shortened ride.
Friday 5 January 2007
19:00 - 22:30
Social: Swimming

7 Participants: Ash Freeman, Glen Fulford, Matt Grute, Dennis Ham, Michael Jones, Scott Mount, Ben Parker
There would have been nine taking part in this swimming trip to the Riviera International centre at Torquay, but sadly we couldn't arrange transport for late-bookers Zac and Josh. Several hadn't been to this leisure centre before, and everyone had a fun time.

There were races on the big flume (slide) against the clock, and by the end of the session some initially very slow times (from Ben and Scott) had been brought up to very respectable performances. Matt and Michael tied for first place, however, with times of 14.2 seconds.
Sunday 7 January 2007
14:15 - 15:40
Afternoon ride: Broadhempston
4 miles
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Matt Grute, Alex Harrigan, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Scott Mount
Alex and Zac were showing off their new bikes today, but the early forecasts of dismal weather did not bode well for our afternoon ride to Broadhempston. Several were put off by the weather, but 6 were determined to do at least a short ride as the 2.15 start time drew nearer.

A downpour on the way to the start prompted us to head for home via Buckfast, but the rain proved patchy, so there was some enthusiasm for a spin through the Hembury tracks by the time we reached the end of Grange Road.

We took the riverside track as far as the swing, and then headed back to the car park via the higher track, finishing with a brisk descent of the final section of woodland track to the bridge. A few short spells of heavier rain left Scott and Zac a little less than enthusiastic, but Alex and Matt more than made up for it, and everyone felt pleased to have braved the elements as they posed for the group photo.
Friday 12 January 2007
19:00 - 22:30
Social: Games Evening

6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Matt Grute, Dennis Ham, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Scott Mount
Our fortnightly evening of computer games was once again dominated by Bomberman, Rise of the Witch King and the XBox 360.
Sunday 14 January 2007
10:15 - 16:25
Day ride: Stover Country Park
25 miles
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Matt Grute, Alex Harrigan, Michael Jones, Scott Mount
Four of us set off from the start on this beautiful sunny morning, but we had only reached Furzeleigh Mill when we got a call from Alex's Mum saying he had gone to the clubroom for 10.15 instead of the ride start!

He caught us up in just a few minutes, and soon we were speeding along the A38 which offered the easiest and fastest route to our destination. A piece of barbed wire on the side of the road was hit by a few of the group but miraculously caused no punctures!

Stover Country Park appeared busy as we rode along the woodland paths. We didn't get to see the recently-added air walk, but stopped at the picnic tables beside the lake for some food and Frisbee fun.

Scott was suffering with a back pain, and a shower further dampened his spirits as we headed out along the track to Teigngrace. The younger riders felt proud to find themselves riding as far from home as Newton Abbot, but the climb towards Ipplepen proved too much for Scott on this occasion. We stopped at Fermoys for some excellent food and a well-earned rest, and then Scott's father collected him from the car park at 2.30.

The rest of the group pressed on through Ipplepen in bright sunshine, delayed only by some puddle splashing, led of course by Alex. We paused at Staverton Park for some serious Frisbee practice and then headed home via Caddaford. Congratulations to Ashley on successfully completing his longest and hardest ride to date.
Friday 19 January 2007
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Tours 2007

4 Participants: Glen Fulford, Dennis Ham, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Our special preview of our 2006 tour programme concentrated on the Easter tour, to the Somerset Levels and the Quantocks. Video clips were shown from our last tour to the area, at Easter 2004, which the youngsters found very enlightening.

All members interested in joining the Easter tour should ask Michael for the information booklet which includes colour photos, full details and a booking form. Applications will be considered from club members who have been riding with the club for several weeks and who are deemed capable of reaching Level 3 of the training programme by the end of February.
Sunday 21 January 2007
10:15 - 12:15
Morning ride: Spitchwick
Sunny, then wintry showers
10 miles
14 Participants: Galarina Beriot (10, Devon), Louise Beriot (10, Devon), Yoland Beriot (Adult, Devon), Tao Burgess, Ash Freeman, Matt Grute, Henry Gunter, Josh Ham, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Jill Hockmuth, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Ben Parker, David Robinson
We were pleased to welcome three new members today - and the return of some familiar faces who have been away for far too long! Zac was back too, having replaced his new bike for another with a smaller frame.

After riding out through Buckfast in brilliant sunshine we set out along the lower Hembury track. It was wet and muddy in places after the recent heavy rains and storms, but nearly everyone enjoyed the challenge and we were soon back on the tarmac, tackling the final hill to the high road.

The three-stage downhill to New Bridge offered plenty of fun for everyone, but Dave Robinson was slightly disappointed on arrival that nobody else wanted to stop for a cup of tea at the refreshment van! Instead we took the track down to Spitchwick, a surprisingly new destination for several of our members who could just imagine how perfect it would be in midsummer.

Frisbees, football and refreshments joined with the magnificent scenery to keep everyone happy for at least half an hour. The Frisbee kept getting stuck in the branches of a tree, but Josh the Monkey retrieved it for us every time - with just a little help from his friends. And when the football ended up in the icy waters of the river Dart and several youngsters were debating who should be given the task of retrieving it, a passing canoeist, pleased to be useful at last, rushed to the rescue!

We had planned to return home via Buckland to make a circular route, but several had to be home by 1.30 so we headed back up Holne Chase, which Ashley helpfully reminded everyone would now be a three-stage uphill! The single wintry shower that had been forecast for the day chose now to make its presence known, but it held back the worst of its unpleasantness until we had completed the famous "slalom" downhill track through Hembury Woods, a new and unforgettable experience for several members.

Matt was charged with leading the group through Jordan Street and up through Barn Park, so quite why he watched from the bottom of Barn Park while three non-Buckfastleigh members disappeared around the corner towards Hapstead we will never know! Michael quickly retrieved them as the freezing rain did its best to give everyone frostbite, and the warm clubroom then proved extremely welcome with its hot drinks and refreshments.

The huge attendance of 14 for this mid-winter morning ride was the largest we have had for several years, reminding us of the times when we regularly attracted 18-30 riders on half-day rides. We hope that members will spread the word so that we can once again get good such attendances for all our rides.
Friday 26 January 2007
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Games Evening

4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Ben Parker
Zac managed to make our Battle for Middle Earth 2 contest a little more interesting than usual this evening: he turned against team mate Ben on the grounds that he didn't have enough spare cash to help him rebuild his fortress!
Sunday 28 January 2007
10:15 - 16:35
Day ride: Haytor Tramway
Cloudy but dry
23 miles
7 Participants: Matt Grute, Dennis Ham, Charlie Hornsby, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Ben Parker, David Robinson
Six of us made good speed to Bickington and up the hill to Birchanger Cross. Zac met us here, transported by car at Michael's insistence to make the ride more manageable for him.

There was a stiff breeze on the moor once we reached sight of Haytor. Soon we were on the granite tramway, built in 1820 to transport granite slabs from the quarry to the Stover canal. It is rare to find tracks built of granite. The tramway led us into the old quarry where we hunted around for shelter from the cold wind. Finally we found one spot where there was no wind, and when the sun came out for its only appearance of the day we knew we had chosen a perfect place for lunch. The youngsters found plenty of amusement on the lake, with Ben and Matt vying for the best performance on the log.

Cloud cover had once again returned, but we opted for the extreme off-road route to Hound Tor by a narrow majority. Dave Robinson didn't fancy such antics on his touring bike however, so he headed for Buckfastleigh and the warmth of his car.

The younger members weren't too impressed with Michael's first short-cut across the gorse-strewn moorland beside the quarry, but they soon warmed to the challenging descent to the bottom of the valley. Some walkers warned us of the mud and puddles in the woods, but they didn't really slow us down that much.

After every good descent comes a stiff climb, and today was no exception to that rule. Charlie and Michael helped Zac and Dennis carry their bikes up the side of the hill, and soon we were examining the remains of the medieval village of Hundatora, just behind Hound Tor. Zac searched for and quickly found the Dartmoor letterbox he had hoped to find, and then we enjoyed the exciting descent to the car park where the food van, aptly names the Hound of the Basket Meals, was waiting to serve us. Michael was particularly grateful for their service as he had neglected to bring a packed lunch!

Matt took a shortcut across a corner near Bone Hill, and even though he had been warned of a boggy area by Michael he still managed to sink wheel-deep into the mire! The descent to Ashburton was somewhat chilly, so we were all glad when we finally reached Buckfastleigh. Those who forgot to bring gloves will certainly do so for the next ride!
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Events Index Gallery Participants