South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 22 October 2006
10:15 - 17:00
Day ride: Converted to Social
Torrential rain all day
3 Participants: Matt Grute (15, Buckfastleigh), Michael Jones, Ben Parker
The forecast rain commenced a few minutes before the start of the ride, so we hastily convened a social at Crofters. There were hot drinks and computer games together with an afternoon trip to Dyrons leisure centre at Newton Abbot for numerous games of badminton.

We were pleased to welcome Matt to club activities, now beginning to get used to his new bike. And with yet another interested youngster ringing today we now have four more waiting to join us on their first ride.
Friday 27 October 2006
19:00 - 22:30
Social: Cinema Trip, Click

2 Participants: Ryan Edmondson, Michael Jones
Just two of us booked up for the cinema trip to Plymouth. The film Click provided a good evening of top quality comedy entertainment.
Saturday 28 October 2006
15:00 - 23:00
Weekend ride: Bellever YH
Day 1
Foggy with some drizzle
3 miles
3 Participants: Glen Fulford, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones
Our last hostel weekend for 2006 was to Bellever, but the weather didn't look too promising on the Saturday afternoon. Ryan hasn't been hostelling before and had been off cycling for several weeks, and when Michael was delayed by another appointment we decided to use car assistance to Bellever.

We arrived at the hostel at around 4.30, although we could only just see it through the thick mist and light drizzle. We were determined to do a decent ride before settling down for the night, so we set off along the track to Laughter Hole farm.

Both Ryan and Glen got excited when they saw a rough track branching off to the left, signposted to Babeny. We explored it for a while, and both youngsters enjoyed the rocks and mud, but eventually they agreed to return to the main track. We were soon on the open moor, although you could hardly tell where you were because of the fog. Glen wanted to explore ahead, so Ryan and Michael watched him disappear silently into the mist. He eventually returned having discovered a digger and a lake, and wanted us all to go on. Ryan finally agreed, and we ended up riding all the way down the track to Dunnabridge. We took a look at the concealed seat behind the wall and then headed back to the hostel at maximum speed as the light faded.

Our evening consisted of hot showers, educating Ryan on the techniques of using YHA sheet sleeping bags, preparing a meal (spaghetti for Ryan and rice for Glen), cleaning the kitchen, walking through the pitch blackness to the village phone box so that Glen could ring home, walking to the nearby bridge over the river with only the light of a fading bike light, enjoying some games of Atomic Bomberman in the dormitory (yes, Michael brought his laptop!) and finishing with some games of Pool in the hostel games room. All in all we had an action-packed evening, and everyone slept soundly - and quietly - until morning!
Sunday 29 October 2006
08:00 - 18:00
Weekend ride: Bellever YH
Day 2
23 miles
3 Participants: Glen Fulford, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones
The weather next morning was excellent, with bright sunshine greeting us as we set off for Postbridge. There was time to call into the Post Office and village stores so that the lads could buy some drinks, then we took a look at the famous clapper bridge before heading off along the main road towards Two Bridges. Both lads were very interested in the derelict buildings of the Powdermills that can be seen from the road, so we detoured down the driveway and took a look at the proving canon, originally used to test the strength of the gunpowder manufactured on the site.

As we continued along the main road we noticed that we were picking up cobwebs as we rode! Looking around, there were cobwebs lining the roadside vegetation and huge lengths of cobwebs floating through the air, all glistening in the morning sunshine. Maybe the weather had been good for spiders last night?

Next stop was Princetown, where we checked that the prison was still there before heading for the Foxtor cafe. The fire engine was there, having just put out a fire in the cafe's kitchen, but the cafe was still open for business. There was a special menu on today for riders of the CTC's Dartmoor Devil audax, and well over 200 riders were expected during the day. None had arrived yet so we got fast service.

With plenty of time to spare we then set off along the old Princetown railway, now a very pleasant cycle path. The riding was easy and the weather perfect as we enjoyed the excellent views and scenery. Some sections of the track include long loops to avoid steep gradients, but we weren't in any rush and the youngsters enjoyed the bumpy sections just as much as the smooth bits. Eventually we met the main road and headed back to Princetown for further refreshments, this time meeting some friends taking part in the Audax.

Dark and ominous clouds had spread quickly over Dartmoor while we ate, but fortunately no rain was forthcoming and we made it back to Dunnabridge and over the track to Bellever without getting wet at all. Both lads were quite tired after the day's riding, which came to more than 23 miles, and they were glad to see the car. They were very keen to take part in another weekend as soon as possible, which just goes to show how much they had enjoyed their weekend on Dartmoor.
Friday 3 November 2006
19:00 - 22:30
Social: Games Evening

4 Participants: Glen Fulford, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Ben Parker
Zac and Glen spent the evening playing PC games while Ben and Michael enjoyed Bomberman and Battle for Middle Earth 2.
Sunday 5 November 2006
14:15 - 17:30
Afternoon ride: Avon Dam
Sunny but cold
13 miles
4 Participants: Glen Fulford, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Ben Parker
Our November afternoon ride was headed for one of our favourite destinations. Progress up Nurston hill was hampered by Chris Mabin's wide tractor: Ben and co decided it was too wide to be passed, so they went back down the hill to a wider part of the lane!

It was nearly 4.15 when we arrived at Shipley Bridge. The car park was nearly full, but most visitors were heading back down from the dam as the light began to fade. The only other person heading up with us was a woman on horseback, but her horse had other ideas when she tried to pass us. Apparently the animal was terrified of bicycles, and this was part of the reason she had brought him out today! Well try as she might she could not get the horse to pass us, so with gritted teeth she told her mount that he'd do it backwards then! With that she turned him around and backed him past us, which, whilst a little ungainly, seemed to do the trick!

We soon passed the picnic table that Zac had assured us was there, and when we finally reached the reservoir it was not as deserted as we might have supposed: several people (and dogs) were still soaking up the tranquillity and admiring the views from both sides of the dam. We stopped just long enough to eat some refreshments, then set off at a good pace with Michael chivvying everyone along in the diminishing light.

The sunset over White Barrows was magnificent this evening, and as we climbed the hill we were faced with a bright, full moon rising over the horizon. During the descent of the Abbots Way the moonlight became increasingly our main source of light, so this turned out to be one of the eeriest rides we had ever undertaken to Avon Dam!

It was close to dark when we finally reached Cross Furzes, but we had plenty of lights between us for the final descent to Buckfastleigh. We finished the ride just after 5.30 with everyone having thoroughly enjoyed the ride.
Friday 10 November 2006
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Video Night

4 Participants: Ryan Havinga, Hallam Iles (10, Holne), Michael Jones, Ben Parker
While deciding on a DVD for the evening's entertainment we introduced new member Hallam to the joys of Atomic Bomberman. We finally chose Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit and everyone thoroughly enjoyed this excellent film in glorious widescreen and surround sound.

During the interval Hallam entertained us all by finding a novel way to break the segments of his Chocolate Orange: he threw it onto the kitchen floor with no warning whatsoever! Amazingly none of the segments were damaged, so we deduced he must be something of an expert with Chocolate Oranges.
Sunday 12 November 2006
10:15 - 16:00
Day ride: Tuckenhay
Dry with sunny spells
25 miles
4 Participants: Alex Harrigan (10, Buckfastleigh), Michael Jones, Ben Parker, David Robinson
New rider Alex kept up an excellent pace along Colston Road and thoroughly enjoyed the Totnes cycle path. As we paused briefly by the weir, a canoe drifted towards us manned by a father and daughter team. They laughed at our suggestion of continuing up the weir but the daughter insisted on getting a taste of the rapids by moving over to the lower edge of the weir. The strong current caught the front of the canoe first, and within a few seconds they were both in the water. The embarrassed father shouted back to us that this was not the way to do it as the unimpressed daughter struggled to the bank and the magnificent heron observed it all from its vantage point on the nearby fence!

We met Dave Robinson at Totnes, out on his first ride for many years, who had arrived early and had been waiting for us for more than an hour. He had to wait a little longer while Ben, Alex and Michael raided Morrisons for lunch, then we set off for the start of the Ashprington track.

This track was recently converted to a cycle path, so the long muddy stretches and steep inclines are now a thing of the past. Autumn leaves were everywhere and we all enjoyed the fabulous views of the Dart and the long descents through the fields. Emerging at Ashprington we detoured through the play park and then headed down the hill to our usual lunch spot by the stepping stones at Tuckenhay creek. We were impressed by the numerous ducks before three noisy but magnificent geese dropped in to join in the fun.

We'd come to see Tuckenhay, so we did a quick ride along the creek to the village and then retraced our steps for the Harbertonford road, a flat valley route that seemed much more inviting than the climb up Corkscrew hill! The village store at Harbertonford was much larger on the inside than it appeared from the outside, with several layers of hidden depths around every corner. Once refreshments had been enjoyed by the river we said goodbye to David and headed off for Diptford, passing Kevin and some of his Torbay Section cohorts along the way.

It was about now that Michael expected Alex to be showing signs of tiredness, but the ten-year-old impressed us all by finding new reserves of energy and powering up the long climb from Rolster Bridge. He continued at that speed all the way home via Rattery, determined not to walk any of the hills. So it was that we got back to Buckfastleigh by 4pm, with plenty of time for computer games to round off an excellent day.
Friday 17 November 2006
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Games Evening

6 Participants: Ash Freeman (11, Buckfastleigh), Glen Fulford, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Scott Mount (12, Buckfastleigh), Ben Parker
A range of games kept everyone happily occupied this evening, including new members Scott and Ashley.
Sunday 19 November 2006
10:15 - 14:45
Morning ride: Dr Blackall's Drive
Sunny with occasional showers
14 miles
9 Participants: Ash Freeman, Glen Fulford, Alex Harrigan, Ryan Havinga, Charlie Hornsby (14, Ipplepen), Dave Hornsby (Adult, Ipplepen), Michael Jones, Scott Mount, Ben Parker
Bright sunshine greeted our largest turnout for several months, which included no fewer than four new members. After picking up Ben at Buckfast an almost unanimous vote took us along the lower Hembury track, which turned out to be quite muddy in places after the recent heavy rain. A huge group of walkers cramped our style somewhat near the end, but were surprisingly friendly as we regrouped at the end.

New and experienced members alike enjoyed the downhill to New Bridge, where the anticipated ice cream van prompted a stop for refreshments - which in Scott's case included a Hot Dog!

Everyone agreed to extend the ride by an hour so that everyone could complete the planned ride, which led us to the next step of climbing Poundsgate hill. The first of the predicted "isolated showers" made the climb even more challenging for our younger riders, so by the time we reached the top of the main climb three were ready for a shortcut. Michael led Ryan, Scott and Glen a short distance along the track to a meeting place on the moorland and then returned to catch up with the others on the final stages of the road climb. Charlie had no difficulty with any of the hills, although he admitted he was impressed by young Alex, on only his second ride, who just kept on powering past him! Ashley got top marks for achievement, however: he opted out of the short-cut and pushed himself on to the top, spurred on just a little perhaps by the offer of a free Hot Dog!

The youngsters posed at the top for photos with some ponies, and Ben, being Ben, left his helmet on the verge when we all set off for the track. We had been riding for a full seven minutes before he realised he was helmetless, so the rest of us braved the strong winds and the third isolated shower to view the impressive Dart Valley from a high overhanging rock.

The sun returned again and Doctor Blackall didn't disappoint with his magnificent drive. Just a few minutes later and we were reunited with the three younger riders, who had passed the time by rolling down the moorland slopes and, apparently, giving directions to passers-by! They had missed the upper reaches of the tracks, but the best was still to come. The final downhill across the moorland tracks provided a rollercoaster ride that left everyone elated - and muddy!

Hot soups and other refreshments from the ice cream van prepared everyone for the climb back to Hembury, although Scott, Ashley and Ryan needed a little encouragement. Once they were in sight of Hembury Woods, however, they all found new energies, and finished the ride feeling justifiably proud of their achievements. They made the most of the reward, by staying for computer games until after 6pm.
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